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The London and Country BrewerThe London and Country Brewer The many Inhabitants of Cities and Towns, as well as Travellers, that have for a long time suffered great Prejudices from unwholsome and unpleasant Beers and Ales, by the badness of Malts, underboiling the Worts, mixing injurious Ingredients, the...
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La Mejor Cocinera, Recetas de CocinaLa Mejor Cocinera, Recetas de CocinaSopa de yemas de obispo Juliana de huevo fina de croqueta de ajo de pasta de macarrones de almejas de pescado ms fina de queso de mariscos real de almendra de arroz Lionesa de pescado de vigilia Juliana para...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883We give engravings of one of a type of eight-coupled locomotives constructed for service on the St. Gothard Railway by Herr T.A. Maffei, of Munich. As will be seen from our illustrations, the engine has outside cylinders,...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883The continuous current and the alternating current generators invented by Dr. J. Hopkinson and Dr. Alexander Muirhead are peculiarly interesting as being probably the first in which the bobbins of the armature were wound with copper ribbon...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883The cultivated and patriotic city of Barcelona is about to erect a magnificent monument in honor of Columbus, the personage most distinguished in the historic annals of all nations and all epochs. The City of Earls does...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882Every year in March the deer loses its antlers, and fresh ones immediately begin to grow, which exceed in size those that have just been lost. Few persons probably have been able to watch and observe the...
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Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, 28 BandSchöpfungen der Ingenieurtechnik der NeuzeitDie Leistungen der Technik der Neuzeit reden eine so machtvolle und berzeugende Sprache, da im Gegensatz zu frheren Zeiten die Kenntnis der wesentlichsten Zweige der Technik zu dem Rstzeug des Gebildeten gehrt. Die Schpfungen der Ingenieurtechnik nehmen insofern eine besondere...
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Opportunities in EngineeringOpportunities in EngineeringSeveral years ago, at the regular annual meeting of one of the major engineering societies, the president of the society, in the formal address with which he opened the meeting, gave expression to a thought so startling that the few laymen who...
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The Iron HorseThe Iron HorseTalk of earthquakes! not all the earthquakes that have rumbled in Ecuador or toppled over the spires and dwellings of Peru could compare, in the matter of dogged pertinacity, with that earthquake which diurnally and hourly shocked little Gerties dwelling, quivered the...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 362, December 9, 1882Scientific American Supplement, No. 362, December 9, 1882The accompanying portrait of M. Gustave Trouv is taken from a small volume devoted to an account of his labors recently published by M. Georges Dary. M. Trouv, who may be said to have had no ancestors...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882When Sir Henry Bessemer, in 1856, made public his great invention, and announced to the world that he was able to produce malleable steel from cast iron without the expenditure of any fuel except that which already...
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Things Mother Used to MakeThings Mother Used to Make - A Collection of Old Time Recipes, Some Nearly One Hundred Years Old and Never Published BeforeThe Things Mother Used To Make consist of old fashioned recipes, which have been for the most part handed down by word of...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882In the accompanying engravings are represented the two prize designs for the new Capitol or Parliament Building at Berlin, of which one is by Prof. Friedrich Thiersch, of Munich, and the other by Mr. Paul Wallot, of...
- ¥967 JPY
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Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings Together with Refreshments for all Social AffairsIce Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings Together with Refreshments for all Social Affairs Author of Mrs. Rorer's New Cook Book, Philadelphia Cook Book, Canning and Preserving, and other Valuable Works on Cookery In this book, Philadelphia Ice Creams, comprising the first group, are very...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 430, March 29, 1884Scientific American Supplement, No. 430, March 29, 1884The genus Cuscuta contains quite a number of species which go under the common name of dodder, and which have the peculiarily of living as parasites upon other plants. Their habits are unfortunately too well known to...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882We give this week an engraving of a radial drilling machine designed especially for the use of boiler-makers, this machine, together with the plate bending rolls, forming portion of a plant constructed for Messrs. Beesley and Sons,...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 363, December 16, 1882Scientific American Supplement, No. 363, December 16, 1882Some centuries ago, the appearance of so large a comet as is now interesting the astronomical world, almost contemporaneously with our victory in Egypt, would have been looked upon as an omen of great portent, and it...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881The death of this distinguished man must be recorded. An interesting rsum of his labors by M. Daubree has appeared, from which we take the following facts. After a training in his native town at the Lyceum...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881A Chemist of merit, Mr. A. Mntz, who has already made himself known by important labors and by analytical researches of great precision, has been led to a very curious and totally unexpected discovery, on the subject...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 286, June 25, 1881Scientific American Supplement, No. 286, June 25, 1881The asphalt mines and petroleum fountains are most abundant in that part of the country lying between the River Zulia and the River Catatumbo, and the Cordilleras. The wonderful sand-bank is about seven kilometers from the confluence...
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