UNO DE LOS MEJORES LIBROS DEL A?O DE NPR Y KIRKUS REVIEWS Una novela por una brillante nueva voz, una historia queer sobre alcanzar la madurez que trata de la compleja relaci?n entre un joven inmigrante, su madre y su madre patria.
Un joven espera que su madre lo recoja del colegio. Pero a su mam? se le olvid? que es mam? y nunca llega. Se fue a buscar al padre ausente del joven a las monta?as de Colombia. Cuando al fin regresa, avienta las cosas del padre en el patio trasero y emigra con sus dos hijos a Miami, donde sus vidas dan un giro dram?tico.
En Estados Unidos, su madre trabaja de mesera, cuando antes fue doctora. El joven abraza su identidad queer sin reservas, as? como abraza su nuevo hogar, pero no queda libre de una sensaci?n de p?rdida. Al ir creciendo, la relaci?n con su madre se vuelve angustiosa, enredada, un amor tan intenso que bordea el dolor v?vido, pero tambi?n es el axis sobre el cual giran todas sus decisiones. Es posible que lo haya olvidado alguna vez, pero ella est? siempre en la mente de ?l.
El joven se muda a Nueva York, entrando y saliendo de la cama de distintos hombres mientras busca algo, a alguien, que lo vuelva un hombre completo de nuevo. Cuando su madre lo invita a ir con ella a Colombia a visitar a la familia, vuelve ahora como un hombre joven que intenta encontrar la paz con su padre, con su patria, con la persona en quien se ha convertido desde que se fue y con quien su madre es: al final, logramos conocerla y saber de sus secretos, su compleja ambivalencia y su amor fiero.
Hombrecito es el retrato conmovedor de un joven dividido entre culturas, entre ideas dis?miles de s? mismo. De manos de un extraordinario nuevo talento, nos llega una historia contada con una sobrecogedora belleza e intensidad, una historia para todo aquel en busca de un hogar, en busca de una forma de amar.
A novel by a brilliant new voice, Hombrecito is a queer coming-of-age story about a young immigrant's complex relationships with his mother and his motherland In this groundbreaking novel, Santiago Jose Sanchez plunges us into the heart of one boy's life. His mother takes him and his brother from Colombia to America, leaving their absent father behind but essentially disappearing herself once they get to Miami.
In America, his mother works as a waitress when she was once a doctor. The boy embraces his queer identity as wholeheartedly as he embraces his new home, but not without a sense of loss. As he grows, his relationship with his mother becomes fraught, tangled, a love so intense that it borders on vivid pain but is also the axis around which his every decision revolves. She may have once forgotten him, disappeared, but she is always on his mind.
He moves to New York, ducking in and out of bed with different men as he seeks out something, someone, to make him whole again. When his mother invites him to visit family in Colombia with her, he returns to the country as a young man, trying to find peace with his father, with his homeland, with who he's become since he left, and with who his mother is: finally we come to know her and her secrets, her complex ambivalence and fierce love.
Hombrecito--"little man"--is a moving portrait of a young person between cultures, between different ideas of himself. From an extraordinary new talent, this is a story told with startling beauty and intensity, a story for anyone searching for home, searching for a way to love.
Author: Santiago Jos? S?nchez
Publisher: Vintage Espanol
Published: 05/06/2025
Pages: 336
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.81lbs
ISBN: 9798890982438
Language: Spanish
About the AuthorSantiago Jos? S?nchez (they/them), Grinnell College Assistant Professor of English and graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, is a queer, Colombian American writer. Santiago's writing has appeared in McSweeney's, ZYZZYVA, Subtropics, Joyland, and been distinguished in Best American Short Stories. They are the recipient of a Truman Capote Fellowship from the University of Iowa and an Emerging LGBTQ Voices Fellowship from Lambda Literary. Residence: Grinnell, Iowa Hometown: Miami, Florida