Old Is Gold
The Stoneground Ghost TalesThe Stoneground Ghost Tales - Compiled from the recollections of the Reverend Roland Batchel, Vicar of the parish. TO MONTAGUE RHODES JAMES (LITT.D., HON. LITT.D. DUBLIN, HON. LL.D. ST. ANDR., F.B.A., F.S.A., ETC.) PROVOST OF KINGS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, FOR TWENTY PLEASANT YEARS MR. BATCHELS...
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Bentley's Miscellany, Volume IBentley's Miscellany, Volume IBY FRIDOLIN. PRELIMINARY DISQUISITION ON HUMAN GREATNESS, TOUCHING UPON THE TRUE PHILOSOPHY OF THE MATTER. "Some men are born great,some acquire greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Thus read my aunt Jemima, and thus subsequently read I, in the...
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Thackerayana: Notes and AnecdotesThackerayana: Notes and AnecdotesA LARGE portion of the public, and especially that smaller section of the community, the readers of books, will not easily forget the shock, as universal as it was unexpected, which was produced at Christmas, 1863, by the almost incredible intelligence...
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Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Vol. 2 (of 2)Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Vol. 2 (of 2)My dear Sir,I give you thanksand, that I may make the best of so poor and unsubstantial a return, permit me to say, that they are such thanks as can only come from a nature unworldly...
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Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Vol. 1 (of 2)Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Vol. 1 (of 2)Hitherto no attempt has been made to publish a collection of Coleridges Letters. A few specimens were published in his lifetime, both in his own works and in magazines, and, shortly after his death in 1834,...
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Sprotje's verder levenSprotje's verder levenHet was bijna vier weken geleden, dat zij, na veel zwijgend verduurde pijnen bedlegerig geworden, en eindelijk zelfs geen voedsel meer tot zich kunnende nemen, naar hier werd overgebracht; t was maagkanker, had ze de dokters hooren zeggen; zij wist, dat ze...
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Das Leben TolstoisDas Leben TolstoisTolstois heldenhafter Lebenskampf spielt sich wie der Michelangelos in entsetzlicher Einsamkeit ab; denn auch er ist einer der Gewaltigen der Menschheit, zu denen die Nachwelt in Ehrfurcht aufblickt, einer von denen, die Trster fremder Einsamkeit waren, Sieger der Welt und arme Besiegte...
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Dulce Nombre (Novela)Dulce Nombre (Novela)Nota del Transcriptor: Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. Una mujer, sosegada y madura, teje su calceta a un extremo del saln, sentada en un celemn puesto del revs. A pocos pasos de ella, una...
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SprotjeSprotjeToen om even voor vieren, met een uitjoel van vrijgelaten baldadigheid, de zwerm deerns de school kwam uitgestoven, bleef achter in de plots huiver-leege gang, aan de schemere deur-opening van t lokaal, dat voor naaikamer diende, een bleekneuzig kind in een bruin jurkje nog...
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Abel Sánchez: Una Historia de PasiónAbel Sánchez: Una Historia de PasiónNota del Transcriptor: Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Con la intencin de conservar el texto original, signos de interrogacin y exclamacin no se usan al principio de la mayora de las preguntas y exclamaciones respectivamente. Pginas en...
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Captured at Tripoli: A Tale of AdventureCaptured at Tripoli: A Tale of Adventure "WELL, we've seen something of the fun," exclaimed Hugh Frazer, as the last of the 89th Regiment of Infantry filed through the jealously-guarded gateway of the Naval Yard at Naples. "Come on, let's get back to the...
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Dodo: A Detail of the Day. Volumes 1 and 2Dodo: A Detail of the Day. Volumes 1 and 2And far out, drifting helplessly on that grey, angry sea, I saw a small boat at the mercy of the winds and waves. And my guide said to me, 'Some call the sea "Falsehood," and...
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CharlieCharlieNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Au sortir de chez la fleuriste o elle avait prtext d'aller...
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Un cœur virginalUn cœur virginalRoman, c'est un roman. Et ce ne serait que cela, si l'on n'avait tent, par une analyse sans scrupules, d'y dvoiler, si l'on peut dire, les dessous d'un cur virginal, d'y montrer que l'innocence a ses instincts, ses besoins, ses obissances physiologiques....
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CynthiaCynthia - With an Introduction by Maurice HewlettMy first acquaintance with Mr. Merrick's engaging and stimulating muse was made in the pages of Violet Moses, an early work, which appeared, I remember, in three volumes. Reading it again in the light of my appreciation...
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NoémiNoémiNow only did Jean look up, and what he saw made him drop his half-finished shaft and forget it. What Jean saw was this: a girl at some distance above him on the face of the rock, swaying a long-handled hammer, with which she...
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Chroniques de J. Froissart, tome 1/13, 1re partieChroniques de J. Froissart, tome 1/13, 1re partieFroissart est un monde. Au triple point de vue historique, littraire, philologique, on pourrait mme ajouter romanesque et potique, le chroniqueur de Valenciennes reprsente peu prs seul pour le commun des lecteurs un sicle presque entier, et...
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Wolkenüberflaggt: GedichteWolkenüberflaggt: Gedichte E. W. Lotz wurde 1890 in Culm a. d. W. geboren, lebte in Wahlstadt, Karlsruhe, Pln und im Kadettenkorps Lichterfelde. Mit 17 Jahren wurde er Fhnrich im Infanterie -Regiment Nr. 143 zu Hamburg, nach dem Besuch der Kriegsschule in Cassel Leutnant im...
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The Mother's Dream, and Other PoemsThe Mother's Dream, and Other PoemsWe were shown a beautiful specimen of the ingenuity of birds, a few days since, by Dr. Cook, of this borough. It was a birdsnest made entirely of silver wires, beautifully woven together. The nest was found on a...
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Das Liebeskonzil: Eine Himmels-Tragödie in fünf AufzügenDas Liebeskonzil: Eine Himmels-Tragödie in fünf Aufzügen"Es ist got gefellig gewesen in unsern tagen kranckheiten zu senden (als wol zu achten ist) die unsern vorfaren unbekant seint gewesen. Da bey haben gesagt die der heiligen geschrift obligen, das die blatteren u gotz zorn kumen...
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