Public Domain
The Little Review, October 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 7)The Little Review, October 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 7) Thou who art alive with the shadowed wounds of ages hast heard me crying out to embrace thee, my soul beseeching thee to fold me against thy black bosom. And in answer thou hast let...
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FarewellFarewellIn spite of all the soulful utterances of people comfortably off, economic independence remains the first condition of happiness. This is not to say that people arent great fools for preferring law to literature. It is rather to imply that a poet who can...
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Lemmen näyttelijätär: Romantillinen kuvaelmaLemmen näyttelijätär: Romantillinen kuvaelmaSe, ken katseli nihin silmiin, kammahti vlttmttmsti sit rajua tulta, joka niist leimusi, ja ihmistuntija ei olisi, tarjotessansa syvn kumartavalle kerjliselle almun, huomannut noiden sinertvien huulien ymprill kiitollisuuden herttm hymyily, vaan selvint ivanaurua ja mit ilmeisint ylenkatsetta sek ihmiskuntaan ett itsehens....
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Die Wiedertäufer von Münster: Drama in 5 AktenDie Wiedertäufer von Münster: Drama in 5 Akten Offene Vorhalle des Rathauses in gotischem Stil. Dahinter ein Platz, der in der Mitte von den Stufen und dem Portal einer Kirche abgeschlossen wird. Die Halle ist nach allen Seiten offen, nur links stt sie an...
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Legends of Old Honolulu (Mythology)Legends of Old Honolulu (Mythology) - Collected and Translated from the HawaiianThe ancient Hawaiians were not inventive. They did not study new methods of house-building or farming. They did not seek new tools or new weapons. They could live comfortably as their ancestors lived....
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The Ivory King: A popular history of the elephant and its alliesThe Ivory King: A popular history of the elephant and its alliesThe elephant is the true king of beasts, the largest and most powerful of existing land animals, and to young and old a never ceasing source of wonder and interest. In former geological...
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The Heir of MondolfoThe Heir of Mondolfo In the beautiful and wild country near Sorrento, in the Kingdom of Naples, at the time it was governed by monarchs of the house of Anjou, there lived a territorial noble, whose wealth and power overbalanced that of the neighboring...
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Tolstoy's interpretation of money and propertyTolstoy's interpretation of money and propertyAssuming that our society may exist without positive laws it could also exist without money. The Russian reformer, Leo N. Tolstoy, is consistent with his doctrine of social reform[1]. According to him enacted law is violence, private property is...
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Sämtliche Werke 11: Autobiographische SchriftenSämtliche Werke 11: Autobiographische Schriften Die frheste publizistische Ttigkeit Dostojewskis fllt in die Zeit nach seiner Rckkehr aus Sibirien im Herbst 1859. Im Jahre 1860 begann er mit den Vorarbeiten fr eine politisch-literarische Monatsschrift Die Zeit (Wremj), die er dann seit dem Januar 1861...
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Nick Carter Stories No. 138 May 1, 1915 The Traitors of the Tropics or, Nick Carter's Royal FlushNick Carter Stories No. 138 May 1, 1915; The Traitors of the Tropics; or, Nick Carter's Royal FlushIssued Weekly. Entered as Second-class Matter at the New York Post Office, by Street & Smith, 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York. Copyright, 1915, by Street & Smith....
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Facts and fancies for the curious from the harvest-fields of literatureFacts and fancies for the curious from the harvest-fields of literature - A melange of excerptaThe electrotype plates of a compilation which maintained remarkable popularity for more than thirty years, Gleanings for the Curious from the Harvest Fields of Literature, having been destroyed in...
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Cosmic SaboteurCosmic SaboteurHe had gotten off the "El" two stops down because it was a damn fine Spring morning and he liked to walk through the Polish section and watch the city wake up. He was 17 years old and he hadn't grown cynical with...
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The Terror Out of SpaceThe Terror Out of Space"Ten thousand credits an Earth year, Boone, win or lose. Full command of the field force. Five per cent cut on the profits if you get a mekronal processing unit in production on one of the unassigned satellites ahead of...
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Revolt of the OutworldsRevolt of the OutworldsAmplifiers swelled the clarion call of the trumpet above the keening Martian wind which swept into the great central plaza of Syrtis Major City. Two hundred thousand outworld citizens, the entire population of Syrtis, huddled together in the cold and watched...
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Del governo della peste e della maniera di guardarseneDel governo della peste e della maniera di guardarsene Di umile schiatta nacque il d 21 ottobre 1672 in Vignola, terra del Modenese, ed ebbe in et fanciullesca un dozzinale maestro di rudimenti di lingua latina da cui spesso distaccavasi volentieri per deliziarsi nella...
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Shakespeare at the Globe, 1599-1609Shakespeare at the Globe, 1599-1609From 1599 to 1608 or 1609 the Globe playhouse was the home of the Chamberlain-Kings company and the only theater where it publicly presented its plays in London. The Globe was imitated by Henslowe, the theater magnate, and lauded by...
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Der Tempel: RomanDer Tempel: RomanSchwarze Baumstmme ragen trostlos aus dem schmutziggrauen Schnee auf. Von den belebten Straen klingeln gedmpft die Schlittenschellen herber. Das Herdfeuer in der Kche der alten Frau Bernstein wirft blasse Lichtarabesken auf die schmierigen Wnde, spielt auf dem Glas einer verblaten Photographie, die...
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Senescence, the Last Half of LifeSenescence, the Last Half of LifeOur life, bounded by birth and death, has five chief stages, each of which, while it may be divided into substages, also passes into the next so gradually that we cannot date, save roughly and approximately, the transition from...
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Benton's VentureBenton's VentureN-no, theres life in her yet, I guess. Course she needs overhauling, as you might say, and some paint. But shes got four whole cylinders, a good set of gears anan some other things. No, she aint as bad as she looks. If...
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Clerambault: Geschichte eines freien Gewissens im KriegeClerambault: Geschichte eines freien Gewissens im KriegeDieses Werk ist kein Roman, sondern das Bekenntnis einer freien Seele inmitten der Qual, die Geschichte ihrer Irrungen, ngste und Kmpfe. Man mge keine Selbstschilderung darin erblicken werde ich eines Tages ber mich selbst schreiben wollen, so wird...
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