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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 44, Vol. I, November 1, 1884Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 44, Vol. I, November 1, 1884In the minds of foreigners, it is held to be one of the many peculiarities of the people of these islands that so much of their casual conversation...
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Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremburg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946, Volume 13Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremburg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946, Volume 13Mr. Justice Jackson and Defendant Schacht: It is desired on behalf of the interpreters that you should pause if possible after the question has been put...
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You Don't Walk AloneYou Don't Walk AloneIt wasn't my ideaI wasn't the first one to think of it. It started with John Kelley, who passed the idea on to me. And I'm going to do something about it. I think John wanted to but he never got...
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My Home in the AlpsMy Home in the AlpsIn this little volume, much of the matter in which first appeared in the St. Moritz Post, or, as it is now called, the Alpine Post, I have jotted down a few things of interest to the ordinary traveller in...
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No-Risk PlanetNo-Risk PlanetThe natives got a big kick out of it when I told them what the name of their planet means in English. It means peaceful. From what I could gather, the first Terran to land here fifty years ago was so impressed with...
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Siberia TodaySiberia To-DayThe attitude of mind with which a writer approaches his subject is the core of his book. My purpose in recording my observations and impressions while serving in Siberia is to tell such citizens of the United States as may be interested some...
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The Wine Press and the Cellar: A Manual for the Wine-Maker and the Cellar-ManThe Wine Press and the Cellar: A Manual for the Wine-Maker and the Cellar-ManIn 1876 the Mission grape sold in California for from $7.50 to $10 per ton, and foreign varieties for from $14 to $18 per ton, and consequently many vineyardists in districts...
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Kellanpunainen timanttiKellanpunainen timanttiI. Siev panttilainaajatar II. Rouva Goldmarkin ruokala III. Kuollut mies IV. Platinanappi V. Kaksi kirjett VI. Espanjalainen ksikirjoitus VII. Parlamentin jsen VIII. Tutkinto IX. Kenen ne sormukset olivat? X. Melky tulee vliin XI. Takaovi XII. Peeblesilinen ystv XIII. Avunpyynt XIV. Yksityinen laboratorio XV....
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Learning and Other EssaysLearning and Other EssaysAn expert on Greek Art chanced to describe in my hearing one of the engraved gems in the Metropolitan Museum. He spoke of it as certainly one of the great gems of the world, and there was something in his tone...
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The Passing of MoroccoThe Passing of MoroccoFor several years I had been watching Morocco as a man who follows the profession of Special Correspondent always watches a place that promises exciting copy. For many years trouble had been brewing there. On the Algerian frontier tribes were almost...
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PoemsPoems Gulielmum Wickamum, ut optimum parentem agnosco, suscipio, colo, cui si quid in me doctrinae, virtutis, pietatis, et Catholicae religionis, maxime acceptum refero. Quippe qui ab ineunte aetate, in Wintoniensi primum, deinde et Oxontensi eius collegio, ad omnem ingenii, doctrinae, et pietatis cultum capessendum...
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The Power of MusicThe Power of Music - In which is shown, by a variety of pleasing and instructive anecdotes, the effects it has on man and animals.An unmarried lady, about thirty years of age, in consequence of violent grief in her youth, experienced various derangements in...
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Labour and the Popular WelfareLabour and the Popular WelfareNearly all the general truths of Economic Science are, directly or indirectly, truths about the character or the actions of human beings. It is, consequently, always well to warn the readers of economic works, that in Political Economy, more than...
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A Tragic IdylA Tragic IdylCHAPTER I. Le "Tout Europe" II. The Cry of a Soul III. A Scruple IV. Lovers' Resolutions V. Afloat VI. Il Matrimonio Segreto VII. Olivier du Prat VIII. Friend and Mistress IX. Friend and Mistresscontinued X. A Vow XI. Between Two Tragedies...
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Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes (mythology)Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes (mythology) - Collected and translated from the HawaiianOf all the noteworthy groups of islands of fire rock in the Pacific Ocean, the Hawaiian Islands are the most stupendous. The crack in the floor of the ocean upon which they are...
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Gabrielens Spitzen: Zwei NovellenGabrielens Spitzen: Zwei Novellen Die Frau, von der ich jetzt erzhlen will, war eines Schreibers Tochter in einer rheinischen Stadt, in der die ppigkeit eines kleinen Frstenhofes, Kunstsinn einer altangesessenen und wohlhabenden Brgerschaft und natrliche Leichtlebigkeit und Anmut der unteren Bevlkerungsschichten zusammenwirkten, um einen...
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Cuentos valencianosCuentos valencianosp. 4Esta Casa Editorial obtuvo Diploma de Honor y Medalla de Oro en la Exposicin Regional de Valencia de 1909 y Gran Premio de Honor en la Internacional de Buenos Aires de 1910. Era popular y comparta la general admiracin con aquella dulzaina...
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The BagpipersThe Bagpipers MY DEAR CHILD,As you like to hear me relate the tales told by the peasants at our veilles,I mean the watch-nights of my youth, when I had time to listen to them,I shall try to recall the story of tienne Depardieu, and...
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Vidéki emberek (novellák)Vidéki emberek (novellák)Igy, karcsony fel mindig eszembe jut az a viseltes kis ember a Nagy Lidi ura, akit tn kegyed is ismer az utczrl; az a flrevonul, alzatos emberke, aki ppen azltal lett feltn, hogy elbujni iparkodott ebben a vilgban, ahol mindenki nagy s...
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