Public Domain
Die Hochzeit der Esther Franzenius: RomanDie Hochzeit der Esther Franzenius: RomanAuf dem Flu hingen des Morgens Nebel, die sich in zarten Tnungen auch noch ber die Uferwiesen hin erstreckten. In den Straen sangen nach altem thringer Brauch die Kurrendeschler mit ihren schwarzen Chormntelchen angethan. Sie zogen von Haus zu...
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The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 09The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 09 - Tangential ViewsA GERMAN physician of some note once gave it out as his solemn conviction that civilized man is gradually but surely losing the sense of smell through disuse. It is a fact that we...
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Our Lady of DarknessOur Lady of Darkness She is the defier of God. She is also the mother of lunacies, and the suggestress of suicides. Deep lie the roots of her power; but narrow is the nation that she rules. For she can approach only those in...
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El abuelo (Novela en cinco jornadas)El abuelo (Novela en cinco jornadas)p. vA los lectores que con tanta indulgencia como constancia me favorecen, debo manifestarles que en la composicin de El Abuelo he querido halagar mi gusto y el de ellos, dando el mayor desarrollo posible, por esta vez, al...
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The year of jubilee; but not to AfricansThe year of jubilee; but not to Africans - a discourse, delivered July 4th, 1825, being the 49th anniversary of American independenceThough no apology for the present publication, or for the form in which it appears, will be attempted, yet it may not be...
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Nick Carter Stories No. 135. April 10, 1915 Straight to the Goal Or, Nick Carter’s Queer ChallengeNick Carter Stories No. 135. April 10, 1915; Straight to the Goal; Or, Nick Carter’s Queer ChallengeHow to Send MoneyBy post-office or express money order, registered letter, bank check or draft, at our risk. At your own risk if sent by currency, coin, or...
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Nick Carter Stories No. 134, April 3, 1915 The Secret of Shangore Or, Nick Carter Among the SpearmenNick Carter Stories No. 134, April 3, 1915; The Secret of Shangore; Or, Nick Carter Among the SpearmenHow to Send MoneyBy post-office or express money order, registered letter, bank check or draft, at our risk. At your own risk if sent by currency, coin,...
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The Doctrines and Discipline of the Colored Methodist Episcopal ChurchThe Doctrines and Discipline of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church - Revised Edition 1918The text is divided into fifty eight Chapters, which are grouped into nine Parts. The Chapters are not identified in the Contents pages: they mostly coincide with the topics noted there,...
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Un aventurier au XVIII siècle: Le chevalier d'Éon (1728-1810)Un aventurier au XVIII siècle: Le chevalier d'Éon (1728-1810)En retraant laventureuse carrire du chevalier don, notre dessein na pas t dapporter une solution nouvelle aux nigmes qui ont valu ce personnage la part la plus large, sinon la meilleure, de sa clbrit. En dpit...
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Highways and Highway TransportationHighways and Highway Transportation The following pages on Highways and Highway Transportation do not pretend to be an exhaustive treatise on the subject, but rather a glimpse of the vast development of the humble road and its office as an agency for transportation. Possibly...
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Merille karannut: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan rannikoltaMerille karannut: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan rannikoltaEn tehnyt sit siksi, ett minua olisi kohdeltu kotona epystvllisesti. Pinvastoin jtin jlkeeni helln ja lempen isn, rakastavan ja ystvllisen idin sek velji ja sisaria, jotka rakastivat minua ja surivat minua kauan sen jlkeen kuin olin mennyt. Mutta ei kenellkn...
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Le Merveilleux voyage de Nils Holgersson à travers la SuèdeLe Merveilleux voyage de Nils Holgersson à travers la SuèdeQui donc, en Sude, eut un jour cette ide si charmante? Quel fonctionnaire? Quel diteur? Quel pote? Lhistoire ne le dit point, et lon hsite entre des hypothses diversement plausibles; en cette Scandinavie lointaine, une...
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Balázs Sándor beszélyei (2. kötet)Balázs Sándor beszélyei (2. kötet)A kaland, mit beszlend vagyok, nincs ugyan elvlaszthatlan sszefggsben e helyisggel, s a vilg akrmely vidkn p igy megtrtnhetett volna, de pen azrt nem ltom t, mi okom lenne idegen szinhelyre tenni t, midn ily gynyr tjkokon hordozhatom olvasimat?! Hogy...
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Balázs Sándor beszélyei (1. kötet)Balázs Sándor beszélyei (1. kötet)A lak ura, melyben a vendgszeretetet lehet elzkenysggel reztettk velem, gazdag mlttal birt. Kora fiatalsgban neve messze fldn hires volt kalandjairl, s igy a trsalgs csakhamar oly vidm s fesztelenn ln, hogy az ozsonna elkszlsre szksges id a sz bet...
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The Palmer Method of Business WritingThe Palmer Method of Business Writing - A Series of Self-teaching in Rapid, Plain, Unshaded, Coarse-pen, Muscular Movement Writing for Use in All Schools, Public or Private, Where an Easy and Legible Handwriting is the Object Sought; Also for the Home LearnerA Series of...
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Estella: NovelleEstella: NovelleIn sanften Wellen breitet sich die Landschaft aus. Die Natur hat hier aufgehrt, Grandioses zu ersinnen, vor dem erschrocken der Mensch in Betubung steht; auch hat sie nicht verschwendet in ppiger Schnheit, dass er ihr berauscht am Busen liegt, sondern sie hat mit...
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The Little Review, September 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 6)The Little Review, September 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 6) What do you call this incredible place where men go inch by inch to death in jails? Where they cease to hear and see and feel and smell and talk and walk and sing and...
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ArthurArthurINTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. The Post-road II. The Cottage III. The Cur's Tale HLNE IV. The Bereavement V. Hlne VI. The Avowal VII. The Letter VIII. The Portrait IX. The Pavilion X. The Contract MADAME LA MARQUISE DE PNFIEL XI. Portraits XII. The Gentleman-riders XIII....
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A Letter From the Fire: Being an Account of the Great Chicago FireA Letter From the Fire: Being an Account of the Great Chicago Fire.Since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, now slumbering eternally beneath the waters of the Dead Sea, the pages of history have been illumined at intervals by the glare of mighty conflagrations,...
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