Public Domain
Mount Hope classics, vol. 2Mons Spes, et novellæ aliæTo prepare for college in Latin, commonly means by a four or five years study of rules and forms to work through an amount of Latin text about equivalent to a hundred pages of Harpers Monthly. The subject thus pursued...
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Pastiches et mélangesPastiches et mélanges2 Une lettre autographe de MARCEL PROUST R. DE MONTESQUIOU relative Pastiches et Mlanges. Le dernier feuillet de la lettre est couvert de dessins au crayon, dont l'un reprsente le Comte de Montesquiou. Dans un des derniers mois de l'anne 1907, un...
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Femmes nouvellesFemmes nouvellesLe rapide de Dieppe-Paris filait toute vapeur. On approchait de Rouen. A travers le cadre des portires, Hlne et Minna regardaient fuir, coup par la secousse brusque des poteaux tlgraphiques, un paysage plat: de grandes prairies, des lignes basses de pommiers, des ondulations...
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Soil and Water Pollution : Presented to the American Public Health Association at New Orleans, Dec. 1880Soil and Water Pollution : Presented to the American Public Health Association at New Orleans, Dec. 1880There is no subject of greater interest to the people than that of health and the best means of obtaining it. Plenty of wholesome food, good air and...
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Final GloryFinal GloryN'Zik was a forlorn and weary figure at the forward port. He balanced his frail, bulbous body on four of his eight limbs, while the other four moved listlessly over the etheroscope, adjusting sights and lenses. N'Zik wondered dully why he bothered. Even...
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Slay-RideSlay-RideFrane Lewis enjoyed another sadistic shiver as he moved up the narrow passageway to the captain's control room. To his flared nostrils the warm, moist air of the small space-freighter was still heavy with the smell of death. A psychiatrist could have told him...
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Cookery manuals, no. 1Soup and Soup MakingSoup is so convenient, economical and healthful, that as an article of diet it ranks second in importance only to bread; and soup making is justly entitled to a prominent place in the science of cookery. A simple soup or broth...
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Memoirs of a country doll. Written by herselfMemoirs of a country doll. Written by herselfThe following Memoirs were written by one of our young friends, (but eleven years of age,) for her amusement while sojourning in the country the past summer. The interest she appeared to take in them, has been...
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The psychology of sleepThe psychology of sleepAt the request of the author, I have read this book in proof sheets, and, from the point of view of one interested in psychology, I have suggested many amendments which have all, I think, been adopted. As will be seen...
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History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River, Volume 2 (of 2)History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River, Volume 2 (of 2) - Life and Adventures of Joseph La BargeIn a great many ways the War of the Rebellion affected the commerce of the Missouri River. Missouri was a slave State, and most...
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History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River, Volume 1 (of 2)History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River, Volume 1 (of 2) - Life and Adventures of Joseph La BargeIn the summer of 1896 the author of this work, while engaged in collecting data for a history of the American Fur Trade of...
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Vigilante Days and WaysVigilante Days and Ways - The pioneers of the Rockies; the makers and making of Montana and IdahoIt is stated on good authority, that soon after the first appearance of Schillers drama of The Robbers a number of young men, charmed with the character...
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Christmas tales of FlandersChristmas tales of Flanders HE CHRISTMAS TALES OF FLANDERS presented in this volume are popular fables and legends current in Flanders and Brabant, which have for centuries been told to children throughout Belgium. Their origin is doubtful, as all literature handed down by oral...
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Die irdische Unsterblichkeit: RomanDie irdische Unsterblichkeit: RomanDas Buch Treue, Nibelungenroman / Das Buch Liebe, Gudrunroman / Das Buch Leidenschaft, Amelungenroman / Heinrich der Lwe, Roman / Herr Reineke Fuchs, Prosasatire / Leben, Lieben, Wandern, Roman eines fahrenden Gesellen nach einer alten Handschrift von Emma Schumacher. Die Bcher...
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The Cambrian Tourist, or, Post-Chaise Companion through Wales [1834]The Cambrian Tourist, or, Post-Chaise Companion through Wales [1834] - Containing cursory sketches of the Welsh territories, and a description of the manners, customs, and games of the nativesIt is supposed that there were anciently, in the Welsh or British Language, [0] no less...
- €6,15 EUR
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Under the Turk in Constantinople: A record of Sir John Finch's Embassy, 1674-1681Under the Turk in Constantinople: A record of Sir John Finch's Embassy, 1674-1681The history of Anglo-Turkish relations as a whole still remains to be writtena strange and not very creditable fact, considering the part which the Ottoman Empire has played in our commercial and...
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Les proverbes communsLes proverbes communsL'orthographe est conforme l'original. Pour faciliter la lecture on a toutefois rsolu les abrviations par signe conventionnel (de type ce pour comme), distingu u/v, i/j, et ajout apostrophes, cdilles et accents. On a corrig: ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number:...
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Traicté tresplaisant et recreatif de l'amour parfaicte de Guisgardus et Sigismunde fille de Tancredus prince des solernitiensTraicté tresplaisant et recreatif de l'amour parfaicte de Guisgardus et Sigismunde fille de Tancredus prince des solernitiensCy finist le traict des deux loyaulx amans imprim a paris le sixiesme jour de may l'an mil .cccc. quatre vings et treize par anthoine verard libraire demourant...
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Her Serene Highness: A NovelHer Serene Highness: A NovelON the top floor of Graftons house, in Michigan Avenue, there was a room filled with what he called the sins of the fathersthe bad pictures and statuary come down from two generations of more or less misdirected enthusiasm for...
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The Cambrian Tourist, or, Post-Chaise Companion through Wales [1828]The Cambrian Tourist, or, Post-Chaise Companion through Wales [1828] - Containing cursory sketches of the Welsh territories, and a description of the manners, customs, and games of the nativesIt is supposed, that there were anciently, in the Welsh or British language, [0] no less...
- €6,15 EUR
- €6,15 EUR
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