Public Domain
Il tesoro di DonninaIl tesoro di Donnina Gran bella mattinata davvero! Chi direbbe che siamo in dicembre e quasi alle porte di gennaio, vedendo questo cielo azzurro e questo sole in gran pompa di raggi? molto se l'aria frizzante fa pensare a novembre, e pure la neve...
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Oliphants' other lands seriesChildren of South AmericaBy the Rev. Alan Ewbank Secretary of the South American Missionary Society I have read through with great interest the manuscript of this little book, and can say of those parts of South America which it has been my privilege to...
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Punanen kokardi: Romaani Ranskan vallankumouksen ensi ajoiltaPunanen kokardi: Romaani Ranskan vallankumouksen ensi ajoilta Niinhn ne ystvnne tahtovat, sen huomion olen tehnyt. He kyll osaavat jaaritella veljellisyydest, vapaudesta, yhdenvertaisuudesta; he rakastavat kansaa, mutta mieluimmin etlt, puiston eli korkean kuusiaidan takaa. Minulla on St. Alais'ssa vki silmini alla ja kun he kyttytyvt...
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Little Paulina: Christmas in RussiaLittle Paulina: Christmas in RussiaIT was nearing the close of a short winters day,the day before Christmas. Thickly fell the snow, fiercely keen blew the northern wind, heaping the drifts into crannies and gullies, and then whirling them far and wide. The fir-trees were...
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Flowers from Shakespeare's Garden: A Posy from the PlaysFlowers from Shakespeare's Garden: A Posy from the Plays Get you some of this distilled Carduus Benedictus and lay it to your heart; Why Benedictus? You have some moral in this Benedictus Moral? No, by my troth. I have no moral meaning: I meant,...
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Nova Scotia's Part in the Great WarNova Scotia's Part in the Great WarTwo years have passed since the last gun was fired in the Great War on the Western Front and hitherto no attempt has been made to place before the people of Nova Scotia a comprehensive history of the...
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Santa Claus, Kriss Kringle, or St. NicholasSanta Claus, Kriss Kringle, or St. Nicholas - Fully Illustrated. OW, I have caught you Santa Claus, Kriss Kringle or St. Nicholas, And you must tell me, tell me true, Which of these names best pleases you? O-ho! my pretty little maid, Ill answer...
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Kolttain mailta: Kansatieteellisiä kuvauksia Kuollan-LapistaKolttain mailta: Kansatieteellisiä kuvauksia Kuollan-Lapista 1. Kolttain maille. 2. Suomalaisia uudisasukkaita Kuollan-Lapin sydnmaissa. 3. Kuollan-Lapin syrjneist ja samojeedeista. 4. Koltat ja heidn tarinansa. 5. Kolttain asuinpaikat. 6. Kolttain rakennukset. 7. Kalastuksesta. 8. Metsstyksest. 9. Poronhoidosta. 10. Porojen varasteleminen. 11. Lampaanhoito. 12. Ruokatalous. 13. Naiset...
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Human WorkHuman WorkCommon facts hard to understand. Social phenomena most important to modern life, yet least understood. Complexity no obstacle if system is known. Practical knowledge of sociology quite possible. Coexistence does not prove true association. Social rudiments cause pain. Human pain always conspicuous. The...
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The Female PhysicianThe Female Physician - Containing all the diseases incident to that sex, in virgins, wives, and widows; together with their causes and symptoms, their degrees of danger, and respective methods of prevention and cure: to which is added, the whole art of new improv’d...
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Äventyr och hugskottÄventyr och hugskott En figur arbetade sig upp emot regnbyn tvrs ver grdsplanen, fllde ihop ett drypande paraply p trappan och gjorde halt p min vildvinsskuggade veranda. En lng gestalt med ngot gewesenes ver apparitionen, hllning, som pminde om militr, men knn p byxbenen...
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A Yellow Aster, Volume 3 (of 3)A Yellow Aster, Volume 3 (of 3)Gwen lost no time in conducting her projected series of experiments, she carried them on conscientiously, and with an assumption of spontaneity that gave her husband a high opinion of her powers of self-government. As for the results...
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Christmas on WheelsChristmas on Wheels RAILROAD station in a large city is hardly an inviting spot, at its best; but at the close of a cheerless, blustering December day, when biting draughts of wind come scurrying in at every open door, filling the air with a...
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Christmas offeringChristmas offeringYou may be surprised to hear that your old friend, in her eighty-fourth year, while musing upon Gods mercy and wisdom, has brought forth this little poem on Creation; which, together with others, permit me to inscribe to you, wishing you a prolongation...
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The Christmas dinner, from "The sketch book"The Christmas dinner, from "The sketch book"THE dinner was served up in the great hall, where the squire always held his Christmas banquet. A blazing, crackling fire of logs had been heaped on to warm the spacious apartment, and the flame went sparkling and...
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L'esprit impur: romanL'esprit impur: romanJacques Damien regarda autour de lui avec un peu d'ironie. Lentement il se promena de droite et de gauche, reconnut des meubles, des tableaux, divers objets, sourit une petite bote en laque rouge, pose sur un socle noir, feuilleta, debout, un roman...
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Pappilan tuvassa: Yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmäPappilan tuvassa: Yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmäSavolaisen pappilan perheentupa. Perll ovi. Oikeanpuolisessa pernurkassa iso uuni ja samalla puolella karsinan sein, jossa myskin on ovi. Vasemmalla keskell neliruutuinen ikkuna, lavitsa pitkin sein ja nyttmn etualalla, nurkassa, suuri punainen pyt. Oven suussa riippuu seinll puunauloissa joitakuita tykaluja, ohjaksia ja...
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Il buco nel muroIl buco nel muro Care ricordanze d affetto e venture di rado liete, spessissimo triste, e avvicendarsi cotidiano di fratellevoli offici operarono s, che Domenico e Francesco sieno, come si costuma dire, due anime in un nocciolo. Il mio e il tuo non si...
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Children of AfricaChildren of AfricaThere is not one of you, my dear boys and girls, who does not know this oft-sung missionary hymn. But if there is, then of this I am sure, there is not one who knows it who does not love it, for...
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Kuudes osastoKuudes osastoSairaalan pihassa on pienehk sivurakennus, jota ympri kokonainen mets nokkosia, takkiaisia ja villihamppua. Sen katto on ruostunut, savutorvi puoleksi kumossa, portaat ovat lahonneet ja kasvavat ruohoa, ja rappauksesta on en vain hiukan jlki nkyviss. Julkisivu on sairaalaan pin, takasivu katselee pellolle, josta sen...
- €6,15 EUR
- €6,15 EUR
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