Body, Mind & Spirit
Explore mind, body & spirit best selling books to ignite your journey! Discover spiritual books, meditation guides, and books on mindfulness & self-love online bookstore. Find bestsellers and hidden gems to cultivate inner peace.
In Tune with the Infinite: Ralph Waldo Trine's Motivational Classic - Complete Original TextIn Tune With the Infinite is one of the best motivational books ever written. Over two million copies of this book have sold worldwide and it continues to get rave reviews from readers about its timeless message of inspiration and success. Many consider this...
- $24.36 SGD
- $24.36 SGD
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Magic, White and Black - Eighth American EditionAn unabridged, digitally enlarged printing of the eighth American edition (1911) with index. Originally titled: Magic, White and Black: The Science of Finite and Infinite Life, Containing Practical Hints for Students of OccultismAuthor: Franz HartmannPublisher: Merchant BooksPublished: 11/25/2009Pages: 296Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.96lbsSize: 9.00h x...
- $9.16 SGD
- $9.16 SGD
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The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors: Christianity Before ChristKhrisna of India. Thammuz of Syria. Esus of the Celtic Druids. Mithra of Persia. Quexalcoati of Mexico. All were crucified gods, and all met their fates hundreds of years before Jesus appeared on the scene. In this foundational work of modern atheism, American spiritualist...
- $48.74 SGD
- $48.74 SGD
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The World's Most Haunted House: The True Story of the Bridgeport Poltergeist on Lindley StreetIn this unprecedented work, the story of the 1974 Bridgeport, Connecticut poltergeist is at last revealed. A crowd of more than 2,000 onlookers gathered. National media reported jumping furniture, floating refrigerators, and attacking entities. Decades after the publicity quieted, more than 40 hours of...
- $14.41 SGD
- $14.41 SGD
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The Power of Auras: Tap Into Your Energy Field for Clarity, Peace of Mind, and Well-BeingSTRENGTHEN YOUR AURA AND EXPERIENCE GREATER ENERGY, LOVE, AND HAPPINESS Thousands of people have found The Power of Auras invaluable--especially those in the holistic health field who use its methods in their daily practice. This new edition will bring the message of self-sufficiency to...
- $14.44 SGD
- $14.44 SGD
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Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the ExtraterrestrialsBestselling author Erich von Däniken delves into the mysteries of the Mayan civilization and when the extraterrestrial will return. Includes a Foreword by Giorgio Tsoukalos. High up in the Bolivian Andes-4,000 meters above sea level-lies Puma punku, an ancient ruined city that simply could...
- $15.30 SGD
- $15.30 SGD
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The Question of FreemasonryIf you are a pagan there is no problem being a Mason, because it's a pagan society. The god they serve is a three headed deity called JaoBulOn. If you are a Christian, you have a problem. If your church is dying, if evangelism...
- $16.01 SGD
- $16.01 SGD
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Haunted LafayetteBoilermakers Beware: There's a dark and secret side to Lafayette's history that is sure to send shivers down the spine. From storied specters and urban legends, like Amelia Earhart's tragic figure haunting hangar number one at Purdue University Airport and sightings of the ever-elusive...
- $49.40 SGD
- $49.40 SGD
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Cosmic Astrology: An East-West Guide to Your Internal Energy PersonaCombining Chinese Taoist astrology, Western zodiac astrology, and birth destiny cards to develop your innate talents and transform your negative traits - Includes charts to discover your Chinese animal year, your Western zodiac sun sign, your moon sign, and your birth destiny card as...
- $25.50 SGD
- $25.50 SGD
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La Historia Prohibida: Las Tecnologías Prehistóricas, La Intervención Extraterrestre Y La Información Sobre Los Verdaderos Orígenes de la CivPone en duda las teor as cient ficas sobre el establecimiento de la civilizaci n y la tecnolog a - Contiene 42 ensayos por 17 importantes pensadores en los campos de la ciencia y la historia alternativas, incluidos Christopher Dunn, Frank Joseph, Will Hart,...
- $25.68 SGD
- $25.68 SGD
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Numerology for Decoding Behavior: Your Personal Numbers at Work, with Family, and in RelationshipsUsing numerology to reveal behavior patterns in order to work through them - Shows how to find anyone's personal challenges and greatest strengths - Presents simple numeric exercises that use the first vowel and first consonant of a name and the birth month and...
- $33.58 SGD
- $33.58 SGD
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Science and the Near-Death Experience: How Consciousness Survives DeathThe scientific evidence for life after death - Explains why near-death experiences (NDEs) offer evidence of an afterlife and discredits the psychological and physiological explanations for them - Challenges materialist arguments against consciousness surviving death - Examines ancient and modern accounts of NDEs from...
- $16.11 SGD
- $16.11 SGD
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Athanasius Kircher's Theatre of the World: The Life and Work of the Last Man to Search for Universal KnowledgeA major study of both the written and pictorial work of a neglected genius whose breadth of interest made him the last Renaissance man - Fully examines every area of Kircher's wide field of study and accomplishment - Magnificently illustrated with the stunning engravings...
- $51.01 SGD
- $51.01 SGD
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The Return of the Dead: Ghosts, Ancestors, and the Transparent Veil of the Pagan MindHow the ghost stories of pagan times reveal the seamless union existing between the world of the living and the afterlife - Demonstrates how Medieval Christianity transformed the more corporeal ghost encountered in pagan cultures with the disembodied form known today - Explains how...
- $44.81 SGD
- $44.81 SGD
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Living in the Tao: The Effortless Path of Self-DiscoveryTaoist techniques that can quiet your mind so you can discover your true self in the wisdom of the heart - Teaches that the Tao is the flow of nature, the effortless middle path of self-discovery - Shows how to quiet the monkey mind...
- $51.56 SGD
- $51.56 SGD
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Wisdom Chi Kung: Practices for Enlivening the Brain with Chi EnergyTaoist meditation practices for increasing and maintaining mental awareness, memory, and clarity - Details techniques to increase the level of chi energy in the brain - Explains how to synchronize the left and right brain by activating the body's energetic potentials - Shows that...
- $44.92 SGD
- $44.92 SGD
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Mozart the Freemason: The Masonic Influence on His Musical GeniusAn exploration of Mozart's strong ties to Freemasonry and how its principles profoundly shaped his musical work - Reveals how Mozart structured his music on Masonic ritual and ceremony to provide a musical lexicon of Masonic symbols - Shows that Freemasonry plays the same...
- $33.58 SGD
- $33.58 SGD
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Shakespeare's Window Into the Soul: The Mystical Wisdom in Shakespeare's CharactersA study of the mystical, spiritual, and profound visionary wisdom contained in Shakespeare's plays - Reveals the significant mystical symbolism in ten of Shakespeare's later, more mature, works including Hamlet, Macbeth, and The Tempest - Shows the progress of Shakespeare's own spiritual development through...
- $33.58 SGD
- $33.58 SGD
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Dreamways of the Iroquois: Honoring the Secret Wishes of the SoulExplores the ancient Iroquois tradition of dreams, healing, and the recovery of the soul - Explains Native American shamanic dream practices and their applications and purpose in modern life - Shows how dreams call us to remember and honor our soul's true purpose -...
- $42.66 SGD
- $42.66 SGD
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Soul Fire: Accessing Your CreativityTrust the Creativity within You--Then Get Out of Its Way " This] is the invitation of the inner creative spirit: you are created to create. The creative potential within you is one of the things that makes you 'in the image and likeness of...
- $32.72 SGD
- $32.72 SGD
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