Business & Economics
Explore the best business and economics books, including top entrepreneur reads, finance essentials, and foundational texts. Browse our online bookstore for bestsellers and highly recommended books in business and economics.
GATE 2022 & ESE Prelim 2022 - Engineering Mathematics - Topic-wise Previous Solved PapersGKP's Engineering Mathematics solved papers is 'students' choice' when looking for engineering Mathematics book for GATE and ESE preparation. The entire book has been divided into 7 chapters covering 28 years' Gate papers from 1994 to 2021 & 5 years' ESE Prelims papers from...
- $76.66 SGD
- $76.66 SGD
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AIRLINE Career Guide: Your in depth guide to passing the flight attendant assessmentThe cabin crew interview proficiency program provides comprehensive instruction on navigating an airlines' cabin crew selection process. Throughout, you will learn pragmatic, tried and tested, and immediately applicable information which helps you successfully navigate this tricky-though-logical, multi- stage selection process. It is designed to...
- $140.75 SGD
- $140.75 SGD
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The Flight Attendant ManualAre you ready to jump start your dream cabin crew career?You see, the reason most people fail at the interview is because they don't know the right steps to make their dreams happen, they don't take the time to prepare for the interview and...
- $140.75 SGD
- $140.75 SGD
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Winning the Right Game: How to Disrupt, Defend, and Deliver in a Changing WorldHow to succeed in an era of ecosystem-based disruption: strategies and tools for offense, defense, timing, and leadership in a changing competitive landscape. The basis of competition is changing. Are you prepared? Rivalry is shifting from well-defined industries to broader ecosystems: automobiles to mobility...
- $55.45 SGD
- $55.45 SGD
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Meat Then and Now: A historical overview of the importance of meat, livestock and railroads in the westward expansion of the United StateFrom growing up on a farm, to earning agricultural-related BS, MS, and PhD degrees and teaching at Kansas State University, to joining Excel Corporation (Cargill Meat Solutions) and consulting for organizations like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the U.S. General Accounting Office, and multiple meat...
- $78.13 SGD
- $78.13 SGD
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Use of Predictive Analytic Tools to Assess Technological Emergences and Acquisition TargetsThe authors use the RAND Corporation's predictive patent analytic tools and expertise to understand the technologies in which U.S. entities are leading or lagging behind foreign entities, assess the U.S. industrial base patent landscape, and identify U.S. firms in technology areas of concern that...
- $99.20 SGD
- $99.20 SGD
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Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet UnionA major study of the collapse of the Soviet Union--showing how Gorbachev's misguided reforms led to its demise In 1945 the Soviet Union controlled half of Europe and was a founding member of the United Nations. By 1991, it had an army four-million strong,...
- $118.17 SGD
- $118.17 SGD
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Adaptive Innovation(TM): An Entrepreneur's Guide to Technology InnovationThis book provides a framework for translating ideas from the academic laboratory to commercial ventures. The book is designed for academic researchers (advanced PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, university faculty and staff) who believe their research ideas could be the basis for a commercial venture....
- $309.76 SGD
- $309.76 SGD
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Culture 2.0: The Intersection of National and Organizational CultureThis edited volume brings new ideas to the study of national culture and organizational culture as it explores their naturally existing intersections. However, these intersections can be difficult to identify and study, as national culture changes generationally whereas organizational culture can change relatively quickly...
- $462.95 SGD
- $462.95 SGD
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Real Estate with Joy: A Broker's Tales of the Trails that Lead HomeEveryone, at some point, finds themselves navigating the murky waters of real estate. Whether you are a buyer jumping into your first purchase, a seller parting with the family home, or a renter moving to a new town, you will always be faced with...
- $22.21 SGD
- $22.21 SGD
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Easy Money: Cryptocurrency, Casino Capitalism, and the Golden Age of FraudFrom a famous actor and an experienced journalist, a wildly entertaining debunking of cryptocurrency, one of the greatest frauds in history and on course for a spectacular crash At the height of the pandemic, TV star Ben McKenzie (The O.C., Gotham) was the perfect...
- $62.26 SGD
- $62.26 SGD
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Alleys of Your Mind: Release Your Mind and the Rest Will FollowThis book chronicles the deliverance of a young woman--who lived in Detroit, Michigan--from the clutches of Satan and witchcraft as Jesus Christ became more real to her than life itself. She always knew she had psychic abilities and thought the use of it in...
- $33.23 SGD
- $33.23 SGD
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Flying in the Face of Fear: A Fighter Pilot's Lessons on Leading with CourageProven principles of leadership from a veteran fighter pilot and military leader In Flying in the Face of Fear: Lessons on Leading with Courage, former fighter pilot and retired Air Force Colonel Kim Campbell delivers an inspiring and practical discussion of leadership and decision-making....
- $62.26 SGD
- $62.26 SGD
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Pearls: Wisdom and Advice from Emerging Women LeadersPEARLS is a collection of advice and guidance for women who want to excel in various areas of their life, career, and business. In this engaging combination of intimate stories, thought-provoking guidance, strategic advice, and practical tips, 11 emerging leaders share pearls of wisdom.By...
- $105.61 SGD
- $105.61 SGD
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The Art of Data ScienceThis book describes, simply and in general terms, the process of analyzing data. The authors have extensive experience both managing data analysts and conducting their own data analyses, and have carefully observed what produces coherent results and what fails to produce useful insights into...
- $62.99 SGD
- $62.99 SGD
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Cook, Batch, Freeze: Easy Meals to Feed Your Family on a BudgetCook, Batch, Freeze is the ideal book for anyone looking to save time and money, without scrimping on flavour and nutritious value. By understanding how to make the most of your freezer, by cooking in bulk and freezing leftovers, you can cut down on...
- $44.43 SGD
- $44.43 SGD
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La evaluación del desempeño a examenTendencias actualesEn el actual contexto de cambio e incertidumbre en el que se mueven las empresas cobra muy especial relevancia la gestión del talento, y entre otros lo relativo a la evaluación de los profesionales para determinar si están en condiciones de asumir sus...
- $52.81 SGD
- $52.81 SGD
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Become self-employed with graphic designYou are a graphic designer and no longer want to work for others? You want to get off the hamster wheel and finally do your own thing? Then this book can help you. My name is Kevin Diehl and I have been working as...
- $36.78 SGD
- $36.78 SGD
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Kollektiver Rechtsschutz in Der Europäischen Union: Eu-Verbandsklage, Musterfeststellungsklage Und GewinnabschöpfungsklageDie EU-Verbandsklagerichtlinie wird den kollektiven Rechtsschutz zur Durchsetzung von Verbraucherrechten in der EU und in Deutschland im Vergleich zur Musterfeststellungsklage und der Gewinnabschöpfungsklage auf ein neues Niveau heben. Ob die bis Ende 2022 von den Mitgliedstaaten in nationales Recht umzusetzende Richtlinie und ab Juni...
- $133.34 SGD
- $133.34 SGD
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The Macroeconomics Anti-Textbook: A Critical Thinker's GuideMainstream textbooks present economics as an objective science, free from value judgements. This book demonstrates this to be a myth - one which serves to make such textbooks not only off-puttingly bland, but also dangerously misleading in their justification of the status quo and...
- $105.41 SGD
- $105.41 SGD
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