Business & Economics
Explore the best business and economics books, including top entrepreneur reads, finance essentials, and foundational texts. Browse our online bookstore for bestsellers and highly recommended books in business and economics.
Is That All There Is?: What Are You Doing for the rest of Your Life?Some of us work hard and achieve our dreams. We grow the business, raise and launch our kids, and settle in for the long haul. Some of us have our dreams interrupted - the market changes, a health crisis intervenes, we fail despite our...
- $110.85 SGD
- $110.85 SGD
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How to Invest in the Stock Market for Beginners: Learn to Trade Stocks. Buy, Sell & Build Wealth!As a beginning investor, the stock market can seem like a daunting place. What does everything mean and how am I ever going to understand it all? Don't worry, you are not the only one feeling this way. And we have you covered. In...
- $41.43 SGD
- $41.43 SGD
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Wai Pasifika: Indigenous Ways in a Changing ClimateIn this beautifully written and stunningly illustrated book, David Young focuses on the increasingly endangered resource of freshwater, and what so-called developed societies can learn from the indigenous voices of the Pacific. Combining nineteenth century and indigenous sources with a selection of modern studies...
- $131.92 SGD
- $131.92 SGD
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The Origins and Dynamics of Inequality: Sex, Politics, and IdeologyArgues that the struggle over income, wealth, status and privilege-inequality-has been the principal, defining issue in human history and provides a novel framework for understanding inequality today Whereas President Barack Obama declared inequality as the defining issue of our time, in The Origins and...
- $140.21 SGD
- $140.21 SGD
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Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific User GuideThis guide is designed to help Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific (JFPR) clients develop proposals in accordance with JFPR requirements. JFPR is a partnership between the Government of Japan and ADB that helps people move above the poverty threshold...
- $94.78 SGD
- $94.78 SGD
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Cattle Beet Capital: Making Industrial Agriculture in Northern ColoradoIn 1870 several hundred settlers arrived at a patch of land at the confluence of the South Platte and Cache la Poudre Rivers in Colorado Territory. Their planned agricultural community, which they named Greeley, was centered around small landholdings, shared irrigation, and a variety...
- $221.71 SGD
- $221.71 SGD
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Lovework: The Seven Steps to Thrive at Work"LoveWork offers a step-by-step framework for doing the work you love and loving the work you do. It is filled with Illustrative scenario-based examples to nurture the free expression of ideas and help you thrive." --From the foreword by Amy C. Edmondson, Novartis Professor...
- $64.63 SGD
- $64.63 SGD
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Rental Property Strategies: The Best Ways To Invest In Real Estate To Achieve Financial Freedom In A Few YearsBefore you start investing in rentals, you should know what you're getting into. If you're looking to become financially free before you reach your sixties, investing in real estate is a blueprint that's been proven to work. In the past 50 years, over 70%...
- $69.08 SGD
- $69.08 SGD
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Finanzas Básicas (Finance Basics Spanish Edition)Le intimidan las finanzas corporativas? Las cifras (y la jerga) pueden resultar abrumadoras, pero hay que entenderlas para gestionarlas con eficacia. Conceptos básicos de finanzas explica los fundamentos de forma sencilla y rápida, introduciendo términos y conceptos clave como: Cómo navegar por los estados...
- $22.05 SGD
- $22.05 SGD
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Black and Brown Leadership and the Promotion of Change in an Era of Social Unrest"This book seeks to amplify voices of leaders who identify as Black, LatinX, Indigenous, or people of color as they navigate leadership during a time of tumultuous change and social unrest and to give future leaders a blueprint in how to succeed as a...
- $754.72 SGD
- $754.72 SGD
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Rise Up: Leadership Habits for Turbulent TimesOrganizational resilience and adaptability have never beenmore important; however, few leaders are truly prepared to lead through crisis.Rise Up: Leadership Habits for Turbulent Times is acall to action for leaders to accept that many of their habits diminish the resilienceof their organizations and to...
- $44.34 SGD
- $44.34 SGD
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People Before Profit: The Inspiring Story of the Founder of Bob's Red MillIn an era of corporate greed, Bob Moore's philosophy of putting people before profit is a shining example of what's right about America. Instead of selling out to numerous bidders who would have made him a very wealthy man, the founder of Bob's Red...
- $44.22 SGD
- $44.22 SGD
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Disrupting Sacred Cows: Navigating and Profiting in the New EconomyAccording to best-selling author, entertainer, and Wealth Strategist, Garrett Gunderson, disruption--while it can be painful and can shake us out of our comfort zone, it can be a source of incredible growth and opportunity if we use it to shake us out of what...
- $44.22 SGD
- $44.22 SGD
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Disrupting Sacred Cows: Navigating and Profiting in the New EconomyAccording to best-selling author, entertainer, and Wealth Strategist, Garrett Gunderson, disruption--while it can be painful and can shake us out of our comfort zone, it can be a source of incredible growth and opportunity if we use it to shake us out of what...
- $66.51 SGD
- $66.51 SGD
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The New Normal in It: How the Global Pandemic Changed Information Technology ForeverLearn how IT leaders are adapting to the new reality of life during and after COVID-19 COVID-19 has caused fundamental shifts in attitudes around remote and office work. And in The New Normal in IT: How the Global Pandemic Changed Information Technology Forever, internationally...
- $74.88 SGD
- $74.88 SGD
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OKR. Master the Performance Framework that Google Perfected.: Create & Achieve Your Top Startup and Personal Goals Using the Leading Innovation ManageAs humans what sets us apart is that we can achieve extraordinary goals when we focus, collaborate, and continuously check on our progress. However, even in large companies, only 7% of the people know their company's top goals.OKRs, Objectives, and Key Results, are what...
- $27.67 SGD
- $27.67 SGD
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Como Vender Mentorias de Alto Ticket: Aplique a Estratégia 24/7 High Ticket e seja bem remunerado e reconhecido profissionalmente pelos seus conhecimeComo encontrar pelas redes sociais clientes dispostos a investir alto em uma Mentoria?Qual a melhor Estratégia Digital para Vender Mentorias de Alto Ticket?Como convencer as pessoas a me escolherem como Mentor?A meta deste livro é muito simples: te ensinar da maneira mais rápida, segura...
- $18.04 SGD
- $18.04 SGD
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Ionized: Construct a Self-Sustaining Office and Build an Empowering Positive Environment That Breeds Long-Term SuccessIonized challenges the short-sighted standards and metrics in the door-to-door industry.Within, Matt Wills provides comprehensive alternatives to the status quo as well as a how-to guide to build synergetic office structures to maximize productivity. Ionized breaks down the theory and mechanics necessary to lead...
- $39.79 SGD
- $39.79 SGD
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Unmuted: How to Show Up, Speak Up, and Inspire ActionProfessional communication has become more complex than ever as, with the rise of remote working and the increasing prominence of social media, we frequently find ourselves muted - when we can't find the opportunities to speak up or our ideas aren't getting the credit...
- $48.77 SGD
- $48.77 SGD
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The NBA Story: How the Sports League Slam-Dunked Its Way Into a Global Business PowerhouseWhat can you learn from the most successful companies in the world? The NBA Story will help you understand and adopt the competitive strategies, workplace culture, and daily business practices that enabled the exciting basketball league to become the powerhouse it is today.Today's NBA...
- $35.43 SGD
- $35.43 SGD
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