Business & Economics
Explore the best business and economics books, including top entrepreneur reads, finance essentials, and foundational texts. Browse our online bookstore for bestsellers and highly recommended books in business and economics.
The Bitcoin Dilemma: Weighing the Economic and Environmental Costs and BenefitsThere are few innovations that have the potential to revolutionize commerce and have evolved so quickly that there remain significant misunderstandings about their operation, opportunity, and challenges as has Bitcoin in the dozen years since its invention. The potential for banking, transacting, and public...
- $100.26 SGD
- $100.26 SGD
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In Good Conscience: Do the Right Thing While Building a Profitable Business1 Introducing Conscience: The Structure of the Book. The Power of Conscience: From Wedgwood to Chocolonely. Becoming Conscientious. The Content. 2 What Is Conscience? And Why Does It Matter?. Defining Conscience. Where Conscience Goes Wrong. Why Conscience Matters. Conclusion. 3 The Business of Conscience....
- $84.66 SGD
- $84.66 SGD
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Commodities as an Asset Class: Essays on Inflation, the Paradox of Gold and the Impact of CryptoThis book challenges the notion that commodities are always good hedges against inflation, which is the conventional belief today in financial markets. Specifically, it focuses on gold as a traditional hedge and the ways in which crypto assets are argued to be positioned as...
- $150.39 SGD
- $150.39 SGD
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Grundsätze Ordnungsmäßiger Rückstellungsbilanzierung: Implikationen Normativer Betriebswirtschaftlicher Bilanzrechtstheorie Für Die Bilanzierung NachWirtschaftliche Betrachtungsweise als Leitmotiv des Handelsbilanzrechts.- Objektivierungsprinzip als ergänzendes und einschränkendes Kriterium zur Verwirklichung des Bilanzzwecks.- Interaktion von wirtschaftlicher Betrachtungsweise und Objektivierungsprinzip.- Grundsätze für den Ansatz von Verbindlichkeiten und Rückstellungen.- Grundsätze für die Zugangs- und Folgebewertung von Verbindlichkeits- und Aufwandsrückstellungen.- Grundsätze für die Bilanzierung...
- $250.67 SGD
- $250.67 SGD
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Mit Künstlicher Intelligenz Zu Einer Nachhaltigen Entwicklung: Eine Qualitative Analyse Auf Basis Der Grounded TheoryDieses Buch befasst sich mit den Einsatzmöglichkeiten der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Im Fokus der Arbeit stehen die einzelnen Formen der KI und wie diese zur Erreichung der Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) beitragen könnten. Dies wird anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen verdeutlicht. Darüber...
- $217.24 SGD
- $217.24 SGD
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Empirische Analyse Zur Gewinnverteilung in Supply-Chains Der Automotive-IndustrieIn diesem Buch werden Ergebnisse einer Erfolgsanalyse von Unternehmen der Automotive-Supply-Chain mit den Expert*innenaussagen zum Thema Open-Book-Politik und Finanzdatentransparenz verknüpft. Es wird gezeigt, welche Teilnehmer entlang der Automotive-Lieferkette erfolgreicher sind und ob es einen Zusammenhang mit der Offenlegung von sensiblen Unternehmensdaten gibt. Dafür werden...
- $217.24 SGD
- $217.24 SGD
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Corporate Digital Responsibility: Managing Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability in the Digital AgeThis book describes in detail how corporate responsibility is changing in the age of big data and artificial intelligence and demonstrates how corporate digital responsibility can offer companies a sustainable competitive advantage. Business leaders and managers find a comprehensive guideline to professionally implement these...
- $183.81 SGD
- $183.81 SGD
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Simple-mente un caballoBajo nuestra apariencia puramente racional, las personas seguimos siendo animales como los caballos guiados por el instinto de supervivencia y por la necesidad de pertenecer a un grupo.Entender mejor a estos increíbles animales puede impulsar el trabajo del líder en nueve áreas de desarrollo...
- $48.75 SGD
- $48.75 SGD
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Positive Impact: The Purpose Launchpad mindset and the framework to improve your startup, your organization, and the worldEVOLVE YOUR MINDSET TO IMPROVE YOUR PROJECTS... AND THE WORLD!Humanity's current challenges are also huge business opportunities. To leverage them, we have more technology and knowledge at our disposal than ever before in the history of mankind. However, the key that distinguishes individuals and...
- $63.34 SGD
- $63.34 SGD
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Technical Building Blocks: A Technology Reference for Real-World Product DevelopmentThis book offers comprehensive coverage of the various technologies and techniques used to build technical products. You will learn how technical product development is collaboratively done across multiple technical teams, primarily those in software engineering, data engineering, and AI/ML engineering. You will also be...
- $89.11 SGD
- $89.11 SGD
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Caring for Souls in a Neoliberal AgeThis will be the first book of pastoral theology to address the transformations within capitalism that began to emerge during the 1970's and 1980's. Specifically, these developments widely recognized under the term 'neoliberalism' constitute a hegemony (or paradigm) that is now global. Previous publications...
- $100.23 SGD
- $100.23 SGD
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Auswirkungen Der Digitalisierung Auf Unternehmerische Geschäftsmodelle: Eine Theoretische Und Empirische AnalyseDieses Buch umfasst sowohl eine theoretische als auch empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf unternehmerische Geschäftsmodelle. Alexandra Fibitz entwickelt hierzu einen wissenschaftlich-fundierten Bezugsrahmen, welcher den Zusammenhang des Megatrends der Digitalisierung auf die Transformation und Innovation von unternehmerischen Geschäftsmodellen in der Theorie und Praxis...
- $250.67 SGD
- $250.67 SGD
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How to Make a Killing: Blood, Death and Dollars in American MedicineSix decades ago, researchers achieved the impossible: a treatment that made kidney failure a manageable condition instead of a death sentence. And yet, in the hands of a predatory medical industry, this triumph led to skyrocketing costs and worsening care.A gripping microcosm of American...
- $66.86 SGD
- $66.86 SGD
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The Migrant Chef: The Life and Times of Lalo GarcíaBorn in rural Mexico, Eduardo "Lalo" García Guzmán and his family left for the United States when he was a child, picking fruits and vegetables on the migrant route from Florida to Michigan. He worked in Atlanta restaurants as a teenager before being convicted...
- $66.86 SGD
- $66.86 SGD
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Fundamental Analysis for DummiesBecome familiar with the key concepts of fundamental analysis and learn how to put them into action in the real world Fundamental Analysis For Dummies is a valuable guide for investors who want to know the future. Okay, it's not a crystal ball, but...
- $66.83 SGD
- $66.83 SGD
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Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations: The Discovery of Capitalism and Its LimitsThis book examines the work of Adam Smith and his interest in the science of the legislator. Smith's criticism of the mercantile system and the political dimension of capitalism is discussed, alongside insight into what institutions he saw as necessary to transform the mercantile...
- $300.80 SGD
- $300.80 SGD
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Microeconomics: Basic Principles and ApplicationsMicroeconomics: Basic Principles and Applications is one of the uniquely organized books in Economics. Its emphasis is on the understanding of microeconomic theories and how these theories can be applied in addressing challenges of real world firms. This emphasis is reflected in the type...
- $82.91 SGD
- $82.91 SGD
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Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting HopeHappiness is something that everyone desires, yet few know how to obtain. What constitutes true happiness has been a query that has captivated psychologists, philosophers and religious leaders for centuries. Many meaningful and insightful responses have been the outcome of the struggle to define...
- $62.28 SGD
- $62.28 SGD
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Aviation Systems: Management of the Integrated Aviation Value ChainThis book provides an overview of the aviation sector by focusing on all major aspects embedded in the environment (subsystems) and the market of aviation. The book explains the linkages between subsystems politics, society, technology, economy, environment, and regulation, and how these subsystems influence...
- $300.80 SGD
- $300.80 SGD
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Real Stories of Academic Corruption in My LifeIn this report, I will speak about the academic corruption I noted in some universities and academic institutions according to my experience with them. I will review also the abusive practices against me by some book publishing websites such as Ingramspark that arbitrarily closed...
- $47.35 SGD
- $47.35 SGD
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