Explore our collection of education books and early education books at our online bookstore, including top titles for teachers and Pearson Education textbooks. Discover must-read and best-selling educational reads that provide valuable insights and resources for teaching and learning.
Condensed Guide for the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence TestsCondensed Guide for the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence TestsSince the appearance of the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale I have been frequently urged to prepare a condensed guide which would make the application of the tests easier and more convenient....
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Beretning om Folke-Høiskolen i RøddingBeretning om Folke-Høiskolen i Røddingbenlyse trykfejl er rettet i denne e-bog, men forfatterens stavning er i vrigt bevaret. Bogen er oprindelig trykt med frakturskrift; i nedenstende tekst er antikvaskrift angivet med en grotesk/sans serif font. Originalteksten skelner ikke mellem stort I og J, og...
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Means and Ends of EducationMeans and Ends of Education None of us yet know, for none of us have yet been taught in early youth, what fairy palaces we may build of beautiful thoughtproof against all adversity;bright fancies, satisfied memories, noble histories, faithful sayings, treasure-houses of precious and...
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Story Lessons on Character-Building (Morals) and MannersStory Lessons on Character-Building (Morals) and MannersIncidents often occur in the school or home life which afford fitting opportunity for the inculcation of some special moral truth, but maybe the teacher or mother has no suitable illustration just at hand, and the occasion is...
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Special Method in Primary Reading and Oral Work with StoriesSpecial Method in Primary Reading and Oral Work with StoriesThis book attempts the discussion of two very important problems in primary education. First, the oral work in the handling of stories, and second, the introduction to the art of reading in the earliest school...
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The Salvaging of CivilizationThe Salvaging of CivilizationThe present outlook of human affairs is one that admits of broad generalizations and that seems to require broad generalizations. We are in one of those phases of experience which become cardinal in history. A series of immense and tragic events...
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The Autobiography of Thomas Platter, a schoolmaster of the sixteenth centuryThe Autobiography of Thomas Platter, a schoolmaster of the sixteenth century.I came into this world on the Shrove-Tuesday of the year 1499, just as they were coming together for mass. From this circumstance, my friends derived the confident hope that I should become a...
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Ensino intuitivoEnsino intuitivo - livro destinado às mães e paes de familia e às professoras e professores de instrucção primária Title: Ensino intuitivo Subtitle: livro destinado s mes e paes de familia e s professoras e professores de instruco primria Author: Joo Jos de Sousa...
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Letters from a Father to His Son Entering CollegeLetters from a Father to His Son Entering CollegeParts of the letters that make up this little book were read to my own college boys at the opening of a college year. They represent somewhat, but of course only a bit, of what I...
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Necessidade de um Ministerio de Instrucção PublicaNecessidade de um Ministerio de Instrucção PublicaA organisao do ministerio do reino em Portugal era um estado no estado at ha poucos annos. Dizemos estado no estado impropriamente, porque melhor diriamos negao do estado. Negocios, que n'outros paizes constituem quatro e cinco ministerios differentes,...
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The Story of ChautauquaThe Story of ChautauquaAn ancient writerI forget his namedeclared that in one of the city-states of Greece there was the rule that when any citizen proposed a new law or the repeal of an old one, he should come to the popular assembly with...
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Practical High School SpellerPractical High School SpellerWhat are the words most commonly misspelled by the average high school pupil? In an endeavor to solve this problem, two thousand letters, with five postal cards in each, were sent to representative high schools in every state in the United...
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The Intellectual LifeThe Intellectual LifeWe have shared together many hours of study, and you have been willing, at the cost of much patient labor, to cheer the difficult paths of intellectual toil by the unfailing sweetness of your beloved companionship. It seems to me that all...
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Algumas lições de psicologia e pedologiaAlgumas lições de psicologia e pedologia Title: Algumas lies de psicologia e pedologia Author: Antnio Aurlio da Costa Ferreira Release Date: April 20, 2010 [EBook #32072] Language: Portuguese Credits: Produced by Rita Farinha and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was...
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A Proposal for the Better Supplying of Churches in Our Foreign Plantations, and for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, By a College to Be Erected in the Summer Islands, Otherwise Called the Isles of BermudaA Proposal for the Better Supplying of Churches in Our Foreign Plantations, and for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, By a College to Be Erected in the Summer Islands, Otherwise Called the Isles of Bermuda lthough there are several excellent persons of the...
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Elizabeth Gilbert and Her Work for the BlindElizabeth Gilbert and Her Work for the BlindThere is a sacred privacy in the life of a blind person. It is led apart from much of the ordinary work of the world, and is unaffected by many external incidents which help to make up...
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Silver LinksSilver Links - A collection of salutatory, valedictory and other addresses delivered at the first five commencements of the female stenographic and typewriting class of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New YorkIt is always beautiful to see the...
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University Education in IrelandUniversity Education in IrelandIrish politicians assertand it is partly admitted by their opponentsthat, in the existing state of Ireland, three questions demand an immediate solution: these questions are, the Land Question, the Church Question, and the Education Question. The tenant farmers of Ireland wish...
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Psychologie de l'éducationPsychologie de l'éducationCet ouvrage a eu beaucoup de lecteurs, 15 ditions successives et des traductions en plusieurs langues[1] n'ont pas puis son succs. Cependant son influence sur les universitaires est reste trs faible. Encadrs par de rigoureux programmes, nos professeurs ne peuvent enseigner que...
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The Oxford Degree CeremonyThe Oxford Degree Ceremony[Pg iii]The object of this little book is to attempt to set forth the meaning of our forms and ceremonies, and to show how much of University history is involved in them. It naturally makes no pretensions to independent research; I...
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