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A Little Rebel: A NovelA Little Rebel: A NovelThe professor, sitting before his untasted breakfast, is looking the very picture of dismay. Two letters lie before him; one is in his hand, the other is on the table-cloth. Both are open; but of one, the opening linesthat tell...
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Kuvauksia metsäelämästä sivistyksen äärimmäisellä rajallaKuvauksia metsäelämästä sivistyksen äärimmäisellä rajalla - eli Natty Bumpon elämänvaiheetEnsimminen Luku. Hirventappajan muotokuva. Ensimminen sotajlki. Taistelu jrven rannalla. Toinen Luku. Chingachgook ja Hirventappaja. Wah-ta-Wah'in vapauttaminen. Kolmas Luku. Hirventappaja joutuu vankeuteen. Neljs Luku. Hirventappaja pakenee. Hnt ajetaan takaa. Hn otetaan jlleen kiinni. Viides Luku. Hirventappajaa...
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The Cow PuncherThe Cow Puncher The shadows of the spruce trees fell north-eastward, pointing long, cool fingers across belts of undulating prairie, or leaning lazily against the brown foothills. Like an incandescent globe the afternoon sun hung in the bowl of a cloudless heaven, filmy with...
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The Lost ValleyThe Lost Valley PART I. THE POSTHUMOUS PUZZLE OF MR. BRYCE Chapter I.The Adventure on the Sands Chapter II.An Old Friend Chapter III.The Strange Behaviour of Mr. Bryce Chapter IV.The Thief in the Night Chapter V.Circumstantial Evidence Chapter VI.I Tell a Lie Chapter VII.Introducing...
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With Lee in Virginia: A Story of the American Civil WarWith Lee in Virginia: A Story of the American Civil WarMy Dear Lads: The Great War between the Northern and Southern States of America possesses a peculiar interest to us, not only because it was a struggle between two sections of a people akin...
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Locus SolusLocus SolusLocus Solusla proprit se nomme ainsiest une calme retraite o Canterel aime poursuivre en toute tranquillit d'esprit ses multiples et fconds travaux. En ce lieu solitaire il est suffisamment l'abri des agitations de Pariset peut cependant gagner la capitale en un quart d'heure...
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The HenchmanThe HenchmanThose familiar with the early history of Western New York will know the "Tuscarora Stories" of this volume for twice-told tales which the author has ventured to adapt from the suggestive "Pioneer History of Orleans County," by Judge Arad Thomas. It was the...
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The Time TradersThe Time TradersTo anyone who glanced casually inside the detention room the young man sitting there did not seem very formidable. In height he might have been a little above average, but not enough to make him noticeable. His brown hair was cropped conservatively;...
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The House in the MistThe House in the MistIt was a night to drive any man indoors. Not only was the darkness impenetrable, but the raw mist enveloping hill and valley made the open road anything but desirable to a belated wayfarer like myself. Being young, untrammeled, and...
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The Entailed Hat Or, Patty Cannon's TimesThe Entailed Hat; Or, Patty Cannon's TimesOnce the author awoke to a painful reflection that he knew no place well, though his occupation had taken him to many, and that, after twenty-five years of describing localities and society, he would be identified with none....
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The Devil DoctorThe Devil DoctorI placed a whisky and soda before the Rev. J. D. Eltham, also sliding the tobacco jar nearer to his hand. The refined and sensitive face of the clergyman offered no indication to the truculent character of the man. His scanty fair...
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Edison's Conquest of MarsEdison's Conquest of Mars It is impossible that the stupendous events which followed the disastrous invasion of the earth by the Martians should go without record, and circumstances having placed the facts at my disposal, I deem it a duty, both to posterity and...
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The Southerner: A Romance of the Real LincolnThe Southerner: A Romance of the Real LincolnLest my readers should feel that certain incidents of this story are startling and improbable, I wish to say that every word in it relating to the issues of our national life has been drawn from authentic...
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The She Boss: A Western StoryThe She Boss: A Western Story Spring was manifest in the vast big-timber country of Mendocino County. "Uncle" Sebastian Burris felt the moist warmth of it oozing from the slowly drying road as he trudged along. The smell of it emanated from the white,...
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La princesse de MonpensierLa princesse de MonpensierLe respect que l'on doit l'illustre nom qui est la teste de ce Livre, & la consideration que l'on doit avoir pour les minentes personnes qui sont descendues de ceux qui l'ont port, m'oblige de dire, pour ne pas manquer envers...
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Sword and Gown: A NovelSword and Gown: A NovelThere is something in this climate, after all. I suppose there are not many places where one could lie on the shore in December, and enjoy the air as much as I have done for the last two hours. Harry...
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The Emigrant TrailThe Emigrant Trail It had rained steadily for three days, the straight, relentless rain of early May on the Missouri frontier. The emigrants, whose hooded wagons had been rolling into Independence for the past month and whose tents gleamed through the spring foliage, lounged...
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Foe-FarrellFoe-FarrellIf the red slayer thinks he slays, Or if the slain think he is slain, They know not well the subtle ways I keep, and pass, and turn again. EMERSON: Brahma. Otway told this story in a dug-out which served for officers' mess of...
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La foire aux vanités, Tome ILa foire aux vanités, Tome ITout le monde connat ces rendez-vous en plein air, ces rjouissances annuelles et ambulantes qui appellent les amateurs de bruit, de poussire et de plaisir. La Foire aux Vanits est l'idal du genre. On y trouve mme cohue, mme...
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$126.65 SGD- $8.54 SGD
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The Golden SilenceThe Golden SilenceStephen Knight was very angry, though he meant to be kind and patient with Margot. Perhaps, after all, she had not given the interview to the newspaper reporter. It might be what she herself would call a "fake." But as for her...
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