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Les mystères de Paris, Tome IVLes mystères de Paris, Tome IVAvant d'apprendre au lecteur le dnoment du drame qui se passait dans le bateau soupape de Martial, nous reviendrons sur nos pas. Peu de moments aprs que Fleur-de-Marie eut quitt Saint-Lazare avec Mme Sraphin, la Louve tait aussi sortie...
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The Uttermost FarthingThe Uttermost FarthingLaurence Vanderlyn, unpaid attach at the American Embassy in Paris, strode down the long grey platform marked No. 5, of the Gare de Lyon. It was seven o'clock, the hour at which Paris is dining or is about to dine, and the...
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Les mystères de Paris, Tome IIILes mystères de Paris, Tome IIID'abord il l'a t autant que moi, car ses larmes, sa joie, m'ont caus une motion que je ne connaissais pas encore... Autrefois, je croyais me venger en lui adressant un reproche ou un sarcasme... Triste vengeance! Mon chagrin...
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Les mystères de Paris, Tome VLes mystères de Paris, Tome VSon dsespoir et sa rage, si longtemps comprims, clatrent avec furie; haletant, la figure crispe, l'il gar, il marchait pas prcipits, allant et venant dans son cabinet comme une bte froce tenue la chane. Tonnerre et sang! s'cria enfin...
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Les mystères de Paris, Tome IILes mystères de Paris, Tome IILa Chouette, le Matre d'cole et Tortillard, tapis dans une des anfractuosits de ce chemin, virent le prtre et Fleur-de-Marie descendre dans la ravine et en sortir par une pente escarpe. Les traits de la jeune fille tant cachs...
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Les mystères de Paris, Tome ILes mystères de Paris, Tome IUn repris de justice, qui, dans cette langue immonde, s'appelle un ogre, ou une femme de mme dgradation, qui s'appelle une ogresse, tiennent ordinairement ces tavernes, hantes par le rebut de la population parisienne; forats librs, escrocs, voleurs, assassins...
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Bas les coeurs!Bas les coeurs!M. Beaudrain, le professeur du lyce qui vient me donner des leons tous les jours, de quatre heures et demie six heures, m'a appris la chose ds son arrive, en posant sa serviette sur la table. --Pas avant quelques jours, a rpondu...
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Flood TideFlood Tide Willie Spence was a trial. Not that his personality rasped society at large. On the contrary his neighbors cherished toward the little old man, with his short-sighted blue eyes and his appealing smile, an affection peculiarly tender; and if they sometimes were...
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Pohjan-Piltti: Kuvaus lopulta 13:tta vuosisataaPohjan-Piltti: Kuvaus lopulta 13:tta vuosisataaJos otamme vanhat Klint'in merikartat katsellaksemme ja haemme sen lehden, miss Merenkurkku lukemattomine luotoinensa kuvataan, keksimme pian keskell meri, toista peninkulmaa Mikkelinsaarista luodetta kohden, pienen karimerkin, jonka viereen on pantu nimi: "Pohjanpiltti". Olen useilta saaristolaisilta ja merimiehilt kysellyt, mink-nkinen tm...
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Mademoiselle ClocqueMademoiselle ClocqueCette circonstance tait pour elle un motif de coquetterie bien excusable et lui valait une renomme d'une originalit charmante. Beaucoup de personnes l'coutaient en souriant, cause de la manie qu'elle avait d'y faire des allusions frquentes, et la quittaient gagnes par l'accent de...
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At Home with the JardinesAt Home with the JardinesI have never dared even inquire why our best man began calling my husband the Angel. He was with us a great deal during the first months of our marriage, and he is very observing, so I decided to let...
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Then I'll Come Back to YouThen I'll Come Back to You That year no rain had fallen for a score of days in the hill country. The valley road that wound upward and still upward from the town of Morrison ran a ribbon of puffy yellow dust between sun-baked,...
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A Thoughtless YesA Thoughtless Yes In issuing a new edition of this book, it has been thought wise to state that an unauthorized edition is now on the market, and it is desirable that the public shall know that all copies of this book not bearing...
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Franklin KaneFranklin KaneMiss Althea Jakes was tired after her long journey from Basle. It was a brilliant summer afternoon, and though the shutters were half closed on the beating Parisian sunlight, the hotel sitting-room looked, in its brightness, hardly shadowed. Unpinning her hat, laying it...
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The Four FeathersThe Four Feathers CHAPTER I. A Crimean Night CHAPTER II. Captain Trench and a Telegram CHAPTER III. The Last Ride Together CHAPTER IV. The Ball at Lennon House CHAPTER V. The Pariah CHAPTER VI. Harry Feversham's Plan CHAPTER VII. The Last Reconnaissance CHAPTER VIII....
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The IdiotThe IdiotFor some weeks after the happy event which transformed the popular Mrs. Smithers into the charming Mrs. John Pedagog all went well at that lady's select home for single gentlemen. It was only proper that during the honey-moon, at least, of the happy...
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The Prairie WifeThe Prairie WifeSplash!... That's me, Matilda Anne! That's me falling plump into the pool of matrimony before I've had time to fall in love! And oh, Matilda Anne, Matilda Anne, I've got to talk to you! You may be six thousand miles away, but...
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Woman Triumphant (La Maja Desnuda)Woman Triumphant (La Maja Desnuda)The word maja has no exact equivalent in English or in any of the modern languages. Literally, it means "bedecked," "showy," "gaudily attired," "flashy," "dazzling," etc., and it was applied at the end of the eighteenth century and at the...
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The Loom of YouthThe Loom of YouthBooks have their fates and this one's has been curious. I wrote it between January and March 1916, when I was seventeen and a half years old and in camp at Berkhamsted with the Inns of Court O.T.C. I loathed it...
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