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The Poor PlutocratsThe Poor Plutocrats"Szegny Gazdagok" is, perhaps, the most widely known of all Maurus Jkai's masterpieces. It was first published at Budapest, in 1860, in four volumes, and has been repeatedly translated into German, while good Swedish, Danish, Dutch and Polish versions sufficiently testify to...
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Pikku ihmisiäPikku ihmisiäSe oli kyll siev nukke, jonka saattoi asettaa istumaan tahi seisomaan, kdet erilaisissa asennoissa. Mutta idin mielest siell oli paljon kauniimpia ja sellaisia, jotka puhuivatkin lausuen muutamia sanoja. Hn niit tarjotteli, vaan Laura ei huolinut kuin siit, jota oli osottanut. Lehtori ei ollut...
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The Mayor of WarwickThe Mayor of Warwick St George's Hall, situated on a high hill overlooking the city of Warwick, was still silent and tenantless, though the long vacation was drawing to a close. To a stranger passing that way for the first time, the building and...
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Choice Readings for the Home CircleChoice Readings for the Home Circle Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1905, by M. A. Vroman, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D.C. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 1916, by Martin A. Vroman. The compiler of this volume...
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Le capitaine PamphileLe capitaine PamphileCe roman trop oubli est un chef-d'uvre unique chez Dumas. Il aurait pu tre sign de Sterne, ou de Swift: c'est dans leur ton qu'il voque la traite des noirs. Le rcit est plein de gaiet et de verve, de burlesque parodique:...
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AvojalkaAvojalka 1. Lapset kolkuttavat ovelle. 2. Kaukainen sielu. 3. Puusta synnyintalon luona. 4. Avaudu! 5. Selja-aholla. 6. Mkin-eukko. 7. Laupias sisar. 8. Skki ja kirves. 9. Kuokka-vieras. 10. Yksi ainoa tanssi vaan. 11. Niinkuin laulussa sanotaan. 12. Hn on tullut. 13. idin sydmmest. 14....
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Une Pupille GenanteUne Pupille GenanteAh! la bonne soire quil avait passe au caf de Paris! Dieu! quon avait ri! Ce diable de Pinsonneau en avait-il racont des farces de sa vie de garnison! et avait-on assez raill le clerg, les prtres et les mmeries des clricaux!...
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Nounou: Histoire de la MoucheronneNounou: Histoire de la MoucheronnePermettez-moi de vous ddier cette bluette crite sous les ombrages de votre villa riante, en souvenir des heures charmantes passes au bord de cette Mditerrane si belle et si aime o nous nous retrouvons chaque anne. Il portait un paquet...
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The Wide, Wide WorldThe Wide, Wide WorldThe Wide, Wide World as seen by The North American Review, January 1853 ' Miss Warner makes her young girl passionate, though amiable, in her temper; fond of admiration, although withheld by innate delicacy from seeking it unduly. She places her...
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A Certain Rich ManA Certain Rich ManThe woods were as the Indians had left them, but the boys who were playing there did not realize, until many years afterwards, that they had moved in as the Indians moved out. Perhaps, if these boys had known that they...
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Poignet-d'acier, Ou, Les ChippiouaisPoignet-d'acier, Ou, Les ChippiouaisPlaisanter! le diable m'emporte si je plaisante! La belle existence que j'ai en perspective! l'hiver, un froid geler le mercure; l't une chaleur rtir tous les poissons de la baie d'Hudson. Pour compagnie, des sauvages abominables; pour distraction, des femmes monstres;...
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Molly Make-BelieveMolly Make-BelieveThe morning was as dark and cold as city snow could make ita dingy whirl at the window; a smoky gust through the fireplace; a shadow black as a bear's cave under the table. Nothing in all the cavernous room, loomed really warm...
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The Beautiful Eyes of YsidriaThe Beautiful Eyes of YsidriaMadame Emma Baudouin of Luebeck, this little story of Californian life is given in token of her unmerited kindness to the writer, and in admiration of one who makes the world happier by her every word and act. Have you...
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A Cigarette-Maker's RomanceA Cigarette-Maker's RomanceThe inner room of a tobacconist's shop is not perhaps the spot which a writer of fiction would naturally choose as the theatre of his play, nor does the inventor of pleasant romances, of stirring incident, or moving love-tales feel himself instinctively...
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The Swindler and Other StoriesThe Swindler and Other StoriesThe stranger, smoking his cigarette in the lee of the deck-cabins, turned his head sharply in the direction of the voice. He encountered the wide, unembarrassed gaze of a girl's grey eyes. She had evidently just come up on deck....
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Phineas ReduxPhineas ReduxThe circumstances of the general election of 18 will be well remembered by all those who take an interest in the political matters of the country. There had been a coming in and a going out of Ministers previous to that,somewhat rapid, very...
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My Lady of DoubtMy Lady of DoubtSeveral of us had remained rather late that evening about the cheerful fire in front of my hut,for the nights were still chilly, although it was May, and the dreadful winter passed,discussing the improved condition of our troops, the rigid discipline...
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The Lady of Fort St. JohnThe Lady of Fort St. JohnThe Atlantic rushed across a mile or two of misty beach, boring into all its channels in the neck of Acadia. Twilight and fog blurred the landscape, but the eye could trace a long swell of earth rising gradually...
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Rouva Katariina Boije ja hänen tyttärensä: Kertomus ison vihan ajoiltaRouva Katariina Boije ja hänen tyttärensä: Kertomus ison vihan ajoiltaEi ole viel erin pitk aikaa kulunut siit kuin tmn kertomuksen tekij, Rouva Fredriikka Charlotta Runeberg veti viimeisen henghdyksens. Suomalaiset tiedmme kaikki, mit hnen puolisonsa runokuninkaamme Juhana Ludviikki Runeberg on meidn kansallemme vaikuttanut, me tiedmme...
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Captain Sam: The Boy Scouts of 1814Captain Sam: The Boy Scouts of 1814The young man, or boy rather,for he was not yet eighteen years old,who made this very emphatic remark, was a stalwart, well-built youth, lithe of limb, elastic in movement, slender, straight, tall, with a rather thin face, upon...
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