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Bob Hampton of PlacerBob Hampton of Placer It was not an uncommon tragedy of the West. If slightest chronicle of it survive, it must be discovered among the musty and nearly forgotten records of the Eighteenth Regiment of Infantry, yet it is extremely probable that even there...
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Amusing Trial in which a Yankee Lawyer Renders a Just VerdictAmusing Trial in which a Yankee Lawyer Renders a Just Verdict Title: Amusing Trial in which a Yankee Lawyer Renders a Just Verdict Author: Anonymous Release Date: January 25, 2006 [EBook #17604] Language: English Original Publication: , Published at the Office of the Youth's...
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Beth Norvell: A Romance of the WestBeth Norvell: A Romance of the West There were nine altogether in the party registering. This number included the manager, who, both on and off the stage, quite successfully impersonated the villaina rather heavy-jawed, middle-aged fellow, of foreign appearance, with coarse, gruff voice; three...
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Halil the Pedlar: A Tale of Old StambulHalil the Pedlar: A Tale of Old StambulOn September 28th, 1730, a rebellion burst forth in Stambul against Sultan Achmed III., whose cowardly hesitation to take the field against the advancing hosts of the victorious Persians had revolted both the army and the people....
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Kertomus maaseudultaKertomus maaseudultaOli lauantai-ilta Heinkuun loppupuolella. Tahvolan mki oli kotiutunut etisilt niityilt kotosalle maaseutua viettmn. Kaikki olivat erinomaisen iloisella ja kevyell mielell; olihan saatu hyvnlaisesti heini kokoon. Mutta omituisen juhlalliseksi muuttui viel mieliala, kun tiedettiin, ett taloon oli tullut vieraita aina Amerikasta asti. Tahvo-isnnn veli,...
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Els HeroisEls HeroisHerois, com Proses brbares, s un llibre fervors i sincer. Ning ha de cercar-hi enginy ni fantasia. Us dono una obra viscuda i no pas una oriflama literria. Austerament he recercat entre les meves enyorances d'aventurer humil. Dintre la urb nerviosa, segueixo amant...
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De Zuidster, het land der diamantenDe Zuidster, het land der diamantenJa, mijnheer. Mijn aanzoek schijnt u te verrassen. Is het niet? Toch moet gij mij ten goede houden, dat ik niet recht begrijp, waardoor dat aanzoek u zoo buitengewoon voorkomt. Ik ben zes en twintig jaren oud. Ik heet...
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L'amour au pays bleuL'amour au pays bleuour nos dbuts, nous avons la bonne fortune d'offrir au public un livre d'Hector France; ce n'est, il est vrai, qu'une rdition, mais nous sommes fermement convaincus qu'en rditant l'uvre saisissante et trs originale qu'on va lire, uvre pour les dlicats,...
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Les grandes espérancesLes grandes espérancesLe nom de famille de mon pre tant Pirrip, et mon nom de baptme Philip, ma langue enfantine ne put jamais former de ces deux mots rien de plus long et de plus explicite que Pip. C'est ainsi que je m'appelai moi-mme...
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The Shoulders of Atlas: A NovelThe Shoulders of Atlas: A NovelHenry Whitman was walking home from the shop in the April afternoon. The spring was very early that year. The meadows were quite green, and in the damp hollows the green assumed a violet tingesometimes from violets themselves, sometimes...
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By the Light of the Soul: A NovelBy the Light of the Soul: A NovelAs was the custom, a young man had charge of the meeting, and he stood, with a sort of embarrassed dignity, on the little platform behind the desk. He was reading a selection from the Bible. Maria...
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The Adventures of Ann: Stories of Colonial TimesThe Adventures of Ann: Stories of Colonial TimesThis Indenture Wittnesseth, That I Margaret Burjust of Boston, in the County of Suffolk and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Have placed, and by these presents do place and bind out my only Daughter...
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On the Church StepsOn the Church StepsWhat a picture she was as she sat there, my own Bessie! and what a strange place it was to rest on, those church steps! Behind us lay the Woolsey woods, with their wooing fragrance of pine and soft rushes of...
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Son Excellence Eugène RougonSon Excellence Eugène RougonLa sance est ouverte. Et il classa les projets de loi, placs devant lui, sur le bureau. A sa gauche, un secrtaire, myope, le nez sur le papier, lisait le procs-verbal de la dernire sance, d'un balbutiement rapide que pas un...
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Les femmes d'artistesLes femmes d'artistesC'tait l'heure des effusions, des confidences. La lampe clairait doucement sous l'abat-jour, limitant son cercle de flamme l'intimit de la causerie, laissant peine distinct le luxe capricieux des vastes murailles encombres de toiles, de panoplies, de tentures, et termines tout en haut...
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La CuréeLa CuréeLe soleil se couchait dans un ciel d'octobre, d'un gris clair, stri l'horizon de minces nuages. Un dernier rayon, qui tombait des massifs lointains de la cascade, enfilait la chausse, baignant d'une lumire rousse et plie la longue suite des voitures devenues immobiles....
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Anna Karénine, Tome IAnna Karénine, Tome I * * * * * La maison Oblonsky tait bouleverse. La princesse, ayant appris que son mari entretenait une liaison avec une institutrice franaise qui venait d'tre congdie, dclarait ne plus vouloir vivre sous le mme toit que lui. Cette...
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Krates: Een LevensbeeldKrates: Een Levensbeeldt Heeft er jaren lang gestaan: Philip Strijkman koopt alle soorten van kleederen en andere artikelen in, tot den hoogsten prijs, en t zou er misschen nog even duidelijk met zwarte letters op t witte bord te lezen staan, wanneer niet sedert...
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PrincessPrincessWhen the idea of a removal to Virginia was first mooted in the family of General Percival Smith, ex-Brigadier in the United States service, it was received with consternation and a perfect storm of disapproval. The young ladies, Norma and Blanche, rose as one...
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DagenDagenDe schoone, lange zomerdagen waren uit. De laatste sloepten trage naar hun stille dood en dan hingen er alleen nog wat wasems mist in vroege en late deemstering over 't land. De kranke zon kwam met den noen even bovenpiepen, schreef een rondekring, een...
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