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The King's Arrow: A Tale of the United Empire LoyalistsThe King's Arrow: A Tale of the United Empire LoyalistsTranscriber's note: In the original book, the 's' in "Wu-las-tukw" is actually "s-acute", or Unicode U+015B, and the first 'u' in "Pu-kut" is actually "u-breve", or Unicode U+016D. In this e-text, both characters have been...
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Vuonna 2000: Katsaus vuoteen 1887Vuonna 2000: Katsaus vuoteen 1887Edvard Bellamy, amerikalainen sanomalehtimies ja kirjailija, syntyi Massachusettin valtiossa Yhdysvalloissa 1850. Hnen teostaan Vuonna 2000 pidetn parhaana tulevaisuuden yhteiskuntaa kuvailevana romaanina, kuten nkyy sen suunnattomasta menekistkin. Sit myytiin Yhdysvalloissa parin ensimisen vuoden kuluessa jo yli 300,000 kpl. Samaan aikaan meni...
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Sattumuksia JänislahdellaSattumuksia JänislahdellaHaapajrven itisell rannalla kivisen niemen pivn kaltavalla sivulla kepotti valkea-ikkunainen punaseksi maalattu mkki pienine peltotilkkuineen. Mkin kierti harvaksi ladottu lappa-aita, jonka pt parin sadan askeleen pss toisistaan tyntyivt pitkist saloista tehtyin juohteina Haapajrven syvn rantaan. Mkki kutsuttiin siit syyst Jahtirannaksi, kun sen niemen...
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Secret BreadSecret BreadI High Adventures in a Farmyard II The Mill III The Kitchen IV Pagan Pastoral V Head of the House VI Reactions VII The Chapel VIII Seed-Time IX Fresh Pasture X Hilaria XI The Place on the Moor XII Some Ambitions and an...
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Adrien LeroyAdrien LeroyIt was a cold night in early spring, and the West End streets were nearly deserted. The great shutters of the shops were being drawn down with a dull rumble, and every moment the pavements grew more dreary looking as the glories of...
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Eveline MandevilleEveline Mandeville - Or, The Horse Thief Rival"'Do not like him,' forsooth! And pray, are you going to reject the best offer in the county because of a simple whim? the mere fancy of a vain-headed, foolish and inexperienced girl? I did not before...
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The Pride of PalomarThe Pride of Palomar I have at last finished writing "The Pride of Palomar." It isn't at all what I wanted it to be; it isn't at all what I planned it to be, but it does contain something of what you and I...
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La CatedralLa CatedralComenzaba a amanecer cuando Gabriel Luna lleg ante la catedral. En las estrechas calles toledanas todava era de noche. La azul claridad del alba, que apenas, lograba deslizarse entre los aleros de los tejados, se esparca con mayor libertad en la plazuela del...
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Bad HughBad Hugh A large, old-fashioned, weird-looking wooden building, with strangely shaped bay windows and stranger gables projecting here and there from the slanting roof, where the green moss clung in patches to the moldy shingles, or formed a groundwork for the nests the swallows...
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The Safety Curtain, and Other StoriesThe Safety Curtain, and Other StoriesThe Hundreth Chance Greatheart The Lamp in the Desert The Tidal Wave The Top of the World The Obstacle Race The Way of an Eagle The Knave of Diamonds The Rocks of Valpr The Swindler The Keeper of the...
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Biltmore OswaldBiltmore Oswald - The Diary of a Hapless RecruitFeb. 23d. "And what," asked the enlisting officer, regarding me as if I had insulted him, his family and his live stock, "leads you to believe that you are remotely qualified to join the Navy?" "Nothing,"...
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The Furnace of GoldThe Furnace of Gold Now Nevada, though robed in gray and whitethe gray of sagebrush and the white of snowy summitshad never yet been accounted a nun when once again the early summer aroused the passions of her being and the wild peach burst...
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The Skipper and the Skipped: Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron SproulThe Skipper and the Skipped: Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul"One way you look at it, Uncle Jed," said the Cap'n, "it's a come-down swifter'n a slide from the foretop the whole length of the boomstay. I've been master since I was...
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The Lee ShoreThe Lee Shore CHAPTER I--A Hereditary Bequest CHAPTER II--The Choice of a Career CHAPTER III--The Hopes CHAPTER IV--The Complete Shopper CHAPTER V--The Splendid Morning CHAPTER VI--Hilary, Peggy, and the Boarders CHAPTER VII--Diana, Acton, and Lord Evelyn CHAPTER VIII--Peter Understands CHAPTER IX--The Fat in the...
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Bruvver Jim's BabyBruvver Jim's BabyIt all commenced that bright November day of the Indian rabbit drive and hunt. The motley army of the Piute tribe was sweeping tremendously across a sage-brush valley of Nevada, their force two hundred braves in number. They marched abreast, some thirty...
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Poison IslandPoison Island It was in the dusk of a July evening of the year 1813 (July 27, to be precise) that on my way back from the mail-coach office, Falmouth, to Mr. Stimcoe's Academy for the Sons of Gentlemen, No. 7, Delamere Terrace, I...
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The Voyage of the RattletrapThe Voyage of the RattletrapPerhaps we were pretty big boys--Jack and I. In fact, I'm afraid we were so big that we haven't grown much since. But Ollie was a boy, anyhow; he couldn't have been more than a dozen years old, and we...
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The YokeThe Yoke - A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of EgyptNear the eastern boundary of that level region of northern Egypt, known as the Delta, once thridded by seven branches of the sea-hunting Nile,...
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Korpelan seppäKorpelan seppäHarmaana, raskaannkisesti pulppuilevana patsaana nousi kesillan tyyneen korkeuteen savu Erkkiln karjatarhaan tehdyst suitsusta. Talon lehmt siin hyvss sovussa kiertelivt suitsua, mutta Marian lehm, joka oli muualta ostettu, vihasivat kaikki eik se uskaltanut tulla lhellekn, vaan tytyi vrjtell ulompana. Toisista lehmist eronneet hynteiset kerytyivt...
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