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The GraftersThe GraftersIn point of age, Gaston the strenuous was still no more than a lusty infant among the cities of the brown plain when the boom broke and the junto was born, though its beginnings as a halt camp ran back to the days...
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The RefugeesThe Refugees - A Tale of Two Continents It was the sort of window which was common in Paris about the end of the seventeenth century. It was high, mullioned, with a broad transom across the centre, and above the middle of the transom...
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The Red Rover: A TaleThe Red Rover: A Tale The Writer felt it necessary, on a former occasion, to state, that, in sketching his marine life, he did not deem himself obliged to adhere, very closely, to the chronological order of nautical improvements. It is believed that no...
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The Sky Line of SpruceThe Sky Line of SpruceThe convict gang had a pleasant place to work to-day. Their road building had taken them some miles from the scattered outskirts of Walla Walla, among fields green with growing barley. The air was fresh and sweet; the Western meadow...
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Fædra: Brudstykker af et Livs HistorieFædra: Brudstykker af et Livs HistorieNu var Thorsholm alt, hvad Maag'erne havde tilbage. Fr havde skiftevis en Jens og en Jrgen Maagde to var Slgtens Yndlingsnavnefra Thorsholm af eiet og styret over Landet fire Mil i Omkreds lige til Fjorden, og tten havde hrt...
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Cheerful—By RequestCheerful—By Request The editor paid for the lunch (as editors do). He lighted his seventh cigarette and leaned back. The conversation, which had zigzagged from the war to Zuloaga, and from Rasputin the Monk to the number of miles a Darrow would go on...
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20.000 Mijlen onder Zee: Westelijk Halfrond20.000 Mijlen onder Zee: Westelijk HalfrondXXV. De Indische Oceaan. XXVI. Een nieuw voorstel van Kapitein Nemo. XXVII. Een parel van vijf millioen. XXVIII. De Roode Zee. XXIX. De Arabische Tunnel. XXX. De Grieksche Archipel. XXXI. Door de Middellandsche Zee in twee dagen. XXXII. De...
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Round Anvil Rock: A RomanceRound Anvil Rock: A RomanceIn weaving a romance round a real rock and through actual events, this tale has taken no great liberty with fact. It has, indeed, claimed the freedom of fiction only in drawing certain localities and incidents somewhat closer together than...
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The Man Whom the Trees LovedThe Man Whom the Trees LovedHe painted trees as by some special divining instinct of their essential qualities. He understood them. He knew why in an oak forest, for instance, each individual was utterly distinct from its fellows, and why no two beeches in...
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The Nine-TenthsThe Nine-TenthsThat windy autumn noon the young girls of the hat factory darted out of the loft building and came running back with cans of coffee, and bags of candy, and packages of sandwiches and cakes. They frisked hilariously before the wind, with flying...
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Clarissa Harlowe or the history of a young lady — Volume 6Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6 LETTER I. II. Lovelace to Belford.His conditional promise to Tomlinson in the ladys favour. His pleas and arguments on their present situation, and on his darling and hitherto-baffled views. His whimsical contest...
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Sacred and Profane Love: A Novel in Three EpisodesSacred and Profane Love: A Novel in Three Episodes The Novelist For Whom Man And Nature Are Inseparable With Profound Respect For The Classical Dignity Of His Aim And Equal Admiration For The Austere Splendour Of His Performance How I have wept, the long...
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Jimgrim and Allah's PeaceJimgrim and Allah's PeaceI. "Look for a man named Grim." II. "No objection; Only a stipulation." III. "Do whatever the leader of the escort tells you." IV. "I am willing to use all meansall methods." V. "D'you mind if I use you?" VI. "That...
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The Irrational KnotThe Irrational Knot - Being the Second Novel of His Nonage This novel was written in the year 1880, only a few years after I had exported myself from Dublin to London in a condition of extreme rawness and inexperience concerning the specifically English...
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Cowmen and Rustlers: A Story of the Wyoming Cattle RangesCowmen and Rustlers: A Story of the Wyoming Cattle Ranges The Whitney household, in the western part of Maine, was filled with sunshine, merriment and delight, on a certain winter evening a few years ago. There was the quiet, thoughtful mother, now past her...
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Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume 22Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume 22Old David Stuart was the picture of healtha personification of contentment. When I knew him, his years must have considerably exceeded threescore; but his good-natured face was as ruddy as health could make it; his...
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The Hunted WomanThe Hunted WomanIt was all newmost of it singularly dramatic and even appalling to the woman who sat with the pearl-gray veil drawn closely about her face. For eighteen hours she had been a keenly attentive, wide-eyed, and partly frightened bit of humanity in...
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The Happiest Time of Their LivesThe Happiest Time of Their Lives" and then he added in a less satisfied tone: "But friendship is so uncertain. You don't make any announcement to your friends or vows to each other, unless you're at an age when you cut your initials in...
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This Is the EndThis Is the EndThis is the end, for the moment, of all my thinking, this is my unfinal conclusion. There is no reason in tangible things, and no system in the ordinary ways of the world. Hands were made to grope, and feet to...
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Caleb Williams Or, Things as They AreCaleb Williams; Or, Things as They AreFebruary 14, 1805. Yet another novel from the same pen, which has twice before claimed the patience of the public in this form. The unequivocal indulgence which has been extended to my two former attempts, renders me doubly...
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