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Only an IncidentOnly an Incident 1883 Joppa was the very centre of all things. That was the opening clause in the creed of every well-educated and right-thinking Joppite. Geographically, however, it was not the centre of any thing, being considerably off from the great lines of...
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Recits d'un soldatRécits d'un soldat: Une armée prisonnière; Une campagne devant ParisLes pages qu'on va lire sont extraites d'un cahier de notes crites par un engag volontaire. Il n'y faut point chercher de graves tudes sur les causes qui ont amen les dsastres sous lesquels notre...
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Impressions of Theophrastus SuchImpressions of Theophrastus Such Itis my habit to give an account to myself of the characters I meet with: can I give any true account of my own? I am a bachelor, without domestic distractions of any sort, and have all my life been...
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The Broken RoadThe Broken RoadIt was the Road which caused the trouble. It usually is the road. That and a reigning prince who was declared by his uncle secretly to have sold his country to the British, and a half-crazed priest from out beyond the borders...
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Between WhilesBetween WhilesWho buys? Who buys? 'Tis like a market-fair; The hubbub rises deafening on the air: The children spend their honest money there; The knaves prowl out like foxes from a lair. Who buys? Who sells? Alas, and still alas! The children sell their...
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Thoughts in HeadsМислите в главите - . . , - . , - . , . . , . - ! - . , - . , , - . . , , - - , ! ! , , , . , . , ....
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The World's Greatest Books — Volume 03 — FictionThe World's Greatest Books — Volume 03 — FictionI remember my first visit to Tartarin of Tarascon as clearly as if it had been yesterday, though it is now more than a dozen years ago. When you had passed into his back garden, you...
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Boule de SuifBoule de SuifPendant plusieurs jours de suite des lambeaux d'arme en droute avaient travers la ville. Ce n'tait point de la troupe, mais des hordes dbandes. Les hommes avaient la barbe longue et sale, des uniformes en guenilles, et ils avanaient d'une allure molle,...
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MoonfleetMoonfleet 1898 Says the Cap'n to the Crew, We have slipped the Revenue, I can see the cliffs of Dover on the lee: Tip the signal to the Swan, And anchor broadside on, And out with the kegs of Eau-de-Vie, Says the Cap'n: Out...
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Men, Women, and GhostsMen, Women, and GhostsOf this collection of stories, "Calico," "The Day of my Death," and "Night-Watches" (the last under the title of "Voices of the Night") have appeared in Harper's Monthly; "One of the Elect," (under the title of "Magdalene,") in Hours at Home;...
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Children of the FrostChildren of the FrostA weary journey beyond the last scrub timber and straggling copses, into the heart of the Barrens where the niggard North is supposed to deny the Earth, are to be found great sweeps of forests and stretches of smiling land. But...
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Christmas Eve on Lonesome and Other StoriesChristmas Eve on Lonesome and Other StoriesIt was Christmas Eve on Lonesome. But nobody on Lonesome knew that it was Christmas Eve, although a child of the outer world could have guessed it, even out in those wilds where Lonesome slipped from one lone...
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A Set of RoguesA Set of Rogues - Namely Christopher Sutton, John Dawson, the Señor Don Sanchez Del Castillo De Castelaña and Moll Dawson; Their Wicked Conspiracy, and a True Account of Their Travels and Adventures There being no plays to be acted at the "Red Bull,"...
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Betty's Bright Idea Deacon Pitkin's Farm and the First Christmas of New EnglandBetty's Bright Idea; Deacon Pitkin's Farm; and the First Christmas of New EnglandSome say that ever, 'gainst that season comes Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrate, The bird of dawning singeth all night long. And then, they say, no evil spirit walks; The nights...
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Doctor PascalDoctor Pascal In the heat of the glowing July afternoon, the room, with blinds carefully closed, was full of a great calm. From the three windows, through the cracks of the old wooden shutters, came only a few scattered sunbeams which, in the midst...
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The House of WhispersThe House of Whispers"Because my senses of hearing and feeling are sharper and more developed than those of other folk perhaps," replied the grey-bearded old gentleman, as he turned his sharp-cut, grey, but expressionless countenance to the tall, sweet-faced girl standing beside his chair....
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Prince ZaleskiPrince ZaleskiNever without grief and pain could I remember the fate of Prince Zaleskivictim of a too importunate, too unfortunate Love, which the fulgor of the throne itself could not abash; exile perforce from his native land, and voluntary exile from the rest of...
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White Jacket Or, The World on a Man-of-WarWhite Jacket; Or, The World on a Man-of-War Conceive him now in a man-of-war; with his letters of mart, well armed, victualed, and appointed, and see how he acquits himself. FULLERS Good Sea-Captain. NOTE. In the year 1843 I shipped as ordinary seaman on...
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The Danger TrailThe Danger TrailFor perhaps the first time in his life Howland felt the spirit of romance, of adventure, of sympathy for the picturesque and the unknown surging through his veins. A billion stars glowed like yellow, passionless eyes in the polar cold of the...
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A Desperate Chance Or, The Wizard Tramp's Revelation, a Thrilling NarrativeA Desperate Chance; Or, The Wizard Tramp's Revelation, a Thrilling Narrative The circumstances under which the words above quoted were spoken were weird and strange. A man and a mere youth were sitting by a campfire that was blazing and crackling in a narrow...
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