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Het portret van Dorian GrayHet portret van Dorian GrayHet atelier was vol rijken geur van rozen, en zoodra de lichte zomerwind in de boomen van den tuin trilde, kwam er door de opene deur een zware adem van seringen, eene fijnere aroom van den roze-bloeienden meidoorn binnen. Uit...
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A Rogue by Compulsion: An Affair of the Secret ServiceA Rogue by Compulsion: An Affair of the Secret ServiceWe had just left the quarrieseighteen of us, all dressed in that depressing costume which King George provides for his less elusive subjectsand we were shambling sullenly back along the gloomy road which leads through...
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The Sorrows of a Show Girl: A Story of the Great "White Way"The Sorrows of a Show Girl: A Story of the Great "White Way"In order to set myself right with both the public and the vast army of Sabrinas that add youth and beauty to our stage, and brilliancy and gaiety to our well known...
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Mary, ErzählungMary, Erzählung * * * * * Die Kstenlinie des sdlichen Norwegen ist hufig unterbrochen. Daran sind die Berge und die Flsse schuld. Das Gebirge luft in Hgel und Landzungen aus, denen oft Inseln vorgelagert sind; die Strme haben Tler gegraben und mnden in...
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Vecchie StorieVecchie StorieLa giornata spunt serena e limpida per gli sposi, che dopo aver riposato una notte a Como, continuarono il loro viaggio verso la Tremezzina. L'acquazzone del giorno prima aveva posto nell'aria i brividi precursori del non lontano ottobre e le cime dei monti,...
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$17.10 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Red Masquerade: Being the Story of the Lone Wolf's DaughterRed Masquerade: Being the Story of the Lone Wolf's DaughterIt is only fair to state, however, that the author has in this version taken as many high-handed liberties with the version used by the photoplay director as the latter took with the original. Messrs....
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AgnesAgnesHn oli minun ihanteeni koulussa. Tunnilla saatoin vlist unohtua hnt katselemaan niin, etten tiennyt mist puhekaan oli, kun kkiarvaamatta sain kysymyksen. Svhdin punaiseksi silloin, en osannut vastata, sain opettajalta moittivan katseen ja muistin sitten jonkun aikaa kiinnitt huomioni hneen. Ja toden totta, kaunis hn...
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RautatieRautatiePakkanen paukkaa nurkissa, risk pitkin aidan selki ja seuloo huurua puihin ja pensaihin. Aurinko kultaa kirkon ja tapulin ristej, paistaa hauskasti hrmiseen koivikkoon ja valaisee joka savupatsaan, joita kiemuroitellen kumpuilee piipuista ja lakeistorvista lhelt ja kaukaa. Tie ei ihan juuri kuolemataankaan huuda reen jalaksen...
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The Vanishing Man: A Detective RomanceThe Vanishing Man: A Detective Romance The school of St. Margaret's Hospital was fortunate in its lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence, or Forensic Medicine, as it is sometimes described. At some schools the lecturer on this subject is appointed apparently for the reason that he...
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The Lost Naval PapersThe Lost Naval PapersAt the beginning of the month of September, 1916, there appeared in the Cornhill Magazine a story entitled "The Lost Naval Papers." I had told this story at second hand, for the incidents had not occurred within my personal experience. One...
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The Heart of the RangeThe Heart of the RangeIt was a warm summer morning in the town of Farewell. Save a dozen horses tied to the hitching-rail in front of various saloons and the Blue Pigeon Store and Bill Lainey, the fat landlord of the hotel, who sat...
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The World's Greatest Books — Volume 01 — FictionThe World's Greatest Books — Volume 01 — FictionAn enterprise such as THE WORLD'S GREATEST BOOKS is to be judged from two different standpoints. It may be judged with respect to its specific achievement--the material of which it consists; or it may be judged...
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Clarissa Harlowe or the history of a young lady — Volume 4Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4 LETTER I. Clarissa to Miss Howe. Likes her lodgings; but not greatly the widow. Chides Miss Howe for her rash, though friendly vow. Catalogue of good books she finds in her closet....
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Three short worksThree short works - The Dance of Death, the Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitaller, a Simple Soul. [This work may be called a prose poem. It is impregnated with the spirit of romanticism, which at the time of writing had a temporary but...
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A Golden Book of VeniceA Golden Book of Venice 'This noble citie doth in a manner chalenge this at my hands, that I should describe her the fairest Lady, yet the richest Paragon, and Queene of Christendome.' I desire gratefully to acknowledge my indebtedness to many faithful, loving...
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Peter's MotherPeter's MotherThe author of "Peter's Mother" has been bidden of the publishers, who have incurred the responsibility of presenting her to the American public, to write a preface to this edition of her novel. She does so with the more diffidence because it has...
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The Green Flag, and Other Stories of War and SportThe Green Flag, and Other Stories of War and Sport When Jack Conolly, of the Irish Shotgun Brigade, the Rory of the Hills Inner Circle, and the extreme left wing of the Land League, was incontinently shot by Sergeant Murdoch of the constabulary, in...
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The Green MouseThe Green Mouse To the literary, literal, and scientific mind purposeless fiction is abhorrent. Fortunately we all are literally and scientifically inclined; the doom of purposeless fiction is sounded; and it is a great comfort to believe that, in the near future, only literary...
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Tutt and Mr. TuttTutt and Mr. Tutt "He says he killed him, and that's all there is about it!" said Tutt to Mr. Tutt. "What are you going to do with a fellow like that?" The junior partner of the celebrated firm of Tutt & Tutt, attorneys...
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Up the Hill and OverUp the Hill and OverThe cheery singing ended abruptly with the collapse of the singer upon a particularly inviting slope of grass. He was very dusty. He was very hot. The way from Wimbleton to Wombleton seemed suddenly extraordinarily long and tiresome. The slope...
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