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The Man Higher UpThe Man Higher UpTrant substituted for the photograph the bent wire given him by Miss Rowan. Then for the last time he swung to the instrument, and as his eyes caught the wildly vibrating pencils, they flared with triumph. While the results of psychic...
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The Right ThingThe Right ThingThe girl stood quiet in the cabin doorway looking out at the brilliant, frosty night. Over Sugar Loaf the cold, glittering moon shone full; the big fir on its summit stood stark and black against the vivid blue of the star-studded sky...
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Im tropischen BuschIm tropischen Busch Undurchdringlicher Dschungel bedeckt die weiten Ebenen der Flugebiete des Panuco und des Tamesi. Zwei Bahnlinien nur durchziehen diesen neunzigtausend Quadratkilometer groen Teil der Tierra Caliente. Wo sich Ansiedelungen befinden, haben sie sich dicht und ngstlich an die wenigen Eisenbahnstationen gedrngt. Europer...
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Les derniers Hommes Rouges: Roman d'aventuresLes derniers Hommes Rouges: Roman d'aventuresLa plaine immense stendait, borde au nord, au sud et louest par un rideau de verdure. Nulle route ny pouvait guider les pas des voyageurs, car on ne pouvait donner le nom de route lespce de sentier trac travers...
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The History of the Lady Betty StairThe History of the Lady Betty StairIN the year 1798 the palace of Holyrood was inhabited by a swarm of French people,his Royal Highness the Comte dArtois, who in his youth had danced so deliciously on the tightrope as to be the admiration of...
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A Secret Service: Being Strange Tales of a NihilistA Secret Service: Being Strange Tales of a NihilistWhile writing for The Times a series of articles dealing with the Russian Revolutionary movement and the condition of political exiles in Siberia, I became acquainted with the original of Anton Prhznev. Strange as his stories...
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Dogs Always KnowDogs Always KnowIndeed, Miss Selby was not very fond, just then, of any one who did not come from Boston. Sometimes she even went so far as to declare to herself that she did not like any one at all except the members of...
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Against the TideAgainst the Tide Although noon was close at hand, the morning was deeply gloomy and ominous. Thunder clouds of late summer brooded over the Ohio, and rain, already sweeping across the wide crescent-bend of the river, was threatening to burst upon Evansville. Yet it...
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La Comédie humaine - Volume 12. Scènes de la vie parisienne et scènes de la vie politiqueLa Comédie humaine - Volume 12. Scènes de la vie parisienne et scènes de la vie politiqueSplendeurs et Misres des Courtisanes (3epartie). Un Prince de la Bohme. Une Esquisse dHomme daffaires. GaudissartII. Les Comdiens sans le savoir. Un pisode sous laTerreur. Une Tnbreuse affaire....
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Hienoston huvinäytelmäHienoston huvinäytelmäEnglantilainen kirjailijapariskunta Agnes ja Egerton Castle on nyt kaksikymment vuotta julkaissut kaunokirjallisia tuotteita yksinomaan yhteisell nimell. Posa siin tyskentelyss on kuitenkin mr. Castlella, joka on syntynyt v. 1858 ja sai hyvin monipuolisen kasvatuksen, aluksi Pariisin ja Glasgowin yliopistoissa, sittemmin Oxfordissa ja Cambridgess luonnontieteiden...
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L'odyssée d'un transport torpilléL'odyssée d'un transport torpilléTu dois te demander ce que je suis devenu dans toute cette bagarre. Il est plutt loin, notre 14 juillet de la Nouvelle-Orlans o nous nous sommes dit au revoir au Dollar-Bar, aprs un cake-walk au son du gramophone. Je vais...
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The Big IdeaThe Big IdeaJimmy Rand came out of the wash-house that early April morning and took his place in the line of men dressed in their black, greasy mine-clothes. It was a long linestretching past the power-house, past the big tower where the coal came...
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Out of the WoodsOut of the WoodsWhen you learn that this story begins with the heroine setting off through the woods to visit her grandmother, who was ill, you may guess that it is the familiar tale of Little Red Riding Hood. I must admit that that...
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Tales of the clipper shipsTales of the clipper shipsThe knot of frowsy femalesthat strange and ghoulish sisterhood which frequents such dismal spots as faithfully as dramatic critics the first nights of theatreswho stood monotonously rocking perambulators on their back wheels outside the cemetery gates, were unanimously of opinion...
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Los desposados: Historia milanesa del siglo XVII - Tomo 2Los desposados: Historia milanesa del siglo XVII - Tomo 2En otras versiones en castellano el ttulo que se le ha dado es "Los novios". El transcriptor estima que "Los novios" est ms acorde con el ttulo original y el tenor de la obra. El...
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The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 2 (of 3)The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 2 (of 3) "Memories fast are thronging o'er me, Of the grand old fields of Spain; How he faced the charge of Junot, And the fight where Moore was slain. Oh the years of weary waiting...
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An Art Shop in Greenwich VillageAn Art Shop in Greenwich VillageThe little shop was dimly lighteda lurid red glow at one side and a faint amber radiance from above. For a moment I stood looking around uncertainlyat the slovenly display-cases and tables, the unframed paintings on the walls, and...
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The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 3 (of 3)The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 3 (of 3) "Memories fast are thronging o'er me, Of the grand old fields of Spain; How he faced the charge of Junot, And the fight where Moore was slain. Oh the years of weary waiting...
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The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 1 (of 3)The King's Own Borderers: A Military Romance, Volume 1 (of 3) "Memories fast are thronging o'er me, Of the grand old fields of Spain; How he faced the charge of Junot, And the fight where Moore was slain. Oh the years of weary waiting...
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Tengerkisasszony: Vázlat, holdfénybenTengerkisasszony: Vázlat, holdfénybenAzok a bizonyos hirek, melyek hablenyok, tengeri szrnyek stb. partraszllsrl, megjelensrl szlnak: rendesen nmagukban hordjk mr a ktsgeskeds s tamskods megl csirjt. Jl emlksznk mg mekkora skepsissel fogadtk annak idejn a brugesi hablenyok trtnett, akikrl vagy amikrl pedig olyan rszletes beszmolt adtak...
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