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Névtelen vár (1. rész)Névtelen vár (1. rész) - Történelmi regényAz utcza egszen res, a minek taln csak az az oka, hogy a prisi nem szeret a hessben kborolni. Lehet, hogy mg egyb oka is van. A rue des Ours klnben sem igen jrt hely, s maga a...
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Life and Confession of Sophia HamiltonLife and Confession of Sophia Hamilton - Who was Tried, Condemned and Sentenced to be Hung, at Montreal, L. C. on the 4th of August, 1845, for the Perpetration of the Most Shocking Murders and Daring Robberies Perhaps Recorded in the Annals of CrimeIt...
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Flight: An Epic of the AirFlight: An Epic of the AirOn this particular chilly November afternoon, the famous Yale Bowl was packed to its upmost tier with seething humanity, there for the purpose of witnessing the classic football event of the season, between Old Eli and Harvard. Though the...
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Pyhä hymy: Historiallinen kertomus Hemming piispan päiviltäPyhä hymy: Historiallinen kertomus Hemming piispan päiviltäOlivat jo kumaraisillaan ukon hartiat, ei suoraan kuulakkaa syystaivasta kohden, vaan eteenpin viittasi lakin pyre kupu hnen pssn. Mutta kettersti hn kyd tuiversi, niin ett heiskahtelivat vain tummahkon porvariskauhtanan liepeet ihonmukaisia housuja vasten, siin polvilumpion paikkeilla. Tiuhaan pistttivt...
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Kate Meredith, FinancierKate Meredith, Financier I. A West Coast Welcome II. Introduces Miss Laura Slade III. The King who Stopped the Roads IV. The Beach by Moonlight V. Events at Malla-Nulla VI. The Coming of the Okky-Men VII. The Invisible Fire VIII. Presents the Head of...
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The Lady from Nowhere: A Detective StoryThe Lady from Nowhere: A Detective StoryOn the night of July 24th, in the year 1896, between the hours of eleven and twelve, Grangebury, a little-known suburb of London, was wrapped in slumber, as became a respectable neighbourhood whose inhabitants retired regularly shortly after...
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The Millionaire MysteryThe Millionaire MysterySteering his course by a tapering spire notched in the eye of the sunset, a tramp slouched along the Heathton Road. From the western sky a flood of crimson light poured over the dusty white highway, which led straightly across the moor....
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The Lost Parchment: A Detective StoryThe Lost Parchment: A Detective Story"So this is your kingdom, Hendle?" said the visitor, looking round the garden which glowed with rainbow tints in the hot July sunshine; "and a very jolly kingdom it is. When did you enter into it?" "When I was...
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A Madcap CruiseA Madcap Cruise"It strikes me," said Jerrold Taberman, "that we are booked for everlasting fame, win or lose. We'll either sail down the ages as a brace of heroes, or as the most egregious pair of donkeys that ever botched a job." It was...
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A Woman of the Ice AgeA Woman of the Ice AgeThe existence of Man in the geological period that preceded the one we live in, in his full anthropoid reality, possessing a mind, self conscious, radiant with powers of creation, of language, of inquisition, has been established. Man, vested...
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The Abysmal BruteThe Abysmal BruteSam Stubener ran through his mail carelessly and rapidly. As became a manager of prize-fighters, he was accustomed to a various and bizarre correspondence. Every crank, sport, near sport, and reformer seemed to have ideas to impart to him. From dire threats...
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The House of Dreams-Come-TrueThe House of Dreams-Come-True Its a strange road leads to the House of Dreams, To the House of Dreams-Come-True, Its hills are steep and its valleys deep, And salt with tears the Wayfarers weep, The WayfarersI and you. But theres sure a way to...
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DerelictsDerelicts The man thus addressed looked up from the steps, where he was sitting bareheaded, and nodded. Then, rather quickly, he put on his hat. It was the first Monday in August, and his beat was not a lively one. Curiosity had attracted him...
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Setä PitkäsääriSetä PitkäsääriJoka kuukauden ensiminen keskiviikko oli Ihan Kamala Piv se piv oli kauhea odottaa, tuima kest ja hyv unohtaa pian. Joka lattian piti olla tahraton, joka tuolin tomuton, joka vuoteen rypytn. Yhdeksnkymment seitsemn pient vikuroivaa orpolasta oli hangattava puhtaiksi, kammattava ja napitettava vastatrkttyihin puuvillamekkoihin,...
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Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogoTres novelas ejemplares y un prólogoTres novelas ejemplares y un prlogo! Lo mismo pude haber puesto en la portada de este libro Cuatro novelas ejemplares. Cuatro? Por qu? Porque este prlogo es tambin una novela. Una novela, entendmonos, y no una nvola; una novela....
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Kustaa II Aadolf ja hänen aikalaisensa II: Jumalan valittu sankariKustaa II Aadolf ja hänen aikalaisensa II: Jumalan valittu sankari - Historiallis-romanttinen kuvaus1. Saksan rannoille. 2. Suojelusenkeli. 3. Eteenpin! 4. Luja tahto. 5. Magdeburgin hvi. 6. Urho ei visty. 7. Voittokulku. 8. Varoitus. 9. Kotona jlleen. 10. Kuningatar on kaltaisensa. 11. Tuki kaatuu. 12....
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Kustaa II Aadolf ja hänen aikalaisensa I: Kuningas Jumalan armostaKustaa II Aadolf ja hänen aikalaisensa I: Kuningas Jumalan armosta - Historiallis-romanttinen kuvaus1. Uusi aika. 2. Kuningas. 3. Kun vkivalta raivoaa. 4. Kuinka kahdesta tuli yksi. 5. Ht. 6. Nuoruudenunelma. 7. Itrajoilla. 8. Krme. 9. Pahan voitto. 10. Kuningaskruunu. 11. Selkkauksia. 12. Sen tytyi...
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Eri uriaEri uria Esipuhe. 1. Tulevaisuussuunnitelmia. 2. Marian koti. 3. Eeditin koti. 4. Ragnhildin koti. 5. Tanssijaisissa. 6. Kansakoulunopettaja. 7. Sairasvuoteen ress. 8. Hannan koti. 9. Amyn koti. 10. Ompelijan luona. 11. Suuri juhla. 12. Kyhn lapsen onni. 13. Liinan koti. 14. Ensi askel. 15....
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Lady WilliamLady WilliamThe village of Watcham is not a village in the ordinary sense of the word, and yet it is a very pretty place, with a charming picturesque aspect, and of which people say, What a pretty village! when they come upon its little...
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Spiritual TalesSpiritual Tales - Re-issue of the Shorter Stories of Fiona Macleod; Rearranged, with Additional TalesI like to think that these spiritual chronicles might as well, in substance, have been told a thousand years ago or be written a thousand years hence. That Fisher still...
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