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Tempest-Driven: A Romance (Vol. 1 of 3)Tempest-Driven: A Romance (Vol. 1 of 3)It was pitch dark, and long past midnight. The last train from the City had just steamed out of Herne Hill railway station. The air was clear and crisp. Under foot the ground was dry and firm with...
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The Indian Chief: The Story of a RevolutionThe Indian Chief: The Story of a RevolutionWith this volume terminates the series in which Gustave Aimard has described the sad fate of the Count de Raousset-Boulbon, who fell a victim to Mexican treachery. In the next volume to be published, under the title...
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Find the WomanFind the WomanFifth Avenue! And she, Clancy Deane, of Zenith, Maine, was looking at it with her own eyes! Dreams did come true, after all. She, forty-eight hours ago a resident of a sleepy Maine town, was in the city whence came those gorgeous...
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Stand Fast, Craig-Royston! (Volume III)Stand Fast, Craig-Royston! (Volume III)"Well, that would be only fair," said the big, ungainly man, with the small, keen blue eyes glinting behind spectacles; "that would be only a fair exchange, considering I remember how Mr. Bethune came down here one night and asked...
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Stand Fast, Craig-Royston! (Volume II)Stand Fast, Craig-Royston! (Volume II)And at first Vincent was for rebelliously thrusting aside and ignoring this information that had reached him so unexpectedly. Was he, on the strength of a statement forwarded by an unknown correspondent in New York, to suspectnay, to condemn unheardthis...
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Stand Fast, Craig-Royston! (Volume I)Stand Fast, Craig-Royston! (Volume I)On a certain sunny afternoon in May, when all the world and his wife were walking or driving in Piccadilly, two figures appeared there who clearly did not belong to the fashionable crowd. Indeed, so unusual was their aspect that...
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The Luminous FaceThe Luminous FaceOh, I dont know, drawled Phil Barry, an artist, whose dress and demeanor coincided with the popular idea of his class. Ive no head for statistics, he went on, idly drawing caricatures on the margin of his evening paper as he talked,...
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OverlookedOverlookedWhen my old friend and trusted adviser, Doctor Kennaway, told me that I must go to Harville and stay there a month or, still better, two months, I asked him what I could possibly do there. The only possible pastime at a watering-place is...
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Passing ByPassing ByI went to the station this morning to see the Housmans off. They are leaving for Egypt and intend to stay there a month or perhaps two months. They are stopping a few days at Paris on the way. Went to meet the...
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The Gilded Man: A Romance of the AndesThe Gilded Man: A Romance of the AndesTwo dreams have persistently haunted the imagination of man since dreams began. You find them in all mythologies, and, perhaps most dramatically, in the Arabian Nights: the dream of the Water of Immortality, and the dream of...
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Eh! la vita....: NovelleEh! la vita....: Novelle Nino era geloso del figlio di mastro Paolo Barreca che, ogni domenica notte, conduceva i suonatori sotto i due balconi della casa di massaio Ledda e cantava, per lo meno, mezza dozzina di canzuni, una dietro l'altra, facendo sfoggio della...
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An Idyll of All Fools' DayAn Idyll of All Fools' Day"Come, come!" said his Uncle Julius, a wealthy old gentleman buttoned firmly into a white vest, "what a face! It is nothing so terrible that I ask of you! One would think it a hanging matter, to beau a...
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The Mesmerist's VictimThe Mesmerist's Victim Chapter: I. , II. , III. , IV. , V. , VI. , VII. , VIII. , IX. , X. , XI. , XII. , XIII. , XIV. , XV. , XVI. , XVII. , XVIII. , XIX. , XX. ,...
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The Hero of the People: A Historical Romance of Love, Liberty and LoyaltyThe Hero of the People: A Historical Romance of Love, Liberty and Loyaltycontaining 104 pages, 1114 inches in size, consisting of large 912 plate pages giving plans, elevations, perspective views, descriptions, owners names, actual cost of construction (no guess work), and instructions How to...
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The wanderings and fortunes of some German emigrantsThe wanderings and fortunes of some German emigrantsThe substance of this entertaining bookwhich relates the fortunes of a company of German adventurers bound for the land of promise, with the design of forming a colony thereis evidently no fiction. It is impossible to read...
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Pride and PrejudicePride and PrejudiceHowever little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some...
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Satan's DiarySatan's Diary SATANS DIARY, Leonid Andreyevs last work, was completed by the great Russian a few days before he died in Finland, in September, 1919. But a few years ago the most popular and successful of Russian writers, Andreyev died almost penniless, a sad,...
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Les voyages de GulliverLes voyages de GulliverParce que cet homme illustre a laiss des pamphlets, tout remplis de la curiosit, de la grce et de l'intrt du roman, nous aurions tort de le priver de son vrai titre, et de ne pas le mettre au premier rang...
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Idästä: KertomuksiaIdästä: KertomuksiaVaikka jo oli ilta tulossa elokuun lopulla, lhetteli aurinko viel kuumia vinosteitn Kristian Kommosen tupaan. Krpset surisivat tyytyvisin ja iloissaan auringon paisteessa isnnn ymprill, joka istui tuvassa ikkunan luona ja nytti vrhtmtt katselevan kahta palsamia, jotka jykkin ja tulipunaisina kukoistivat, kumpikin halkinaisessa posliinikupissaan...
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Il nemico è in noiIl nemico è in noi E quando io, che lo vedevo quasi tutti i giorni nella redazione di Via Faenza, tentai di fargli capire l'equivoco in cui era caduto, non riuscii a convincerlo di non aver mai sognato di credere che qualche grande scienziato...
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