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Der Rebell: NovelleDer Rebell: NovelleAls Robert Boor aus Lazarett und Waffendienst endlich entlassen sich wieder in den Flu seiner Studienjahre schmiegen wollte, merkte er, da er, wie auch viele andere, mit vergangener Zeit keinen Zusammenhang fand. Seine Erinnerungen schienen ihm verstaubt. Die Liebschaften junger Scholarensemester in...
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Memoirs of a MidgetMemoirs of a MidgetA few introductory and explanatory remarks are due, I think, to the reader of the following Memoirs. The Memoirs themselves will disclose how I became acquainted with Miss M. They also refer here and there to the small part I was...
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Geoffery GambadoGeoffery Gambado - A Simple Remedy for Hypochondriacism and Melancholy Splenetic HumoursSome years ago, sixteen original sketches by Henry Bunbury, Esq. were given to the Author of this Book. This celebrated sketcher and caricaturist was a gentleman well known in the county of Suffolk...
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Miser Farebrother: A Novel (vol. 1 of 3)Miser Farebrother: A Novel (vol. 1 of 3) In Dropmore Beeches, near Beddington, county of Surrey, stands a red brick mansion, in the Gothic style, known as Parksides. It is situated on the outskirts of an estate of forty acres, comprised of a few...
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Woven with the Ship: A Novel of 1865Woven with the Ship: A Novel of 1865 - Together with certain other veracious tales of various sorts Prefaces remind me of a certain text of Scripture,i.e., "the last shall be first,"for they are things written after which go before! Whether or not they...
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Talvenpito pohjoisissa jäissä Mont-Blanc vuorelle nousu: Kaksi kertomustaTalvenpito pohjoisissa jäissä; Mont-Blanc vuorelle nousu: Kaksi kertomustaPapilliseen juhlapukuunsa puettuna oli hn juuri alttarille lhtemisilln, kun ers iloinen ja samalla, kuten nytti, mielen kuohuksissa oleva mies astui sakastiin. Se oli ers merimies, noin 60-vuotias, mutta viel tanakka ja hilpe sek nltn rehellinen ja varakas...
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Unkarilainen Nabob: RomaaniUnkarilainen Nabob: RomaaniMauri Jkai on jo suomalaiselle yleislle tunnettu ja rakas nimi. Hnen lukuisista, saattaisipa melkein sanoa lukemattomista teoksistaan ei tosin viel ole aivan monta Suomen kielell ilmestynyt. Vain nmt: Carinus (suomentanut J. Pivrinta, 1875), Paholaisen pivkirja (suom. O. Blomstedt, 1877), Uusi tilanhaltija (suom....
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Travelers Five Along Life's HighwayTravelers Five Along Life's Highway - Jimmy, Gideon Wiggan, the Clown, Wexley Snathers, Bap. SloanOf all the elements that go to make up a good story,plot, verisimilitude, happy incident, local colour, excellent style,none perhaps is more important than the touch of understanding sympathy. The...
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A Desperate VoyageA Desperate VoyageTranscriber's Note: A Table of Contents has been added.The hanging hyphen, and the lack of punctuation, at the end of two of the advertisement pages have been left as they occurred in the book. In Carey Street, Chancery Lane, on the ground...
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My Mother's Gold Ring: Founded on FactMy Mother's Gold Ring: Founded on Fact - Eighth EditionThis is the first of a series of stories, of which it possibly may be the beginning and the end. The incident, which is the foundation of the following tale, was communicated to the writer,...
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PicciolaPicciolaL'ouvrage de M. Saintine est jug: l'opinion publique avait devanc cette fois la justice solennelle que l'Acadmie Franaise s'est empresse de lui rendre en le proclamant digne d'un prix qui fait galement honneur au caractre et au talent de l'crivain. Aujourd'hui Picciola, dont la...
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Horace ChaseHorace ChaseIN a mountain village of North Carolina, in the year 1873, the spring had opened with its accustomed beauty. But one day there came a pure cold wind which swept through the high valley at tremendous speed from dawn to midnight. People who...
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The White BlackbirdThe White Blackbird"I'd far rather beg in the gutter than marry you, Jasper!" flashed the girl, at last goaded past all patience. Her clouded, indignant eyes expressed both contempt and aversion for the young man leaning over the deck-rail beside her. He was still...
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Kapteeni Grantin lapsetKapteeni Grantin lapsetVasarahai Kolme asiakirjaa Malcolmin linna Lady Glenarvanin ehdotus Duncanin lht Matkustaja hytiss numero kuusi Mist Jacques Paganel on tulossa ja minne menossa Yksi kunnon mies lis retkelle Magalhesin salmi 37 leveysaste Chilen halki 3900 metrin korkeudessa Kordillieerien rinnett alas Kaitselmuksen pyssynlaukaus Jacques...
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Kapteeni Grantin löytyminenKapteeni Grantin löytyminenMacquarie Uuden Seelannin historiaa Uuden Seelannin verilyly Tyrskyt Matkustajat matruuseina Ihmissynti ksitelln teoreettisesti Maa, jota pitisi karttaa Uuden Seelannin nykyisyys Neljkymmentkahdeksan kilometri pohjoiseen ansallisjoki Taupo-jrvi Maoripllikn hautajaiset Viimeiset hetket Tabu-vuori Paganelin voimakeinot Kahden tulen vliss Miksi Duncan risteili Uuden Seelannin rannikolla Ayrton...
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Kapteeni Grantia etsimässäKapteeni Grantia etsimässäTaas laivalla Tristan da Cunha Amsterdamin saari Jacques Paganelin ja majuri MacNabbsin vedonlynnit Intian valtameren myrskyt Kap Bernouilli Ayrton Lht Victorian maakunta Wimerra-joki Burke ja Stuart Rautatie Melbournesta Sandhurstiin Ensimminen palkinto maantieteess Mount Alexanderin kaivokset Australian ja Uuden Seelannin Uutiset Majuri vitt...
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Bruce of the Circle ABruce of the Circle ADaylight and the Prescott-Ph[oe]nix train were going from Yavapai. Fifty paces from the box of a station a woman stood alone beside the track, bag in hand, watching the three red lights of the observation platform dwindle to a ruby...
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The Slaves of the PadishahThe Slaves of the Padishah"Trk Vilg Magyarorszgon," now englished for the first time, is a sequel to "Az Erdly arany kora," already published by Messrs. Jarrold, under the title of "'Midst the Wild Carpathians." The two tales, though quite distinct, form together one great...
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Long OddsLong OddsIt was towards the middle of a sweltering afternoon when Commandant Dom Erminio roused himself to wakefulness as he lay in his Madeira chair on the veranda of Fort San Roque, which stands beside a muddy river of Western Africa. As a rule...
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Mr. Marx's SecretMr. Marx's SecretMy home was a quaint, three-storeyed, ivy-clad farmhouse in a Midland county. It lay in a hollow, nestled close up against Rothland Wood, the dark, close-growing trees of which formed a picturesque background to the worn greystone whereof it was fashioned. In...
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