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Studies in Greek Scenery, Legend and HistoryStudies in Greek Scenery, Legend and History - Selected from His Commentary on Pausanias' 'Description of Greece,'The Englishman in Greece who pays any heed to the remains of classical antiquity is apt, if he be no scholar, to wonder who a certain Pausanias was...
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An Illustrated Handbook of Mount Vernon, the Home of WashingtonAn Illustrated Handbook of Mount Vernon, the Home of WashingtonPortrait of George Washington By Chas. Wilson Peale Bequeathed to the Mount Vernon Ladies Association by the late Miss Jane Boudinot, in whose familys possession the portrait has been since 1788, when it was painted...
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Reminiscences of Prince Talleyrand, Volume 2 (of 2)Reminiscences of Prince Talleyrand, Volume 2 (of 2)You have begun, malgr vous, said I to C., the next time we met tte--tte, the vie anecdotique of the prince, which I have always felt sure would prove so full of interest. Your strange story of...
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Névtelen vár (2. rész)Névtelen vár (2. rész) - Történelmi regénygy tett Drvakereszturi Grmblyi Bernt alispn r s, a midn a megye rendei rszrl ktelessgv ttetett, hogy az 1808-ki orszggyls 2-ik trvnyczikkelye 1. -nak s az azt kvet paragrafusoknak szemlyes megjelensvel is rvnyt szerezni sernykedjk. A feladat ez...
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Névtelen vár (1. rész)Névtelen vár (1. rész) - Történelmi regényAz utcza egszen res, a minek taln csak az az oka, hogy a prisi nem szeret a hessben kborolni. Lehet, hogy mg egyb oka is van. A rue des Ours klnben sem igen jrt hely, s maga a...
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A History of Troop A Cavalry, Connecticut National Guard and Its Service in the Great War as Co. D, 102d Machine Gun BattalionA History of Troop A Cavalry, Connecticut National Guard and Its Service in the Great War as Co. D, 102d Machine Gun BattalionIt is hoped that this book will serve as a reminder to all D Company men and their descendants of the serious...
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The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society (Vol. I, No. 2)The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society (Vol. I, No. 2)Ascending the Columbia River to the junction of its two main branches, and each of these branches in turn to its source, a point is reached to the north well toward the fifty-fifth degree...
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A History of the British Army, Vol. 1A History of the British Army, Vol. 1 - First Part—to the Close of the Seven Years' WarThe civilian who attempts to write a military history is of necessity guilty of an act of presumption; and I am not blind to my own temerity...
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A Study of Army Camp Life during American RevolutionA Study of Army Camp Life during American RevolutionThe object of this study is to produce a picture of the private soldier of the American Revolution as he lived, ate, was punished, played, and worshiped in the army camp. Drawing that picture not only...
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The Holy LandThe Holy LandThe secrets of satisfactory travel are mainly twoto have certain questions ready to ask; and to detach oneself from preconceptions, so as to find not what one expects, or desires to find, but what is there. These rules I endeavoured to follow...
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Memoirs of the Late War, Vol 2 (of 2)Memoirs of the Late War, Vol 2 (of 2) - Comprising the Personal Narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43rd Regiment Light Infantry; the History of the Campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by the Earl of Munster; and a Narrative of the Campaign of...
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Memoirs of the Late War, Vol 1 (of 2)Memoirs of the Late War, Vol 1 (of 2) - Comprising the Personal Narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43rd Regiment Light Infantry; the History of the Campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by the Earl of Munster; and a Narrative of the Campaign of...
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When I Was a Boy in JapanWhen I Was a Boy in JapanJapanese boys have not been introduced very much to their little American friends, and the purpose of this book is to provide an introduction by telling some of the experiences which are common to most Japanese boys of...
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The Commentaries of CaesarThe Commentaries of CæsarIt may perhaps be fairly said that the Commentaries of Csar are the beginning of modern history. He wrote, indeed, nearly two thousand years ago; but he wrote, not of times then long past, but of things which were done under...
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OxfordOxfordMost of these chapters have been filled by a brief search into my recollections of Oxford. They aim, therefore, at recording my own impressions as faithfully as the resultant stir of fancy would allow. But I am also deeply and obviously indebted to several...
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Journal of a Tour in the Years 1828-1829, through Styria, Carniola, and Italy, whilst Accompanying the Late Sir Humphry DavyJournal of a Tour in the Years 1828-1829, through Styria, Carniola, and Italy, whilst Accompanying the Late Sir Humphry Davy The following pages were originally intended for the perusal only of my own family and immediate friends. Some of these now persuade me to...
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William CaxtonWilliam CaxtonA life of Caxton must of necessity be little more than an account of his work. As in the case of the great inventor Gutenberg, nothing but a few documents are connected with his name. In those days of tedious communication and imperfect...
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Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 6Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 6 - With a Memoir and Index CONTENTS ESSAYS THE EARL OF CHATHAM. FRANCIS ATTERBURY. JOHN BUNYAN. OLIVER GOLDSMITH. SAMUEL JOHNSON. WILLIAM PITT A P P E N D I X. THE WEST INDIES. THE LONDON UNIVERSITY. SOCIAL...
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Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 4Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 4 - With a Memoir and Index CONTENTS ESSAYS SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE. GLADSTONE ON CHURCH AND STATE. LORD CLIVE. VON RANKE. LEIGH HUNT. LORD HOLLAND. Mr. Courtenay 1has long been well known to politicians as an industrious and...
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Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 3Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 3 - With a Memoir and Index CONTENTS BURLEIGH AND HIS TIMES. MIRABEAU. WAR OF THE SUCCESSION IN SPAIN. HORACE WALPOLE. WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM. SIR JAMES MACKINTOSH. LORD BACON. The 1work of Dr. Nares has filled...
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