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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 19, November 7, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 19, November 7, 1840Among the many singular characters who figured in Ireland during the last century, by no means the least remarkable was Thomas Coghlan, or Mac Coghlan, the last descendant of a long and ancient family,...
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The life and times of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, Volume 3 (of 3)The life and times of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, Volume 3 (of 3) - From original and authentic sourcesCorrections appear in the text as corrected. The original text will be displayed in-line when the cursor is placed on the corrected text. Except in...
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The life and times of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, Volume 2 (of 3)The life and times of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, Volume 2 (of 3) - From original and authentic sourcesCorrections appear in the text as corrected. The original text will be displayed in-line when the cursor is placed on the corrected text. Except in...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 18, October 31, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 18, October 31, 1840Woodlands, the seat of one of our good resident landlords, Colonel White, considered in connection with its beautiful demesne, may justly rank as the finest aristocratic residence in the immediate vicinity of our metropolis....
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The life and times of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, Volume 1 (of 3)The life and times of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, Volume 1 (of 3) - From original and authentic sourcesNo complete life of this favourite of James I. and Charles I. has hitherto appeared, except the biographical sketch by Sir Henry Wotton. That interesting...
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A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 2, Jan.-Sep. 1809A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 2, Jan.-Sep. 1809 - From the Battle of Corunna to the End of the Talavera CampaignThe second volume of this work has swelled to an even greater bulk than its predecessor. Its size must be attributed to...
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The Daily Telegraph War BooksThe Fleets at WarThe declaration of war against Germany, followed as it was by similar action against Austria-Hungary, was preceded by a sequence of events so remarkable in their character that if any British writer had made any such forecast in times of peace...
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History of the Indians, of North and South AmericaHistory of the Indians, of North and South AmericaWhen America was first discovered, it was found to be inhabited by a race of men different from any already known. They were called Indians, from the West Indies, where they were first seen, and which...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 17, October 24, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 17, October 24, 1840It is a curious circumstance, that while among the most humble and illiterate, as well as among the high and educated classes of society in Ireland, a certain degree of interest and respect is...
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Ange PitouAnge PitouI. Mit kuningatar haaveksi heinkuun 14 ja 15 pivn vlisen yn II. Kuninkaan lkri III. Neuvo. IV. Pts V. Asepaita VI. Lht VII. Matka VIII. Mit Versaillesissa tapahtui kuninkaan kuunnellessa valtuuston puheita IX. Paluu X. Foulon XI. Appi XII. Vvy XIII. Kaikki ei...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 16, October 17, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 16, October 17, 1840Connemara itself, now so celebrated for its lakes and mountains, was not less unknown a few years since than the greater portion of the county of Clare. Without roads, or houses of entertainment for...
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Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the 17th Century, Vol. IINarrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the Seventeenth Century, Vol. IIThe summit is easily reached in nine hours, on horseback, the journey having been accomplished in that time by the Translator, in the company of Mr. Stratton, the British Minister, and...
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A Selected Bibliography of Virginia, 1607-1699A Selected Bibliography of Virginia, 1607-1699This bibliography is a modest collection of titles relating to the life of seventeenth-century Virginia in its broadest interpretation. It has been compiled with the need in mind of the general reader and of the student who is just...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 15, October 10, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 15, October 10, 1840Localities are no less subject to the capricious mutations of fashion in taste, than dress, music, or any other of the various objects on which it displays its extravagant vagaries. The place which on...
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English Law and the RenaissanceEnglish Law and the Renaissance - The Rede Lecture for 1901Were we to recall to life the good Sir Robert Rede who endowed lecturers in this university, we might reasonably hope that he would approve and admire the fruit that in these last years...
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The Albigensian HeresyThe Albigensian HeresyThe interest and importance of the so-called Albigensian Heresy[1] lie in the fact that while it bears "a local habitation and a name," its actual habitation was not local, and its name is misleading. Its origin must be traced back to pre-Christian...
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Bastiljin valloitusBastiljin valloitusI. Lukija tutustuu tmn kertomuksen sankariin ja hnen syntymseutuunsa. II. Todistetaan, ett tti ei aina ole yht hyv kuin iti. III. Ange Pitou ttins luona. IV. Kuinka lausevirhe ja kahdeksan kielivirhett saattaa vaikuttaa ihmisen elmn. V. Maalaisfilosofi. VI. Paimenelm. VII. Todistetaan, ett jos...
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Bygone Scotland: Historical and SocialBygone Scotland: Historical and SocialFor a country of comparatively small extent, and with a large proportion of its soil in moor and mountain, histories of Scotland have been numerous and well-nigh exhaustive. The present work is not a chronicle of events in order and...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 14, October 3, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 14, October 3, 1840We need hardly have acquainted our Irish readers that in the prefixed sketch, which our admirable friend the Burton has made for us, they are presented with the genuine portrait of a piper, and...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 13, September 26, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 13, September 26, 1840Among the very many beautiful residences of our nobility and gentry, situated within a drive of an hour or two of our metropolis, there is probably not one better worthy of a visit than...
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