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The Goddess of Reason: A Drama in Five ActsThe Goddess of Reason: A Drama in Five ActsGuests of De Vardes; Peasants; Lackeys; Soldiers; Nuns; Young Girls; The Mob at Nantes; Participants in the Fte of the Goddess of Reason; Republican Commissioners; National Soldiers; Women of the Revolution; Royalist Prisoners; Gaolers; Judges; Executioners;...
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A searchlight on Germany: Germany's Blunders, Crimes and PunishmentA searchlight on Germany: Germany's Blunders, Crimes and PunishmentAlready in America there are signs of the inevitable "magnanimity" toward the great world criminal of the present world war, and of a movement for a whitewashed peace with "no annexations and no indemnities." There is...
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The History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks. Chapters I. to IVThe History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks. Chapters I. to IV.Respecting the difficulties we have had in this work, the fixing of the boundaries, and drawing the maps of places: Be it known, that to those engaged in the affairs of state,...
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Voyage des souverains: Inauguration du Canal de SuezVoyage des souverains: Inauguration du Canal de SuezLe 17 novembre 1869, jour de linauguration du canal de Suez, de la voie maritime qui relie directement lEurope et lextrme Orient, est dsormais une date historique, et lune des plus glorieuses parmi celles qui honorent ce...
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The Violin and Old Violin MakersThe Violin and Old Violin Makers - Being a Historical & Biographical Account of the Violin, with Facsimiles of Labels of the Old MakersThis little work is the outcome of some little thought, born of hesitation. To be clear, I should mention that some...
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Old Melbourne MemoriesOld Melbourne Memories - Second Edition, RevisedThese reminiscences of the early days of Melbournea city which, as a family, we helped to foundawakened, when first published in the columns of the Australasian, an amount of general interest most gratifying to the writer. It is...
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Cussons' Horncastle Compendium, 1837Cussons' Horncastle Compendium, 1837On the north, Lincolnshire is bounded by the Humber, which separates it from Yorkshire: the German Ocean and an arm of the sea called the Wash, bound it on the East; on the South it abuts on Rutlandshire, Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire,...
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Eine deutsche Frau im Innern Deutsch-OstafrikasEine deutsche Frau im Innern Deutsch-Ostafrikas - Elf Jahre nach Tagebuchblättern erzähltDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1908 erschienenen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Zeichensetzung und offensichtliche typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche sowie inkonsistente Schreibweisen wurden beibehalten, insbesondere wenn...
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 5 (of 9)The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 5 (of 9) - Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and Private Dear Sir,A last effort at friendly settlement with Spain is proposed to be made at Paris, and under the auspices of...
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The Somme, Volume 2. The Second Battle of the Somme (1918)The Somme, Volume 2. The Second Battle of the Somme (1918) - (Amiens, Montdidier, Compiègne) Htel du Rhin, 4, rue de Noyon. Tel. 44. Belfort-Htel, 42, rue de Noyon. Tel. 649. Htel de l'Univers, 2, rue de Noyon. Tel. 2.51. Htel de la Paix,...
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The Diplomatists of EuropeThe Diplomatists of EuropeThe sketches now offered to the reader have most of them been already published in parts, in magazines and reviews. I have been advised to collect them into one work, in order to make their tendency and their spirit better understood....
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Among the Head-Hunters of FormosaAmong the Head-Hunters of FormosaAmong the Head-hunters of Formosa contains the substance of observations made during a two-years stay in Formosafrom September 1916 to September 1918. The book is written for the general reader, rather than for the specialist in anthropology or ethnology. Hence...
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Recuerdos de Italia (parte 2 de 2)Recuerdos de Italia (parte 2 de 2)Publico hoy el segundo volmen de los Recuerdos de Italia, escrito con el mismo mtodo y los mismos procedimientos del primero. Donde quiera que un monumento, una ciudad, una persona ilustre, un territorio clebre han herido mi atencion,...
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Recuerdos de Italia (parte 1 de 2)Recuerdos de Italia (parte 1 de 2)Este libro reune las emociones ms vivas despertadas en mi nimo por los maravillosos espectculos de Italia. No es en realidad un libro de viajes. Yo no he intentado aadir una obra ms las excelentes que tenemos en...
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L'Illustration, No. 3736, 10 Octobre 1914L'Illustration, No. 3736, 10 Octobre 1914A la premire minute du rveil cela commence. Nous ouvrons des yeux mal assurs. Lesprit remonte la surface, avec une anxit assoupie encore.Quy a-t-il donc? Il y a quelque chose... Et, tout de suite, le mot... le mot redoutable...
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Early English Hero TalesEarly English Hero TalesSupposing you were asked to enter a Great Palace? And within that palace, you were told, were more than a thousand golden doors? And those doors opened into rooms and upon gardens and balconies, all of which were the most beautiful...
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Bell's English History Source BooksFrom Palmerston to Disraeli (1856-1876)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main...
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The Nootka Sound Controversy: A dissertationThe Nootka Sound Controversy: A dissertationNootka Sound is a small inlet on the western shore of Vancouver Island. It was christened and made known to the world by Captain Cook in 1778. A few years afterwards a flourishing fur trade sprang up between the...
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The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri: or, Memoirs of Jahangir (Volume 2 of 2)The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri: or, Memoirs of Jahangir (Volume 2 of 2)After an interval of about five years, the second volume of Mr. Alexander Rogers translation of Jahngrs Memoirs has been published by the Royal Asiatic Society. It is a smaller work than the first volume,...
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