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A Story of the TelegraphA Story of the TelegraphThe Electric Telegraph is unquestionably one of our most valuable public utilities. In commercial life the telegraph has revolutionized business methods. Transactions are now effected between New York, London and other financial centres in minutes, which formerly occupied weeks, and...
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The Ottoman Turks and the Routes of Oriental TradeThe Ottoman Turks and the Routes of Oriental Trade - from The English Historical Review, October 1915WITHIN a period of a little more than two hundred years, from the close of the thirteenth century to the second decade of the sixteenth, the rising power...
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Heidelberg: A Romance. Volumes I, II & IIIHeidelberg: A Romance. Volumes I, II & IIIThe realities of the world are few and small; the illusions many and vast. Not a sense that we possess, and hardly a faculty of the mind, but serves to deceive us; wholly in some cases, and...
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The Mentor: Joan of Arc, v. 3, Num. 22, Serial No. 98, January 1, 1916The Mentor: Joan of Arc, v. 3, Num. 22, Serial No. 98, January 1, 1916What is to be thought of her? What is to be thought of the poor shepherd girl from the hills and forests of Lorraine, thatlike the Hebrew shepherd boy from...
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Ticonderoga: A Story of Early Frontier Life in the Mohawk ValleyTiconderoga: A Story of Early Frontier Life in the Mohawk ValleyThe house was a neat, though a lowly one. It bore traces of newness, for the bark on the trunks which supported the little veranda had not yet mouldered away. Nevertheless, it was not...
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Old Court Life in France, vol. 2/2Old Court Life in France, vol. 2/2NEWS came from the army announcing brilliant success. The valour of the King was specially extolled; he was no longer a bashful, feeble prince, victimised by feminine cabals, tyrannised over by Richelieu. He had suddenly become a warrior,...
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The story of my struggles: the memoirs of Arminius Vambéry, Volume 2The story of my struggles: the memoirs of Arminius Vambéry, Volume 2I have often been asked how it was that, after the bitter disappointment I had experienced in my native land on my return from Asia, and after the brilliant reception accorded to me...
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The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 01 [of 13]The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 01 [of 13] - Containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy, of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English, their expulsion thence, and of other memorable events...
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The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North AmericaThe Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America[Pg 3] The bark canoes of the North American Indians, particularly those of birch bark, were among the most highly developed of manually propelled primitive watercraft. Built with Stone Age tools from materials available in the...
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Newark's Last Fifteen Years, 1904-1919. The Story in OutlineNewark's Last Fifteen Years, 1904-1919. The Story in OutlineThis compilation is an attempt by a busy library staff to put into form convenient for use a large group of such facts and figures as experience shows are often asked for. The notes which follow...
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The Causes of the Successes of the Ottoman TurksThe Causes of the Successes of the Ottoman TurksBy the fall of the Seljukian dynasty in Asia Minor, a vast number of Turks, scattered over the fertile tracts of Western Asia, were left without any organized government. The Emirs of the Seljouks in their...
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EutropiusEutropiusThe Breviarium of Eutropius has for many years been used successfully in German schools, but, though an American edition was published in the early part of this century, the author has of late years received little attention in this country. Yet in character and...
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The story of my struggles: the memoirs of Arminius Vambéry, Volume 1The story of my struggles: the memoirs of Arminius Vambéry, Volume 1Authors of Autobiographies are much exposed to fall into self-glorification. If I nevertheless have undertaken to write the following pages, I have done so because of the unexpectedly favourable criticism which the first...
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À Angora auprès de Mustafa KemalÀ Angora auprès de Mustafa KemalEn accueillant, au moment de la Confrence de Londres, ce Carnet de route d'un Correspondant de guerre turc, en prsentant au public franais averti cette charmante plaidoirie, cette sduisante description du pays, de l'me, de la foi kmalistes, vus...
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True Stories of the Great War, Volume 5 (of 6)True Stories of the Great War, Volume 5 (of 6) - Tales of Adventure--Heroic Deeds--Exploits Told by the Soldiers, Officers, Nurses, Diplomats, Eye Witnesses TALES OF ADVENTUREHEROIC DEEDSEXPLOITS TOLD BY THE SOLDIERS, OFFICERS, NURSES, DIPLOMATS, EYE WITNESSES Collected in Six Volumes From Official and...
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Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. 1 (of 8)Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. 1 (of 8) - Aboriginal AmericaBy the Editor. OF the earliest collection of voyages of which we have any mention we possess only a defective copy, which is in the Biblioteca Marciana, and is called Libretto de...
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Bell's English History Source BooksThe Growth of Parliament and the War with Scotland (1216-1307)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It...
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The Angevins and the Charter (1154-1216)The Angevins and the Charter (1154-1216) - The Beginning of English Law, the Invasion of Ireland and the CrusadesThis series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is...
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De Geest van ChinaDe Geest van ChinaToen ik het merkwaardige werk van Okakura-Yoshisaburo gelezen had De Geest van Japan1 kwam het denkbeeld in mij op, een boek te schrijven: De Geest van China. Hierbij kwamen de woorden mij in de gedachte uit een aan mij gerichten brief...
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The Land of the Boxers or, China under the AlliesThe Land of the Boxers; or, China under the AlliesWRITTEN many thousand miles from the evertroubled land of China, with no opportunity for reference, this book doubtless contains many errors, for which the readers indulgence is asked. The criticisms of the various armies are...
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