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Romany LifeRomany Life - Experienced and Observed during many Years of Friendly Intercourse with the GypsiesIT is a curious fact, that while very few can be found nowadays to accept without question, fanciful or otherwise, unscientific statements concerning natural objects or supernatural happenings, many time-worn,...
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Herodotoksen historia-teos VII-IXHerodotoksen historia-teos VII-IX1. Kun tieto Marathonin taistelusta oli saapunut kuningas Dareiokselle, Hystaspeen pojalle, joka jo ennestnkin oli suuresti katkeroitunut atenalaisia kohtaan heidn hykkyksestn Sardesta rastaan, suuttui hn paljoa ankarammin ja hankkiutui viel innokkaammin lhtemn sotaan Hellasta vastaan. Ja heti hn lhetti kautta kaupunkien kskyn...
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Louis XIV et Marie Mancini d'après de nouveaux documentsLouis XIV et Marie Mancini d'après de nouveaux documentsOpinion de Voltaire sur les amours du Roi et de Marie Mancini.Les trois projets de mariage de Louis XIV.Documents indits consults par l'auteur. Le vif intrt que prsente la passion de Louis XIV pour Marie Mancini,...
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Lorenzo de' Medici, the Magnificent (vol. 2 of 2)Lorenzo de' Medici, the Magnificent (vol. 2 of 2)In April 1465, as already stated, Federigo of Aragon, Prince of Naples, and Lorenzo de Medici, then seventeen years old, met at Pisa. A letter addressed by the young Florentine to his royal friend, probably in...
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Lorenzo de' Medici, the Magnificent (vol. 1 of 2)Lorenzo de' Medici, the Magnificent (vol. 1 of 2)The second half of the fifteenth century exhibits, in the development of the Renaissance in Italy, the singular spectacle of a transformation of the modern world under the influence of ancient classical culture in conjunction with...
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Muoto- ja muistikuvia IIIMuoto- ja muistikuvia IIISamoin kuin molemmat edelliset sislt tm kolmas ja viimeinen Muoto- ja Muistikuvasarja sek vanhempaa ett uutta. Kuvaukseni Ebba Stenbckist, Kaarle Jaakko Gummeruksesta ja Karl Fredrik Enebergist ovat net kirjoitetut sen jlkeen, kun toinen sarja syksyll 1912 oli ilmestynyt. Nit mainitutta kirjoituksia...
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15 Years Among the Top-Knots: Life in KoreaFifteen Years Among the Top-Knots; Or, Life in KoreaThe chapters which are here given to the public are simply reminiscent, a brief story of a few years of the writers life in one of the most unique and interesting of all the Eastern countries,...
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The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 130, January, 1909The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 130, January, 1909One of the most striking characteristics of the Westerner is the high regard in which he holds womankind. Even in the roughest mining camps a woman is absolutely safe, and is treated with a consideration...
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Some Eccentrics and a WomanSome Eccentrics & a WomanIn this e-text a black dotted underline indicates a hyperlink to a page, illustration or footnote; hyperlinks are also highlighted when the mouse pointer hovers over them. Footnotes are located at the end of the book. When his Royal Highness...
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Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. I, Part IISome Protective Designs of the DakotaThe decorative art of the Dakota has been treated in a preceding paper, in which brief mention was made of religious art, or that art in which there was a definite, unmistakable motive on the part of the artist...
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Decisive Events in American HistoryThe Taking of Louisburg, 1745The creation of great maritime fortresses, primarily designed to hold with iron hand important highways of commerce, like Gibraltar, or simply to guard great naval arsenals, like Kronstadt, or, again, placed where some great river has cleft a broad path...
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Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, Volume 3 (of 3)Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, Volume 3 (of 3) - Illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy, from 1440 To 1630Certain spelling inconsistencies have been made consistent; for example, variants of Michelangelo's last name have been changed to Buonarroti. Archaic spellings in...
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Herodotoksen historia-teos III-VIHerodotoksen historia-teos III-VI1. Yllmainittua Amasista vastaan Kambyses, Kyroksen poika, lhti sotaretkelle, vieden mukaansa paitsi muita mys helleenien joukosta ioonilaisia ja aiolilaisia. Syy thn retkeen oli seuraava. Kambyses lhetti Egyptiin airuen ja pyysi Amasiilta hnen tytrtn. Nin tekemn hnt oli yllyttnyt ers egyptilinen mies, joka...
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Muoto- ja muistikuvia IIMuoto- ja muistikuvia IITmn toisen Muoto- ja Muistikuvasarjan ensi ryhmn olen myskin, sisllyst muuttamatta, ottanut 40 vuotta sitte laatimani esitelmn Aleksis Kivest, vaikka itse myhemmin olen laajentanut alkupuolen siit johdannoksi runoilijan valittuihin teoksiin. Ymmrrettvsti se on monessa kohden heikko ja puutteellinen, mutta vasta-alkajan erikoistuotteenakin...
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The Casement ReportCorrespondence and Report from His Majesty's Consul at Boma Respecting the Administration of the Independent State of the Congo [and Further Correspondence]LONDON: PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTYS STATIONERY OFFICE, BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTINS LANE, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY. And to be...
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The Truth About the Congo: The Chicago Tribune ArticlesThe Truth About the Congo: The Chicago Tribune ArticlesWHEN I returned to America, I had decided to express no opinion upon the public and political questions of the Congo Free State. Having found conditions there quite different from what I had expected, it was...
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The History of Chemistry, Volume 1 (of 2)The History of Chemistry, Volume 1 (of 2)Chemistry, unlike the other sciences, sprang originally from delusion and superstition, and was at its commencement exactly on a level with magic and astrology. Even after it began to be useful to man, by furnishing him with...
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A Century of DishonorA Century of Dishonor - A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian TribesThe present number of Indians in the United States does not exceed three hundred thousand, but is possibly as large now as when the Europeans began...
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Silver CrossSilver CrossThe town of Middle Forest had long since pushed the forest from all sides. Its streets, forked as lightning, ran up to the castle and down to the river. The river here was near its mouth, and wide. The bridge that crossed it...
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The JewsThe JewsThe object of this book is more modest, I fear, than that of much which has appeared upon that vital political matter, the relation between the Jews and the nations around them. It does not propose any detailed, still less, any positive legal...
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