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The Sunny South: An Autumn in Spain and MajorcaThe Sunny South: An Autumn in Spain and MajorcaIT was almost at the last moment when, after having bid farewell to all our friends, we found ourselves on board the steamer that was to take us from England on an autumn tour to the...
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An Historical Review of the Royal Marine Corps, from its Original Institution down to the Present Era, 1803An Historical Review of the Royal Marine Corps, from its Original Institution down to the Present Era, 1803[xi] INDEX TO APPENDIX. Privileges of the Marine Soldier and the progressive indulgencies granted to him stated and discussedUseful instructions for recovering wages and prize-money due to...
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The Provinces of the Roman Empire, from Caesar to Diocletian. v. 2The Provinces of the Roman Empire, from Caesar to Diocletian. v. 2The only great state with which the Roman empire bordered was the empire of Iran,1 based upon that nationality which was best known in antiquity, as it is in the present day, under...
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The Great Victory—Its Cost and Its ValueThe Great Victory—Its Cost and Its Value - Address delivered at Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, July 4th, 1865In ancient Rome the first solemnity which took place after a victory was a thanksgiving. The prtor suspended his judgment in the tribunal. The wretched slave was unchained...
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Pedal and Path: Across the Continent Awheel and AfootPedal and Path: Across the Continent Awheel and AfootClose confinement to mercantile business for a dozen or more years brought on a feeling of discontent with the monotonous routine, that I at length tried to drive away by taking a little recreation on a...
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The Little Ball O' Fire; or, the Life and Adventures of John Marston HallThe Little Ball O' Fire; or, the Life and Adventures of John Marston Hall - The Works of G. P. R. James, Vol. XV."The writings of James are so well known to the readers of fiction, that it is unnecessary to call their attention...
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Notes of a PrivateNotes of a PrivateOn the first day of June, 1909, the first copies of this book were placed upon the market, and within the first thirty days my personal sales paid the entire cost of the edition, which was exhausted within a few months....
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The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 128, November, 1908The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 128, November, 1908 Barmaid's Steeplechase. The Greatest Horse-Race on Record. The Promotion of Petroff. The Humours of a Rectorial Election. The Adventures of "Wide World" Artists. Climbing in the "Land of Fire." The Spider's Web. Dolphin=Hunting. A...
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The Mentor: Guynemer, The Wingèd Sword of France, Vol. 6, Num. 18, Serial No. 166, November 1, 1918The Mentor: Guynemer, The Wingèd Sword of France, Vol. 6, Num. 18, Serial No. 166, November 1, 1918For more than two years all of us have seen him cleaving the heavens above our heads, the heavens lighted up by shining sun or darkened by...
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The Mentor: Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 6, Num. 7, Serial No. 155, May 15, 1918The Mentor: Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 6, Num. 7, Serial No. 155, May 15, 1918When I was a child seven years old, my friends, on a holiday, filled my pocket with coppers. I went directly to a shop where they sold toys for children; and,...
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The Mentor: Scotland, the Land of Song and Scenery, Vol. 1, Num. 10, Serial No. 10, April 21, 1913The Mentor: Scotland, the Land of Song and Scenery, Vol. 1, Num. 10, Serial No. 10, April 21, 1913 - A Trip Around the World with Dwight L. ElmendorfCONTRIBUTORSPROF. JOHN C. VAN DYKE, HAMILTON W. MABIE, PROF. ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, REAR ADMIRAL ROBERT E....
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History of the War in Afghanistan, Vol. 2 (of 3)History of the War in Afghanistan, Vol. 2 (of 3) - Third EditionRestored to the home of his fathers, Shah Soojah was not contented. Even during the excitement of the march to Caubul he had complained of the narrow kingdom to which he was...
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Five Years in TexasFive Years in Texas - Or, What you did not hear during the war from January 1861 to January 1866. A narrative of his travels, experiences, and observationTo conceive the idea, and execute the purpose of making a book, is, to a modest man,...
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YorkYorkAs each town has its characteristic features and peculiar advantages, we may ask what it is that constitutes the special attraction exerted by the city of York, not only upon those, who with more or less of appreciation dwell within its limits but upon...
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The 14th of July, and DantonThe Fourteenth of July, and Danton: Two Plays of the French RevolutionIt is perhaps a little surprising to learn that the author of Jean-Christophe has written at least sixteen full-length plays. Most of these, it is true, antedate the publication of the first parts...
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ZaragozaZaragozaMe parece que fu al anochecer del 18 cuando avistamos Zaragoza. Entrando por la puerta de Sancho, omos que daba las diez el reloj de la Torre Nueva. Nuestro estado era excesivamente lastimoso en lo tocante vestido y alimento, porque las largas jornadas que...
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The Burial Customs of the Ancient GreeksThe Burial Customs of the Ancient GreeksThe author of this thesis does not lay claim to profound scholarship or extended research. It may contain errors that are perceptible to a careful student of Greek archaeology, even without subjecting the paper to a minute scrutiny....
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Mezzo secolo di patriotismo: Saggi storiciMezzo secolo di patriotismo: Saggi storici A te, che mi precedi negli anni, nell'autorit e nel sapere, dirigo questo mio volume, che vorrebbe richiamare i vecchi alle vigorose emozioni della loro giovinezza e radicare nei giovani il rispetto per le antiche operosit e pei...
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Die Träger des deutschen IdealismusDie Träger des deutschen IdealismusDies Buch will kein Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung sein, es mchte allen Gliedern des deutschen Volkes dienen, welche die Erfahrungen unserer gewaltigen Zeit mit voller Seele teilen. Ungeheures geht bei uns vor, Ungeheures mssen wir wirken und leiden, Ungeheures fordert...
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The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 127, October to March, 1909The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 127, October to March, 1909After close on twenty years of warfare with the police, alternated by brief spells of imprisonment and daring escapes, the notorious Spanish brigand known as "El Vivillo" has recently been laid by the...
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