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Viscount DundeeViscount DundeeThe Grahams of Claverhouse were a younger branch of an old and illustrious family which, from the twelfth century onwards, bore an important part in Scottish affairs, and of which several members figured prominently in the history of the nation prior to the...
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Tonto Cliff Dwellings Guide: Tonto National Monument, ArizonaTonto Cliff Dwellings Guide: Tonto National Monument, Arizona - 11th Edition, RevisedIn recent years some prehistoric Indian ruins have had to be closed to visitors to preserve these fragile structures. Please help us keep the Lower Ruin open for many years to come: restrain...
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India under Ripon: A Private DiaryIndia under Ripon: A Private DiaryI ought perhaps to have named this volume The Awakening of India, because it describes the condition of Indian things at the time of Lord Ripons viceroyalty, which was in truth the awakening hour of the new movement towards...
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Memoirs of the Empress Josephine, Vol. 2 of 2Memoirs of the Empress Josephine, Vol. 2 of 2 HAVE already described the dullness and depression of Paris during this campaign, and the sufferings of every class of society from the renewal of war. Money had become still more scarce; in fact, it attained...
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Memoirs of the Empress Josephine, Vol. 1 of 2Memoirs of the Empress Josephine, Vol. 1 of 2OW that I am about to commence these Memoirs, I think it well to precede them by some observations on the character of the Emperor, and the various members of the family respectively. These observations will...
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The History of the Crusades (vol. 3 of 3)The History of the Crusades (vol. 3 of 3)Louis IX., during his sojourn in Palestine, had not only employed himself in fortifying the Christian cities; he had neglected no means of establishing that union and harmony among the Christians themselves, which he felt would...
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Journal of a Soldier of the 71st, or Glasgow Regiment, Highland Light Infantry, from 1806-1815Journal of a Soldier of the Seventy-First, or Glasgow Regiment, Highland Light Infantry, from 1806-1815The Publishers have taken pains to ascertain the accuracy of the statements in the following Journal, and the result has confirmed them in the belief, that the Writer of it...
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The New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1847The New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1847John Farmer, who was the most distinguished Genealogist and Antiquary of this country, was born at Chelmsford, Ms., June 12, 1789.[1] He was the eldest son of John Farmer, who married, January...
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Culture and EthnologyCulture & EthnologyThis booklet is an attempt at popularization. The first four chapters are practically identical with as many lectures, delivered in 1917 as the January course offered by the Department of Anthropology of the American Museum of Natural History. The purpose of the...
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Wanderungen durch die interessantesten Gegenden des Sächsischen Obererzgebirges (Drittes Heft)Wanderungen durch die interessantesten Gegenden des Sächsischen Obererzgebirges (Drittes Heft) - Ein Beitrag zur speciellern Kenntniß desselben, seines Volkslebens, der Gewerbsarten, Sitten und GebräucheDicht vor der altchemnitzer Vorstadt hat sich das, ber eine Stunde lange, schne Dorf Altchemnitz in einem flachen Bogen gegen Sden...
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Remarks upon the First Report of the Royal Commission on Ritual in connection with the integrity of the Book of Common PrayerRemarks upon the First Report of the Royal Commission on Ritual in connection with the integrity of the Book of Common Prayer - A lecture delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Brighton Branch of the English Church Union, Nov. 27, 1867p. 2It is...
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Indian Notes and MonographsTypes of canoes on Puget Sound he canoes and the canoe manufacture of the North Pacific area have already received a fair amount of attention in ethnographical literature.[1] Many sizes and shapes of craft are in use, most of which have not been described...
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Siperian samojedien keskuudessa vuosina 1911-13 ja 1914Siperian samojedien keskuudessa vuosina 1911-13 ja 1914Aina lapsuudestani saakka olin tuntenut vastustamatonta halua pst Aasiaan. Isni, Otto Donner, oli aikoinaan hnkin toivonut ja odottanut samaa mutta mahdollisuuden tarjoutuessa oli matkan toteuttaminen liian myhist. Olin perinyt hnen tyydyttmttmn halunsa ja pienest piten olin kuullut puhuttavan...
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Studies on Slavery, in Easy LessonsStudies on Slavery, in Easy LessonsThis is a legitimate topic of general interest, and it assumes a preponderating importance to the people of the Southern American States, when the fact is taken into consideration that a general league against the institution of African slavery...
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The Life of Carmen Sylva (Queen of Roumania)The Life of Carmen Sylva (Queen of Roumania)Carmen Sylvas volume of beautiful poetry, entitled My Rest, begins with the above poem. It explains the poetic reasons for the choice of the name under which the royal writer conceals herself. The title, My Rest, has...
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Wanderungen durch die interessantesten Gegenden des Sächsischen Obererzgebirges (Zweites Heft)Wanderungen durch die interessantesten Gegenden des Sächsischen Obererzgebirges (Zweites Heft) - Ein Beitrag zur speciellern Kenntniß desselben, seines Volkslebens, der Gewerbsarten, Sitten und GebräucheWer etwa vor 15 oder 20 Jahren die alte Schwanenstadt mit ihrem wunderlichen Dach- und Giebelwerk, den regellosen Fenstern und den...
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Sieben Jahre in Süd-Afrika. Zweiter BandSieben Jahre in Süd-Afrika. Zweiter Band. - Erlebnisse, Forschungen und Jagden auf meinen Reisen von den Diamantenfeldern zum Zambesi (1872-1879) I. Von den Diamantenfeldern an den Molapo. Aufbruch von Dutoitspan. Uebergang ber den Vaal. Korannagrber im Hart-Riverthale. Mamusa. Wildgansjagd an Moffats Salzsee. Ein Nest...
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Father Henson's Story of His Own LifeFather Henson's Story of His Own Life - Truth Stranger Than FictionThe numerous friends of the author of this little work will need no greater recommendation than his name to make it welcome. Among all the singular and interesting records to which the institution...
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Michelin's Illustrated Guides to the Battle-fields (1914-1918)Lille Before and During the War[1] The above information dates from March 1st, 1919, and may no longer be exact when it meets the reader's eye. Tourists are therefore recommended to consult the latest edition of the "Michelin Guide to France" (English or French),...
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The Somme, Volume 1. The First Battle of the Somme (1916-1917)The Somme, Volume 1. The First Battle of the Somme (1916-1917) - (Albert, Bapaume, Péronne)The above information dates from March 1, 1920, and may no longer be correct when it meets the reader's eye. Consult the latest edition of the "Michelin Guide to France,"...
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