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Lääkärin muistelmia: Historiallinen romaani Ludvig XV:n hovistaLääkärin muistelmia: Historiallinen romaani Ludvig XV:n hovistaAlkulause. Johdanto. 1. Ukkosvuori. 2. "Se, joka on." 3. L.P.D. 1. Rajuilma. 2. Althotas. 3. Lorenza Feliciani. 4. Gilbert. 5. Taverneyn parooni. 6. Andre de Taverney. 7. Heureka. 8. Vetovoima. 9. Kaukonkemys. 10. Nicole Legay. 11. Kamarineitsyt ja...
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Sailor Jack, the TraderSailor Jack, the TraderI dont wonder that you are surprised. Its Tom Randolph easy enough, though I can hardly believe it myself when I look in the glass. There isnt a nigger in the settlement that isnt better clad and better mounted than I...
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Best Lincoln stories, tersely toldBest Lincoln stories, tersely toldABRAHAM LINCOLN. How American history would dwindle if that name were taken out of it! Washington was great. Grant was great. Lee was great. Many others have been and are great in all the walks of life. But Lincoln, who...
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The Life of Cardinal WolseyThe Life of Cardinal WolseyPerhaps few periods of English history are more remarkable than that which comprised the fortunes of Wolsey; a period which had to boast the most illustrious potentates who have ever filled the thrones of Europe. The age of Henry was...
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The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898; Volume 47, 1728-1759The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898; Volume 47, 1728-1759 - Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those...
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The Life and Times of Cleopatra, Queen of EgyptThe Life and Times of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt - A Study in the Origin of the Roman EmpireIn the following pages it will be observed that, in order not to distract the reader, I have refrained from adding large numbers of notes, references,...
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Aventures de l'abbé de Choisy habillé en femmeAventures de l'abbé de Choisy habillé en femmeFranois-Timolon de Choisy naquit Paris le 16 aot 1644. Son pre tait intendant du Languedoc quand il fut charg d'arrter Montpellier M. de Cinq-Mars et de se saisir de ses papiers. Il le trouva occup en brler...
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Cambridge PapersCambridge PapersThis volume contains papers on some questions of local history put together, mostly for undergraduate societies and magazines, at various times during the last twenty-five years. I have included a memoir, written for a London Society, on Newtons Principia, a work that profoundly...
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Two Women, 1862 a PoemTwo Women, 1862; a PoemMiss Constance Fenimore Woolsons poem, Two Women, begun in the January and finished in the February number of Appletons Journal, is of such remarkable quality as to deserve a wider reading than it is likely to have. To read it...
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Il nipotismo di Roma, or, The History of the Popes NephewsIl nipotismo di Roma, or, The History of the Popes Nephews - from the time of Sixtus IV. to the death of the last Pope, Alexander VIII should have much to say to thee, and not a few Ceremonies to Complement thee withall, if...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 08, August 22, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 08, August 22, 1840The bold and nearly insulated promontory called the Hill of Howth, which forms the north-eastern terminus of the Bay of Dublin, would in itself supply abundant materials for a topographical volumeand a most interesting...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 07, August 15, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 07, August 15, 1840To the observing and imaginative traveller, our island must present a great number of peculiarities of aspect which will not fail to excite his notice, and impress themselves indelibly upon his mind. The scantiness...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 06, August 8, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 06, August 8, 1840It is a melancholy truth that this most interesting portion of the human race is rapidly disappearing from the surface of the earth. War, its murderous effects centupled by the destructive weapons acquired from...
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Why Armenia Should Be Free: Armenia's Rôle in the Present WarWhy Armenia Should Be Free: Armenia's Rôle in the Present WarDr. Pasdermadjian, the author of this pamphlet, is a native of Erzeroum, and a member of a family which, both in the past and in the present, has been an object of barbarous persecution...
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Anmärkningar och nödvändiga Upplysningar vid Herr C. J. Holms Anteckningar öfver Fälttågen emot Ryssland åren 1808 och 1809Anmärkningar och nödvändiga Upplysningar vid Herr C. J. Holms Anteckningar öfver Fälttågen emot Ryssland åren 1808 och 1809 Uti N:o 102 af det fjerde Aftonbladet den 26 Maj 1836, under rubrik: Litteratur, lses en recension af anteckningar fver Flttgen emot Ryssland ren 1808 och...
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Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. IV)Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. IV)Corrections made to the text will appear as correction, which serve as links to the corresponding entry in the end notes. The original text can be viewed when the cursor is placed...
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Anteckningar öfver Fälttågen emot Ryssland åren 1808 och 1809Anteckningar öfver Fälttågen emot Ryssland åren 1808 och 1809 De Anteckningar som hrmed bland Allmnheten utg, rra egentligen Savolaks brigaden, hvilken jag under hela flttget tfljde; men som olika frdelningar af denna brigad, deltogo i de flesta krigshndelser ren 1808 och 1809, har jag...
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Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. I)Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. I)It is my intention to record daily all that the Emperor Napoleon did or said while I was about his person; but, before I begin my diary, I hope to be excused...
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Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. III)Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. III)Corrections made to the text will appear as correction, which serve as links to the corresponding entry in the end notes. The original text can be viewed when the cursor is placed...
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Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. II)Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. II)Corrections made to the text will appear as correction, which serve as links to the corresponding entry in the end notes. The original text can be viewed when the cursor is placed...
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