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A History of Epidemics in Britain, Volume 1 (of 2)A History of Epidemics in Britain, Volume 1 (of 2) - From A.D. 664 to the Extinction of PlagueThe title and contents-table of this volume will show sufficiently its scope, and a glance at the references in the several chapters will show its sources....
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The Heritage of Dress: Being Notes on the History and Evolution of ClothesThe Heritage of Dress: Being Notes on the History and Evolution of ClothesIt would be difficult to find a subject of more universal interest than that of dress, and hosts of books have been written which deal with the attire that has been adopted...
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The 'Fan Kwae' at Canton Before Treaty Days 1825-1844The 'Fan Kwae' at Canton Before Treaty Days 1825-1844During the days of Old Canton, the Middle Kingdom deigned to suffer the presence of a small number of 'foreign barbarians' on the banks of the Choo, or Pearl River. Their residences consisted of Factories built...
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The Hero of the People: A Historical Romance of Love, Liberty and LoyaltyThe Hero of the People: A Historical Romance of Love, Liberty and Loyaltycontaining 104 pages, 1114 inches in size, consisting of large 912 plate pages giving plans, elevations, perspective views, descriptions, owners names, actual cost of construction (no guess work), and instructions How to...
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The Diary of a Hunter from the Punjab to the Karakorum MountainsThe Diary of a Hunter from the Punjab to the Karakorum MountainsIt is hoped that the circumstances under which this volume appears may be considered such as to excuse its imperfections. It iswith some omissions and completions of sentences but with hardly a verbal...
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Dell'Emancipazione civile degl'IsraelitiDell'Emancipazione civile degl'Israeliti Tu ti adopri in Piemonte onde ottenere l'emancipazione degli Israeliti, scopo a cui tende questo mio opuscolo: m' caro perci porvi in fronte il tuo nome, gi benedetto da altri derelitti; ed altrettanto lo tengo a felice presagio. Siccome ad avverarlo...
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Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 3/6)Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 3/6) - Tableaux et portraits du grand monde sous Louis XVI, Le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration et le règne de Louis-Philippe IerLa 2e livraison a paru le 11 janvier; La 3e livraison paratra le 25...
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Histoire de France 1484-1515 (Volume 9/19)Histoire de France 1484-1515 (Volume 9/19)L'aimable mot de Renaissance ne rappelle aux amis du beau que l'avnement d'un art nouveau et le libre essor de la fantaisie. Pour l'rudit, c'est la rnovation des tudes de l'antiquit; pour les lgistes, le jour qui commence luire...
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Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours (Volume 8/8)Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours (Volume 8/8)Ce quartier est born, l'orient, par les rues Dauphine et de Bussy, du Four et de Svre inclusivement; au septentrion, par la rivire, y compris le pont Royal et l'le aux...
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Famous Scots Series, 12Fletcher of SaltounIn 1792 the eleventh Earl of Buchan published a volume of Essays on the Life and Writings of Fletcher of Saltoun and the Poet Thomson. It contains our only biography of Fletcher; but, though founded on original sources of information, it is...
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The Civil War Through the CameraThe Civil War Through the CameraThis Federal major of artillery was summoned on April 11, 1861, to surrender Fort Sumter and the property of the government whose uniform he wore. At half-past four the following morning the boom of the first gun from Fort...
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University of California Anthropological Records, Vol. 20, No. 2The Topanga Culture: Final Report on Excavations, 1948The year 1946 marked the discovery of the Tank Site by Robert F. Heizer and Edwin M. Lemert. Their work was synthesized in a paper entitled Observations on Archaeological Sites in Topanga Canyon, California (Heizer and Lemert,...
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Henriette Goldschmidt: Ihr Leben und ihr SchaffenHenriette Goldschmidt: Ihr Leben und ihr SchaffenAls der Allgemeine Deutsche Frauenverein, schon mitten in den Wirren des Weltkrieges, seine Fnfzigjahrfeier in Leipzig beging, sa unter den Ehrengsten auch eine kleine alte Dame. Silberweie Lckchen die Haartracht einer vergangenen Zeit umrahmten die Schlfen, und unter...
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Histoire de la Monarchie de Juillet (Volume 3 / 7)Histoire de la Monarchie de Juillet (Volume 3 / 7) I. Une re nouvelle. Que va faire M. Thiers? Attente curieuse et inquite. Dispositions des divers groupes. Tactique du prsident du conseil.II. Gages alternativement donns aux conservateurs et la gauche. Dclaration du ministre. Discussion...
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Histoire de la Monarchie de Juillet (Volume 2 / 7)Histoire de la Monarchie de Juillet (Volume 2 / 7) I. Lutte de Casimir Prier contre le parti rvolutionnaire. Rpression des meutes. Celles-ci deviennent plus rares. Insurrection de Lyon, en novembre 1831. Troubles de Grenoble, en mars 1832.II. Procs politiques. Le jury. Scandale de...
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The Violoncello and Its HistoryThe Violoncello and Its HistoryThe history of the Violoncello and Violoncello playing is connected in its early stages up to a certain point with that of the Viola da Gamba and its forerunner, the Basso di Viola, of the sixteenth century. This last-named instrument...
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The Medicine-Men of the Apache. (1892 N 09 / 1887-1888 (pages 443-604))The Medicine-Men of the Apache. (1892 N 09 / 1887-1888 (pages 443-604))The Caucasian population of the United States has been in intimate contact with the aborigines for a period of not less than two hundred and fifty years. In certain sections, as in Florida...
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Stories of the ShipsStories of the ShipsOf the countless stories of naval action which I have listened to in the course of the months I have spent with the Grand Fleet, I cannot recall a single one which was told as the consequence of being asked for...
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Johtavat aatteet ihmiskunnan historiassaJohtavat aatteet ihmiskunnan historiassa LUENTOJEN SISLT: 1. Johdanto 2. Alkuperiset yhteiskunnat 3. Suuret itmaiset monarkiiat 4. Kreikkalaiset 5. Makedonialaisuus 6. Romalaisuus 7. Roman tasavallan hvi 8. Romalais-vallan merkitys 9. Uskonnon seikka Roman keisarikunnassa 10. Roman-vallan kukistuminen 11. Yleis-ihmisyys ja kansallisuudet 12. Siirto Vanhasta aiasta...
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