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Their CrimesTheir CrimesThis is a book of horrors, but a book of plain truths! Where have we discovered our facts? They are taken from three sources: First, Four reports issued by the French Commission of Enquiry[1]; and "Germany's Violation of the Laws of Warfare," published...
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The Land of Little RainThe Land of Little RainI confess to a great liking for the Indian fashion of name-giving: every man known by that phrase which best expresses him to whoso names him. Thus he may be Mighty-Hunter, or Man-Afraid-of-a-Bear, according as he is called by friend...
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Manfredo Palavicino, o, I Francesi e gli Sforzeschi: Storia ItalianaManfredo Palavicino, o, I Francesi e gli Sforzeschi: Storia ItalianaUno Stato che, dopo aver raggiunto, quasi potrebbe dirsi, un primato di prosperit, di floridezza e di coltura, si arresta improvviso, tentenna, si sconnette, perde finalmente tutto quanto aveva acquistato con un lavoro assiduo di...
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What Germany Thinks Or, The War as Germans see itWhat Germany Thinks; Or, The War as Germans see itIn many quarters of the world, especially in certain sections of the British public, people believed that the German nation was led blindly into the World War by an unscrupulous military clique. Now, however, there...
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Dio's Rome, Volume 3Dio's Rome, Volume 3 - An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During The Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus: and Now Presented in English FormDuration of time, the remainder of the year of the 5th dictatorship of...
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England and the WarEngland and the WarThis book was not planned, but grew out of the troubles of the time. When, on one occasion or another, I was invited to lecture, I did not find, with Milton's Satan, that the mind is its own place; I could...
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The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 05The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 05 - (From Charlemagne to Frederick Barbarossa)The three centuries which follow the downfall of the empire of Charlemagne laid the foundations of modern Europe, and made of it a world wholly different, politically, socially, and religiously, from...
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Turkey: a Past and a FutureTurkey: a Past and a FutureWhat is Turkey? It is a name which explains nothing, for no formula can embrace the variety of the countries marked "Ottoman" on the map: the High Yemen, with its monsoons and tropical cultivation; the tilted rim of the...
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America's War for HumanityAmerica's War for Humanity With the signing of an armistice November 11, 1918, by the plenipotentiaries of the nations at war, active hostilities were halted while the sweeping terms of the truce were being complied with by Germany. The collapse of the Teutonic forces...
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Reminiscences of Pioneer Days in St. PaulReminiscences of Pioneer Days in St. Paul - A Collection of Articles Written for and Published in the Daily Pioneer PressIf James M. Goodhue could revisit the earth and make a tour among the daily newspaper offices of St. Paul he would discover that...
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The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 17The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 17On the plan evolved from a consensus of opinions gathered from the most distinguished scholars of America and Europe, including brief introductions by specialists to connect and explain the celebrated narratives, arranged chronologically, with thorough indices, bibliographies,...
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England of My Heart : SpringEngland of My Heart : Spring England of my heart is a great country of hill and valley, moorland and marsh, full of woodlands, meadows, and all manner of flowers, and everywhere set with steadings and dear homesteads, old farms and old churches of...
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Two Centuries of Costume in America, Volume 1 (1620-1820)Two Centuries of Costume in America, Volume 1 (1620-1820)This fine presentation of the dress of a gentlewoman and infant child, in the middle of the seventeenth century, hung in old Plymouth homes in the Thomas and Stevenson families till it came by inheritance to...
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The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 02The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 02 - (From the Rise of Greece to the Christian Era)It was executed by the Royal Binder, Clovis Eve, for Marie de' Mdicis, Queen Consort of Henry IV of France. She was a great lover of fine...
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American Political Ideas Viewed from the Standpoint of Universal HistoryAmerican Political Ideas Viewed from the Standpoint of Universal HistoryIn the three lectures which were written in response to this invitation, and which are now published in this little volume, I have endeavoured to illustrate some of the fundamental ideas of American politics by...
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With British Guns in Italy: A Tribute to Italian AchievementWith British Guns in Italy: A Tribute to Italian AchievementSo far as I know, no British soldier who served on the Italian Front has yet published a book about his experiences. Ten British Batteries went to Italy in the spring of 1917 and passed...
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The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 08The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 08 - The Later Renaissance: from Gutenberg to the Reformation You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic...
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Towards the GoalTowards the GoalEngland has in this war reached a height of achievement loftier than that which she attained in the struggle with Napoleon; and she has reached that height in a far shorter period. Her giant effort, crowned with a success as wonderful as...
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How Jerusalem Was WonHow Jerusalem Was Won - Being the Record of Allenby's Campaign in PalestineThis narrative of the work accomplished for civilisation by General Allenby's Army is carried only as far as the occupation of Jericho. The capture of that ancient town, with the possession of...
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The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their StrifeThe Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their StrifeThe following Studies and Notes, made during the earlier period of the present war and now collected together for publication, do notas will be evident to the readerpretend to any sort of completeness in...
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