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A kis királyok (1. rész)A kis királyok (1. rész) - RegényA pontaligeti park hires, nevezetesen a kertszet kedveli eltt. Terjedelme hatszz hold, s venkinti gondozsa belekerl harminczezer forintba. Ha a sok mihaszna fk helyett rpt, kukoriczt termesztennek rajta, ugyanannyit kellene neki jvedelmezni. Akkor lett alaptva, a mikor az...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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The Substitute MillionaireThe Substitute Millionaire On a certain morning, just as on six mornings in the week (barring holidays) and fifty weeks in the year, Jack Norman wormed his way into a crowded subway local at Fiftieth street, and, propping himself against the end of a...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Tähtien alla: RomaaniTähtien alla: RomaaniOltiin vasta lokakuun alussa, mutta puut loivat jo lehtin. Kevt olikin ollut aikainen ja kes harvinaisen kaunis. Aurinkoa ei en riittnyt lokakuun osalle, lehdet eivt varisseet sinisell syysilmalla eik tuuli tanssittanut niit iloisissa pyrteiss. Ne kellastuivat mrkyyttn, tippuivat raskaasti maahan ja sade...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Declaration du Roy, qui ordonne l'execution de l'Edit de Revocation de celuy de NantesDeclaration du Roy, qui ordonne l'execution de l'Edit de Revocation de celuy de NantesQui ordonne lexecution de lEdit de Revocation de celuy de Nantes. Pourvoit linstruction de ceux qui sont rentrez dans le sein de lEglise Catholique, & de leurs enfans, & les maintient...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Louhilinna: Tarina vanhasta talostaLouhilinna: Tarina vanhasta talostaSama aatelinen perhe on hallinnut sit jo neljttsataa vuotta. Isn kdest on aina ottanut poika. Pitjn hautausmaata on suuri kulma tmn suvun hallussa. Vanhimmat ristit ovat jo painuneet pensastojen peittoon, uusimmissa kiiltvt viel kultakirjaimet. Prakennusta peitt taitettu katto, ja pdyss, rystn...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Just a GirlJust a GirlThe original text deliberately leaves a space after a dash (a spaced mdash) in some dialog, and capitalizes the following word, when it describes a disjointed thought. For example isnt it Is this all, in contrast to Isis the place. This spaced...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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The Puppet Show of MemoryThe Puppet Show of MemoryTranscribers Note: A few obvious printers mistakes have been corrected (in particular in the Index, where entries often didnt match the spelling given in the main text, and have been changed to do so); any remaining errors are the authors...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Beethoven and His ForerunnersBeethoven and His ForerunnersThe modern view of history is vivified by a principle scarcely dreamed of before the middle of the last century; the conception which permeates all our interpretations of the story of the world, which illuminates our study of all its phases,...
- $8.61 SGD
$210.56 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Ramshackle HouseRamshackle House I The Canoeist II The Story in the Sun-Paper III An Irruption from the World IV Beside the Little Temple V On Board the Alexandra VI Moonlight VII The Trip to Town VIII The Return IX The Night Long X Days of...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Magyar titkok: Regény (3. kötet)Magyar titkok: Regény (3. kötet)Szemeimet figyelve fggesztm az elttem l jult hlgy arcznak szablyos szp vonsaira, s kevs percz alatt tkletesen meggyzdm, hogy sejtsem csakugyan val. A hall halovny szne s mereven mozdulatlansg ktsgkvl ugyanaz vala, melyet a koporsban fekv Beattini grfnn szrevevk; ez...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Magyar titkok: Regény (2. kötet)Magyar titkok: Regény (2. kötet)Midn az ajt kszbrl a konyhba tekintk, oly jelenet mutatkozott elttem, mely nem igen volt kpes tnedez btorsgomat visszatrteni s tkletesen megfelelt azon eszmknek, miket ily elhagyatott romok fell magunknak rendesen kpzelni szoktunk; mg csak a vihar sem hinyzott, mely...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Magyar titkok: Regény (1. kötet)Magyar titkok: Regény (1. kötet)Magyar nemes volt ugyan, de nmet mveltsg, a mi nem csoda, mert gyermekkora a tizenkilenczedik szzad msodik tizedre esik, mikor a magyar nyelv idehaza is hamupipke volt. Mg a nemes urak is csak a nemzetisgi vidkeken trsalogtak magyarul a csaldban,...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Katinka Rabe: Kirja lapsestaKatinka Rabe: Kirja lapsesta tekij. Katinka Rabe syntyi Hovissa, isovanhempainsa kartanossa, hyvin isossa vuoteessa, jossa olivat syntyneet, rakastaneet ja kuolleet sek Rabet ett Fataburit. Alkujaan sen oli teettnyt hnen isnitins is, Friedrich Fatabur, itsen ja vaimoaan, inkerilist papintytrt varten, ja toden teolla, tmn vuoteen...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Songs of the Common Day, and, Ave!: An Ode for the Shelley CentenarySongs of the Common Day, and, Ave!: An Ode for the Shelley CentenaryAN ODE FOR THE SHELLEY CENTENARY BY CHARLES G. D. ROBERTS TORONTO WILLIAM BRIGGS Montreal: C. W. COATES. Halifax: S. F. HUESTIS 1893 {v}{iv} TO BLISS CARMAN FRIEND, KINSMAN, AND FELLOW CRAFTSMAN...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Miss CrespignyMiss CrespignyThese love stories were written for and printed in Petersons Ladies Magazine. Owing to the fact that this magazine was not copyrighted, a number of them have been issued in book-form without my consent, and representing the sketches to be my latest work....
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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The Owl TaxiThe Owl Taxi I The Transfer II Greg's First Fare III Greg's Second Fare IV In the House on Ninth Street V The Taxi Yard VI Greg's Rival VII The Undertaker VIII The Hold-up IX The Flivver as a Post-Office X Amy's Story XI...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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A Strange World: A Novel. Volume 3 (of 3)A Strange World: A Novel. Volume 3 (of 3)Having come to Borcel End to perform a certain duty, Maurice Clissold gave himself up heart and soul to the task in hand. Pleasant as it might have been to him to spend the greater part...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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A Strange World: A Novel. Volume 1 (of 3)A Strange World: A Novel. Volume 1 (of 3)A fair slope of land in buttercup-time, just when May, the capricious, melts into tender Junea slope of fertile pasture within two miles of the city of Eborsham, whose cathedral towers rise tall in the blue...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Fedele ed altri raccontiFedele ed altri racconti Animato dal cortese signor Chiesa a raccogliere in un volume sette mie novelle, pensai di frapporvi alcune poesie a modo d'intermezzi, com' uso trattenere gli spettatori, fra un atto di commedia e l'altro, con qualche breve pezzo di musica. La...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen: oder, Begebenheiten aus einem merkwürdigen StadtteilHerrn Dames Aufzeichnungen: oder, Begebenheiten aus einem merkwürdigen StadtteilSie wissen ja Sie wissen genug darber, wer Wir sind womit wir uns unterhalten, und mit welchem Inhalt wir die uns zugemessenen Erdentage zu erfllen suchen. Sie wissen auch, wie wir das Dasein je nachdem als...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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