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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXIV, No. 2, February 1849Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXIV, No. 2, February 1849In one of those long, low, one-story, unpainted houses which succeeded the log-houses in Vermont as the second generation of human habitations, lay a sick woman. She knew, and all her friends knew, that her days were...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1, January 1849Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1, January 1849A NEW CHAPTER OF MRS. ALLANBYS EXPERIENCE. BY MRS. A. M. F. ANNAN. My dear MaryI know it will be a pleasure to you to become acquainted with my friends who will hand you thisMrs. Dilberry and...
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 5, January, 1835The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 5, January, 1835ORIGINAL LITERARY NOTICES THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII: by the author of Pelham, &c. Excerpt THE LAST NIGHT OF POMPEII versus THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII: by Mr. Sumner Fairfield VISITS AND SKETCHES, at Home...
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Frank Reade Library no. 1, vol. 1Frank Reade, Jr., and his new steam man; or, the young inventor's trip to the far westFrank Reade was noted the world over as a wonderful and distinguished inventor of marvelous machines in the line of steam and electricity. But he had grown old...
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The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 129, December, 1908The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 129, December, 1908A ladys account of the fearful ordeal she underwent as a young girl on an estate in Natallocked up in a tiny church, whither she had gone to practise a Christmas voluntary, with a huge...
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$127.49 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Ireland under the Stuarts and During the Interregnum, Vol. 2 (of 3), 1642-1660Ireland under the Stuarts and During the Interregnum, Vol. 2 (of 3), 1642-1660There was no outbreak in Munster during November, but Lord President St. Leger knew that he had no real means of resisting one. The Lords Justices had drawn off most of the...
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Bobbie, General Manager: A NovelBobbie, General Manager: A NovelI AM a junior in the H.C.H.S., which stands for Hilton Classical High School, and am sixteen years old. I live in a big brown house at number 240 Main Street, and my father is a state senator in Boston....
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Nathaniel Parker WillisNathaniel Parker WillisThe materials for a life of Willis are rich enough to be embarrassing. Most of his writings are, in a greater or less degree, autobiographical; and it would be possible to make a very tolerable life of him, by arranging passages from...
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The Apple-Tree Table, and Other SketchesThe Apple-Tree Table, and Other SketchesThe various prose sketches here reprinted were first published by Melville, some in Harper's and some in Putnam's magazines, during the years from 1850 to 1856. "Hawthorne and His Mosses," the only piece of criticism in this collection, is...
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The Symbolist Movement in LiteratureThe Symbolist Movement in Literature Introduction Balzac Prosper Mrime Grard De Nerval Thophile Gautier Gustave Flaubert Charles Baudelaire Edmond and Jules De Goncourt Villiers de l'Isle-Adam Lon Cladel A Note on Zola's Method Stphane Mallarm Paul Verlaine I. Joris-karl Huysmans II. the Later Huysmans...
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Heart SongsHeart Songs Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, by George N. Morang, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. Printed by The Brown-Searle Printing Co. Toronto ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product...
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La moglie di Sua EccellenzaLa moglie di Sua Eccellenza Piove. Il biondo e rubicondo signor Trb, seniore, il socio gerente della Tte-pointue a Villars-Ollon, attraversa frettoloso, con i soliti inchini, sgambetti e saltetti, l'atrio oscuro e basso dell'albergo, in quell'ora mattutina gi brulicante di forestieri; si ferma sul...
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$77.27 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Orpheus and Other PoemsOrpheus and Other PoemsBY EDWARD BURROUGH BROWNLOW. (SAREPTA.) Published by The Pen and Pencil Club. Montreal. 1896. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the Year 1896, by The Pen and Pencil Club, at the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. THESE POEMS...
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Life of Frederick MarryatLife of Frederick MarryatThe materials for a life of Marryat are scanty, and I have acknowledged my obligation to them in the text. Mrs. Ross Church collected, in 1872, all the surviving knowledge about her fathers lifeall of it, that is, which the family...
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$77.27 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Philosophical Works, v. 2 (of 4)Philosophical Works, v. 2 (of 4) - Including All the Essays, and Exhibiting the More Important Alterations and Corrections in the Successive Editions Published by the Author CONTENTS OF VOLUME SECOND. TREATISE OF HUMAN NATURE. BOOK II.OF THE PASSIONS. PART I. OF PRIDE AND...
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$77.27 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Philosophical Works, v. 1 (of 4)Philosophical Works, v. 1 (of 4) - Including All the Essays, and Exhibiting the More Important Alterations and Corrections in the Successive Editions Published by the AuthorThe Philosophical Writings of Mr Hume are here for the first time collected in a uniform edition. The...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.27 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Renascence: A Book of VerseRenascence: A Book of VerseOf the rest, The Sirens Three, Thoughts in a Hammock, A Herald of Spring, and the RondeauAcross the Fields, all appeared with designs of mine, as decorative pages, in The English Illustrated Magazine, The Sirens Three being afterwards issued, with...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.27 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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WeihnachtsabendWeihnachtsabend Es begab sich an einem kalten und strmischen Dezemberabende des vergangenen Jahres, da tief im untersten Grunde eines mchtigen fnfstckigen Hauses, welches im comfortabelsten Theile der Stadt, dicht an der schnsten und vornehmsten Strae steht, ein fleiiges junges Ehepaar emsig arbeitend beisammen sa,...
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$77.27 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Der Weihnacht-AbendDer Weihnacht-Abend Der Nordwind blies, der Schnee fiel in groen Flocken, die Regenschirme zrtlicher Eltern und Liebhaber bedeckten den Christmarkt. Lat mich ein Kind seyn! sprach Woldemar und zog seinen Freund in das sehenswerthe Gedrnge. Hier feilschten Mdchen eine Wiege, dort stand der grmliche...
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$77.27 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Vie de Henri Brulard, tome 2Vie de Henri Brulard, tome 2Je vois aujourd'hui qu'une qualit commune tous mes amis tait le naturel ou l'absence de l'hypocrisie. Mme Vignon et ma tante Sraphie m'avaient donn, pour cette premire des conditions de succs dans la socit actuelle, une horreur qui m'a...
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