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Erään miehen omatunto: RomaaniErään miehen omatunto: RomaaniMetsnhoitaja Constantin Gyllenmarck makasi sellln valkoisella jklkankaalla ja katseli, kuinka savupilvet, joita hn sikaristaan puhalteli, leijailivat ilmassa, hajaantuivat, kokoontuivat taas, iknkuin pitkseen paremmin puoliaan iltatuulta vastaan, mutta kvivt sitten ohuemmiksi ja ohuemmiksi, kunnes viimein katosivat avaruuteen. Parinkymmenen askelen pss hnest rtisi...
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$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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BarnabéBarnabé...Cest une chose dsolante! On mcrit du Midi quun un les ermitages se ferment, que les ermites, besace au dos, quittent leurs chapelles solitaires et quon ne les voit plus revenir. Les ordres sont-ils partis de la prfecture ou de lvch? Des deux cts...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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AlbertAlbertFantoches, vous qui, durant les insomnies, voletez trangement autour des prunelles fivreuses, contez celui qui ne craint ni lextrme, ni le choquant, ni labsurde, ni lironique, ni lincohrence des actes, ni la disproportion des penses, contez, sans loge ou blme, la dcevante vie dAlbert....
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Picrate et SiméonPicrate et SiméonUn vacarme de roulettes forcenes, endiables, tonna. Les gens qui se trouvaient au bas de la rue de Rome, vers langle de la gare Saint-Lazare, regardrent et virent dvaler, au long du trottoir, un cul-de-jatte qui avait pris le mors aux dents....
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsA Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms - or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite MeaningWishing to have an extensive list of Synonyms and Antonyms for another project, I settled on Fallows amazing publication. However, I could not find an OCR text which was clear...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Times Red Cross Story BookThe Times Red Cross Story Book - by Famous Novelists Serving in His Majesty's ForcesIn the maps of Morocco you will see, stretching southwards of the city of Mequinez, a great tract of uncharted country. It is lawless and forbidden land. Even the Sultan...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Plays, written by Sir John Vanbrugh, volume the secondPlays, written by Sir John Vanbrugh, volume the secondAml. But that's a wicked one: For my part, neighbour, I'm just tir'd off my legs with trotting after 'em; beside, it eats out all our profit. Would you believe it, Mrs. Cloggit, I have worn...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Plays, written by Sir John Vanbrugh, volume the firstPlays, written by Sir John Vanbrugh, volume the firstSir John Vanbrugh, an eminent dramatic Writer, Son of Mr. Giles Vanbrugh, of London, Merchant, was born in the Parish of St. Stephen's, Wallbrook, in 1666. The Family of Vanbrugh were for many Years Merchants of...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Kallun kestit: Kolminäytöksinen ilveilyKallun kestit: Kolminäytöksinen ilveilySARKANEN, elkemies, koroilla-elj, ontuu leini. EETLA SARKASKA, hnen vaimonsa, siisti, hiljainen, mahtava. KALLU, sahan tymies, hanurin soittaja. HILMA, hnen morsiamensa, vuosipalveluksessa nimismiehell. LENSMANSKA, nopea, kovakourainen, pttvinen. PATRUUNSKA, sivistymtn, mutta sivistyneiss naimisissa. HRASDINSKA, hieno, ei ole koskaan kynyt talonpoikaisessa tuvassa. NIMISMIES. KOLME...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Le meurtre d'une âmeLe meurtre d'une âmeLe magnifique chteau de Solgrs, prs d'trchy, dressait hors de la neige ses corps de btiment aux lignes nobles, aux amples faades, flanqus d'une tour plus ancienne. Les fentres en taient partout obscures et muettes, sauf l'un des angles du rez-de-chausse....
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Aaron Rodd, DivinerAaron Rodd, Diviner A queer, unexpected streak of sunshine, which by some miracle had found its way through a pall of clouds and a low-hanging mist, suddenly fell as though exhausted across the asphalt path of the Embankment Gardens. A tall, gaunt young man,...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 131, February, 1909The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 131, February, 1909Another instalment of a fascinating budget of adventure narratives. This month we publish accounts of a fight to the death between a whale and a school of thresher sharks; a nest-robbers terrible battle with an...
- $8.60 SGD
$127.48 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Good Gray Poet, A VindicationThe Good Gray Poet, A VindicationNine weeks have elapsed since the commission of an outrage, to which I have not till now been able to give my attention, but which, in the interest of the sacred cause of free letters, and in that alone,...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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HomoHomoIn memoria di F. De Amicis (Illustrazione Italiana, 1899). Sul fiume, In memoria, Abbandonati, Su un orologio (Nuova Antologia, 16 giugno 1901). Bellezza femminea, L'iniziazione, Ella?, Amanti, L'amica (Nuova Antologia, 16 marzo 1902). Villaggio nato, Circolo vitale, A uno straniero, I dissodatori, Bruto ultimo,...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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La Biblia en España, Tomo II (de 3)La Biblia en España, Tomo II (de 3) - O viajes, aventuras y prisiones de un inglés en su intento de difundir las Escrituras por la Península Llegada a Madrid. Mara Daz. Impresin del Testamento. Mi proyecto. El corcel andaluz. Se necesita un criado....
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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La Biblia en España, Tomo I (de 3)La Biblia en España, Tomo I (de 3) - O viajes, aventuras y prisiones de un inglés en su intento de difundir las Escrituras por la PenínsulaToms Borrow, de familia de labradores establecida desde muy antiguo cerca de Liskeard, en Cornwall, se fug de...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Moral Poison in Modern FictionMoral Poison in Modern FictionI have not systematically searched modern fiction to illustrate or support the arguments of this book. Every novel quoted, or even mentioned, has come before me in the day's work, as a reviewer. It is scarcely necessary to add that...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Le père humilié: Drame en quatre actesLe père humilié: Drame en quatre actesLa scne est Rome, le jour de la fte de Saint Pie, le 5 mai 1869, qui est aussi l'anniversaire de la mort de Napolon. Fte travestie dans les jardins de la Villa Wronsky d'o l'ont domine toute...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Le pain dur: Drame en trois actesLe pain dur: Drame en trois actesDans ce drame, qui a, comme partie de son sujet la Rupture des barrires et la Rencontre des races, des Juifs ne pouvaient pas ne pas figurer. C'est eux peut-tre que ce cong de leur antique assujettissement rituel...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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L'otage: Drame en trois actesL'otage: Drame en trois actesL'Abbaye des moines Cisterciens de COUFONTAINE achete par SYGNE. Au premier tage la bibliothque: c'est une grande et haute pice, claire par quatre fentres sans rideaux, aux petits carreaux verdtres. Au fond, entre deux hautes portes, sur le mur blanchi...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.26 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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