Old Is Gold
The Pansy Magazine, January 1886The Pansy Magazine, January 1886Send $1, $2, $3, or $5 for retail box by Express of the best Candies in America, put up in elegant boxes, and strictly pure. Suitable for presents. Express charges light. Refers to all Chicago. Try it once. Warranted absolutely...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Works of John Marston. Volume 1The Works of John Marston. Volume 1Marstons Works were edited in 1856 by Mr. Halliwell (3 vols. 8vo.) for Mr. Russell Smiths Library of Old Authors. I yield to none in my admiration for the best and the most accurate of living Shakespearean scholars;...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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AnieAnie - Illustrated versionAu balcon d'une maison du boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle, en hautes et larges lettres dores, on lit: Office cosmopolitain des inventeurs; et sur deux cussons en cuivre appliqus contre la porte qui, au premier tage de cette maison, donne entre dans les bureaux,...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Älykkään ritarin Don Quijote de la Manchan elämänvaiheetÄlykkään ritarin Don Quijote de la Manchan elämänvaiheetErss la Mancha-nimisess Espanjan kolkassa eli joku aika sitten aatelismies sit lajia, jotka voivat omakseen kutsua vain nirhaterisen peitsen, vankan rautapaidan, laihan ratsun ja pari metskoiraa. Pivlliseksi palanen lintupaistia, useammin hrn- kuin lampaanlihasta valmistettua, sen thteet uudestaan...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Fresh LeavesFresh LeavesEvery writer has his parish. To mine, I need offer no apology for presenting, First, a new story which has never before appeared in print; Secondly, the hundred-dollar-a-column story, respecting the remuneration of which, skeptical paragraphists have afforded me so much amusement. (N....
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Peter Parley's Own StoryPeter Parley's Own Story - From the Personal Narrative of the Late Samuel G. Goodrich, ("Peter Parley") Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by THE HEIRS OF S. G. GOODRICH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Zwischen den Rassen: RomanZwischen den Rassen: Roman Die Schwarzen, die das Pferd am Zaum gefhrt hatten, muten ihre Herrin auffangen: ihr ward schwach; und dann lag sie in Farren versteckt; ein Palmenblatt ward bewegt ber ihrem dunkeln Scheitel; der groe, hellhaarige Mann beugte sich zu seiner bleichen...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 01Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 01En publiant sous cet aspect les uvres compltes de Guy de Maupassant, nous nous sommes impos un principe: nous rapprocher davantage de celui du grand crivain. C'est pourquoi notre dition n'est pas illustre et ne contient...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Life of Francis ThompsonThe Life of Francis ThompsonThe 16th of December 1859 was the day, 7 Winckley Street, a box of a house in a narrow road, the place of Francis Joseph Thompson's birth. He was the second son of Charles Thompson and his wife, Mary Turner...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Frühlings Erwachen: Eine KindertragödieFrühlings Erwachen: Eine KindertragödieDas Kleid ist nicht zu lang, Wendla. Was willst du denn! Kann ich dafr, da mein Kind mit jedem Frhjahr wieder zwei Zoll grer ist. Du darfst doch als ausgewachsenes Mdchen nicht in Prinzekleidchen einhergehen. Jedenfalls steht mir mein Prinzekleidchen besser...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Vision SplendidThe Vision SplendidThe broad faces of the sunflowers surveyed, with their eternal, undiscriminating smile, the nape of Horatia's white neck, and were no wiser. Her back was towards them, and they could not see what book was in her lap. But the hollyhocks further...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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La Comédie humaine - Volume 03La Comédie humaine - Volume 03Au commencement du mois d'avril 1813, il y eut un dimanche dont la matine promettait un de ces beaux jours o les Parisiens voient pour la premire fois de l'anne leurs pavs sans boue et leur ciel sans nuages....
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Ambrose Gwinett or, a sea-side story: a melo-drama, in three actsAmbrose Gwinett; or, a sea-side story: a melo-drama, in three actsHypercriticism has presumed to find fault with this drama, which a better taste has denominated the serious domestic historical, because, forsooth, it smacks of the Old Bailey!and, when justification has been pleaded by citing...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Lady of PleasureThe Lady of Pleasure - A Comedie, as It Was Acted by Her Majesties Servants, at the Private House in Drury LaneCannot want encouragement to present a Poeme to your Lordship, while you possesse so noble a breast, in which so many seedes of...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Perlycross: A Tale of the Western HillsPerlycross: A Tale of the Western HillsIn the year 1835, the Rev. Philip Penniloe was Curate-in-charge of Perlycross, a village in a valley of the Blackdown Range. It was true that the Rector, the Rev. John Chevithorne, M.A., came twice every year to attend...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Rank and Talent A Novel, Vol. 2 (of 3)Rank and Talent; A Novel, Vol. 2 (of 3) Why, Sir, 'tis neither satire nor moral, but the mere passage of an history; yet there are a sort of discontented creatures, that bear a stingless envy to great ones, and these will wrest the...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Lady LilithLady Lilith"Fatalism is a doctrine which does not recognise the determination of all events by causes in the ordinary sense; holding, on the contrary, that a certain foreordained result will come about, no matter what may be done to prevent it...." Barbara's first action...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Colonel Thomas Blood, Crown-stealer, 1618-1680Colonel Thomas Blood, Crown-stealer, 1618-1680 The story which follows is, without doubt, one of the most curious and extraordinary in English history. It is, in fact, so remarkable that it seems necessary to begin by assuring the cautious reader that it is true. Much...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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LivserindringerLivserindringerbenlyse trykfejl er rettet i denne e-bogsudgave af Johan Nicolai Madvigs Livserindringer, men forfatterens stavning er i vrigt bevaret. Den grske tekst er gengivet som trykt i originalen. En ordliste med rettelser er placeret sidst i bogen. I 1884 og Begyndelsen af 1885 nedskrev,...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Tales of My Time, Vol. 2 (of 3)Tales of My Time, Vol. 2 (of 3) - Who Is She? [concluded]; The Young ReformersOn calling lately at the house of a friend who was indisposed, I found him in his study wrapped in a dressing gown, and turning over, with pensive air,...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.61 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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