Old Is Gold
La baraondaLa baraonda Mater Dolorosa (8. edizione). Milano, Chiesa e Guindani, I Barbar, o le lacrime del prossimo. (3. ediz.). Treves. Sott'acqua (3. edizione). Milano, Treves. Tiranni Minimi (4. edizione). Milano, Treves. Ninnoli (5. edizione). Milano, Chiesa e Guindani. Il Processo Monteg (3. ediz.). Milano,...
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Letters to his mother, Ann BorrowLetters to his mother, Ann Borrow - and Other CorrespondentsI have been in some difficulties. I was selling so many Testaments that the Priests became alarmed, and prevailed on the government to p. 6put a stop to my selling any more. They were likewise...
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Na Guella do LeãoNa Guella do Leão{5}uando o leo de purpura dos Silvas perder a sua lingua negra acabar a familia a que vaes pertencer prophetisra o Roque a uma das suas netas, na vespera do casamento, uma noite de luar coado a custo pelas abobadas do...
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Oklahoma SunshineOklahoma SunshineMinor punctuation errors have been corrected without notice. Printer's errors have been corrected, and the changes are indicated with a mouse-hover and listed at the end of this book. All other inconsistencies are as in the original. The author's spelling has been retained....
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The Grey Woman and other TalesThe Grey Woman and other TalesThere is a mill by the Neckar-side, to which many people resort for coffee, according to the fashion which is almost national in Germany. There is nothing particularly attractive in the situation of this mill; it is on the...
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My Life: or the Adventures of Geo. ThompsonMy Life: or the Adventures of Geo. Thompson - Being the Auto-Biography of an Author. Written by Himself.It having become the fashion of distinguished novelists to write their own livesor, in other words, to blow their own trumpets,the author of these pages is induced,...
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Le poëme de Myrza - HamletLe poëme de Myrza - HamletDurant les quatre ou cinq sicles au milieu desquels est jet le grand vnement de la vie du Christ, l'intelligence humaine fut en proie aux douleurs et aux dchirements de l'enfantement. Les hommes suprieurs de la civilisation, sentant la...
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L'oiseau blanc: conte bleuL'oiseau blanc: conte bleuCe conte est de la mme poque que les Bijoux indiscrets. Les mmes personnages s'y retrouvent, mais la licence y est beaucoup moindre. Il resta inconnu jusqu' la publication qu'en fit Naigeon dans son dition des uvres de Diderot en 1798....
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Entretien d'un père avec ses enfantsEntretien d'un père avec ses enfantsM. Diderot, matre coutelier Langres, mourut en 1759, gnralement regrett dans sa ville, laissant ses enfants une fortune honnte pour son tat, et une rputation de vertu et de probit dsirable en tout tat. Je le vis trois mois...
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Les deux amis de BourbonneLes deux amis de BourbonneAu mois d'aot 1770, Diderot1 vint Bourbonne-les-Bains, prs de Langres, pour y voir une amie qui avait men sa fille aux eaux dans l'esprance de lui rendre la sant altre par les suites d'une premire couche. Il trouva ces dames...
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Ceci n'est pas un conteCeci n'est pas un conteCe conte se trouve dans la Correspondance de Grimm, sous la date d'avril 1773; mais il y est incomplet. Il y manque l'histoire de Tani et de la Reymer, et la fin de l'histoire de Mlle de La Chaux. M....
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$17.03 SGD- $8.51 SGD
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A History of England Principally in the Seventeenth Century, Volume I (of 6)A History of England Principally in the Seventeenth Century, Volume I (of 6)'The History of England, principally during the Seventeenth Century,' which is here laid before the reader in an English form, is one of the most important portions of that cycle of works...
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Soldier StoriesSoldier StoriesIt was Mulvaney who was speaking. The time was one o'clock of a stifling June night, and the place was the main gate of Fort Amara, most desolate and least desirable of all fortresses in India. What I was doing there at that...
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$17.03 SGD- $8.51 SGD
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Miss RovelMiss RovelTom Jones, s'il faut en croire son biographe, rencontra un soir dans les environs d'Upton un vieux misanthrope qui s'tait fait ermite; on l'appelait l'homme de la montagne. Vtu d'une peau d'ne, il vivait au fond d'un bois, o il n'avait pas de...
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$17.03 SGD- $8.51 SGD
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Tartuffe Or, The HypocriteTartuffe; Or, The Hypocrite You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of...
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Avonturen van Don QuichotDon Quichot van La ManchaNog zoo heel, heel lang niet geleden woonde in een dorp van La Mancha, een edelman, gelijk men die heden ten dage in Spanje nog bij de vleet vinden kan. Zijne inkomsten waren slechts matig, en hij had daarvan althans...
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$17.03 SGD- $8.51 SGD
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Deutsche Lyrik seit LiliencronDeutsche Lyrik seit LiliencronDieses Buch besitzt eine innere Einheit nicht. Es umfat die lyrische Entwicklung von etwa vier Jahrzehnten, deren sichtbares Resultat ein weitreichender Umsturz der knstlerischen, politischen und sozialen Begriffe gewesen ist. Das Buch zeigt in engerem Sinne die Entwicklung von dem naturalistischen...
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$17.03 SGD- $8.51 SGD
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Racconti umoristici: In cerca di morte Re per ventiquattroreRacconti umoristici: In cerca di morte; Re per ventiquattroreVi egli riuscito? Forse non ha fatto che ripetere in altra cadenza, con altro ritmo quell'inno di dolore che proruppe cos spontaneo e cos gagliardo dal suo petto. Forse la sua maschera sdruscita e sotto il...
- $8.51 SGD
$17.03 SGD- $8.51 SGD
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As I RememberAs I Remember - Recollections of American Society during the Nineteenth CenturyThe rambling personal notes threaded together in these pages were written at the urgent request of my family, and have provided a pleasant diversion during otherwise lonely hours. The idea of their publication...
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$17.03 SGD- $8.51 SGD
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If, Yes and PerhapsIf, Yes and Perhaps - Four Possibilities and Six Exaggerations with Some Bits of FactThe title to this book has met with general opprobrium, except in a few quarters, where it was fortunately regarded as beneath contempt. Colonel Ingham even exacted an explanation by...
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