Old Is Gold
The Tatler, Volume 1The Tatler, Volume 1In the last Tatler I promised some explanation of passages and persons mentioned in this work, as well as some account of the assistances I have had in the performance. I shall do this in very few words; for when a...
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Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873Early on a brilliant morning, with baggage repacked, and the lessening amount of provisions more firmly strapped on the shoulders of the Indians, the explorers left their pleasant site on the banks...
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The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 2, February, 1862The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 2, February, 1862 - Devoted To Literature And National PolicyWhether we like or dislike the question, it must be answered. As the war stands, we have gone too far to retreat. It clamors for a brave and manly...
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Correspondance, 1812-1876 — Tome 1Correspondance, 1812-1876 — Tome 1 1812. [1] Mademoiselle Aurore Dupin avait alors huit ans. [2] Proprit de madame Dupin de Francueil, puis de George Sand, prs la Chtre (Indre). [3] Portrait au pastel de M. Dupin de Francueil, qui se trouve dans le salon...
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Noorwegens Letterkunde in de Negentiende EeuwNoorwegens Letterkunde in de Negentiende EeuwProf. Dr. J. DE ZWAAN, Groningen, Voorzitter; Prof. Dr. PH. KOHNSTAMM, Amsterdam, Ondervoorzitter; Dr. N. ADRIANI; Prof. Mr. D. VAN BLOM; Prof. Dr. J. BOEKE; Prof. Dr. H. BOLKESTEIN; Prof. Dr. F.J.J. BUYTENDIJK; RADEN Dr. HOESEIN DJAJADININGRAT; H.J.G. JANSSEN...
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PoemsPoems Oh could my Mind, unfolded in my page, Enlighten climes and mould a future age; There as it glowd, with noblest frenzy fraught, Dispense the treasures of exalted thought; To Virtue wake the pulses of the heart, And bid the tear of emulation...
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The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. IThe Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. IThe trust of editing the following Correspondence, committed to me several years since by the writers, has been of easy fulfilment. The whole Correspondence, so far as it is known to exist, is...
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Sketches of the CovenantersSketches of the Covenanters "We bind and obligate ourselves to defend ourselves and one another, in our worshiping of God, and in our natural, civil, and divine rights and liberties, till we shall overcome, or send them down under debate to posterity, that they...
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GhislaineGhislaineUne file de voitures ranges devant le double portique de l'ancien htel de Brissac, devenu aujourd'hui la mairie du Palais-Bourbon, provoquait la curiosit des passants qui savaient lire les armoiries peintes sur leurs panneaux, ou simplement les couronnes estampes sur le cuivre et l'argent...
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Browning as a Philosophical and Religious TeacherBrowning as a Philosophical and Religious TeacherThe purpose of this book is to deal with Browning, not simply as a poet, but rather as the exponent of a system of ideas on moral and religious subjects, which may fairly be called a philosophy. I...
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Past and PresentPast and PresentTHOMAS CARLYLE, born in 1795 at Ecclefechan, the son of a stonemason. Educated at Edinburgh University. Schoolmaster for a short time, but decided on a literary career, visiting Paris and London. Retired in 1828 to Dumfriesshire to write. In 1834 moved to...
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Bracebridge Hall, or The HumoristsBracebridge Hall, or The Humorists On again taking pen in hand, I would fain make a few observations at the outset, by way of bespeaking a right understanding. The volumes which I have already published have met with a reception far beyond my most...
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Lady ConnieLady Connie Well, now weve done all we can, and all I mean to do, said Alice Hooper, with a pettish accent of fatigue. Everythings perfectly comfortable, and if she doesnt like it, we cant help it. I dont know why we make such...
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CorysandreCorysandreLa saison de Bade tait dans tout son clat; et une lutte qui s'tait tablie entre deux joueurs russes, le prince Savine et le prince Otchakoff, offrait aux curieux et la chronique les pripties les plus mouvantes. C'tait pendant l'hiver prcdent que le prince...
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Zézette : moeurs forainesZézette : moeurs forainesA ses pieds, un cormoran dplum faisait claquer son bec, tandis que, perch au sommet d'une chelle, un singe enchan promenait sur les rares passants un regard rsign. Une peau de lion et une peau d'ours, se faisant face, tapissaient le...
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Watts (1817-1904)Watts (1817-1904)A little child lying in the lap of the winged figure of Death. Death, ever to Watts a silent angel of pity, "takes charge of Innocence, placing it beyond the reach of evil." It was first exhibited at the Winter Exhibition of the...
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Suomalaisia kirjailijoitaSuomalaisia kirjailijoitaEsisana. 7 Elias Lnnrot. 9 A. Oksanen. 27 Aleksis Kivi.. 43 Yrj Koskinen. 63 Kaarlo Bergbom 73 Suonio.. 83 A. Meurman. 93 Pietari Pivrinta. 103 J.H. Erkko 119 Kaarlo Kramsu 137 Arvi Jnnes.. 153 Paavo Cajander.. 163 Juho Reijonen 173 Robert Kiljander 185...
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Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875In leaving Cologne for Aix-la-Chapelle you turn your back to the rivera particular which suited my mood well enough. The railway bore us away from the Rhine-shore at an abrupt angle, and...
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AndréAndréC'est Venise que j'ai rv et crit ce roman. J'habitais une petite maison basse, le long d'une troite rue d'eau verte, et pourtant limpide, tout ct du petit pont dei Barcaroli. Je ne voyais, je ne connaissais, je ne voulais voir et connatre quasi...
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Wit Without Money; A ComedyWit Without Money; A Comedy - The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher Unc. Runs Lunatick, if you but talk of states, he cannot be brought (now he has spent his own) to think there's inheritance, or means, but all a common riches,...
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