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Hétköznapok: RegényHétköznapok: RegényMintegy hsz ve lehet, nem tudom, szerdn volt-e vagy szombaton, elg az hozz, hogy nagypntek napja volt. A nap, szoksa szerint, jkorn reggel flkelt s megkezdte betanult plyafutst az gen; a verebek flbredtek s elkezdtk dicsrni az asztagokat, melyekben szmukra ksz kalszok teremnek;...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Timber-WolfTimber-WolfBig Pine, tiny human outpost set well within the rim of the great southwestern wilderness country, was, like other aloof mountain settlements of its type, a place of infinite and monotonous quiet during most days of most years. Infrequently, however, for one reason or...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Un segreto, vol. 1Un segreto, vol. 1 Se i miei calcoli non fallano, a quest'ora sei ad Huesca, supponendo che tu non abbia mutato proposito, e che, attraversata la Francia, arrestandoti appena ad Avignone e a Tarbes, ti sia affrettato, com'era tuo disegno, a valicare i Pirenei...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Un segreto, vol. 2Un segreto, vol. 2 Un pensiero, frammezzo alla turba sconvolta nelle sue idee, aveva brillato un istante nella mente di Silvio; e da quel punto era diventato il pi importuno di tutti: scrivere a Carlotta. E come mai egli non vi avea pensato prima?...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Les amours du temps passéLes amours du temps passéL'Aurore gante de rose avait depuis longtemps ouvert les portes de l'Orient,mais elle n'avait point russi percer le double rempart de rideaux qui ceignait l'alcve de M. le chevalier de Pimprenelle. M. le chevalier avait pass la nuit au pharaon,...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Works of Thomas Hood; Vol. 02 (of 11)The Works of Thomas Hood; Vol. 02 (of 11) - Comic and Serious, in Prose and Verse, With All the Original IllustrationsThis e-text is based on the print version of The Works of Thomas Hood, Vol. II, published in 1882. Inconsistent and uncommon spelling...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Véres könyv: Csataképek a keleti háborubólVéres könyv: Csataképek a keleti háborubólMegsnak egy gdrt ngy lbnyi mlyre, kt lnyi szlesre s tetszs szerinti hosszsgra; az elejre s vgre lltanak egy-egy izmos gast, azokra vgigfektetnek keresztbe egy szlas gerendt, a gerendhoz ktfell tmasztanak egyenes gakat, azokat betertik bivaly- s krbrrel: ebbl...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Literary LivesSir Walter ScottIf all reading mankind had time to read Lockharts Life of Scott, a brief volume on Sir Walter would be a thing without excuse. I am informed, however, by the Editor of this Series that the appreciation of Time, in our age,...
- $8.63 SGD
$348.34 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Diary of DeliaThe Diary of Delia - Being a Veracious Chronicle of the Kitchen, with Some Side-Lights on the ParlourI got up at siven. Washed. Dressed. Made me bed. I set the kittle on the gas stove and then furyissly rung the brikfust bell. The famly...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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A Book for the HammockA Book for the HammockThe reader will please regard these papers as the mere whiskings of a petrels pinions skimming the blue surge of deep waters. The utmost hope of the author goes no further than that here and there something may be found...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Kaukainen kevät: RunojaKaukainen kevät: Runoja Sua kiitn, Herra, siit ett rauhan mulle annoit, ett maailman myrskyn tielt kotihisi lapsen kannoit, ett nytit vsyneelle armon, unhoituksen puistot, pois veit turhat toivot, muistot, pois veit rinnan ristiriidat Tll' on autuaitten viidat, tll' on onni niinkuin lassa, rauha suuri...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Sigismund ForsterSigismund Forster Im Gasthof zum Stern in Bonn sa eine Gesellschaft frhlicher Studenten beisammen. Sie tranken lebhaft und sprachen noch lebhafter ber rosenrothe Mdchen und graue Professoren, und zwar nach Studentenart, nmlich so, da am Ende sonnenklar erwiesen wurde, wie kein Mdchen hbsch genug...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Dawn of Modern MedicineThe Dawn of Modern Medicine - An Account of the Revival of the Science and Art of Medicine Which Took Place in Western Europe During the Latter Half of the Eighteenth Century and the First Part of the NineteenthThis work is in the main...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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AnaskiAnaskiHnen varsinaiset elinkeinonsa olivat onkiminen, kortista ennustaminen ja viulun soitto. Tm viimeksi mainittu enemmn huvin kuin hydyn vuoksi. Omissa puheissaan hn antoi ymmrt edullisimmaksi elinkeinokseen huolettomien tavaran tallentamisen, ja joskus huomasivat muutkin olevan siin puheessa per, vaikka ei niin suuressa mrss kuin hn itse...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Erik AutioErik Autio"Jumala tiesi, tuleeko hnest pappi milloinkaan. Ihan itkemn pakoittaa t seikka. Kuinka olimmekin jo ilomielin ja ylvstelimme hnest, kun hn lupa-aikoina aina saarnasi tll kotikirkossaan ja kaikki kehuivat hnen saarnojansa niin kauniiksi. Ja nyt viimeisiin aikoihin, sen sijaan ett hnen pitisi yh enemmn...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Four Minute Essays, Volume XFour Minute Essays, Volume XReporters in the war-smitten countries of Europe tell us that one effect of the horrors of death, wounds, and heartbreak is that the men are turning back to the churches. Out of the obscene muck of materialistic force is springing...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Legend of Monte della Sibilla or, Le paradis de la reine SibilleThe Legend of Monte della Sibilla; or, Le paradis de la reine SibilleIf you will stop and take a drink Where I did, late one afternoon In April, you may see turn pink A patch of snow, which very soon Yellows to green: it...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Pharos and PharillonPharos and PharillonBefore there was civilization in Egypt, or the delta of the Nile had been formed, the whole country as far south as modern Cairo lay under the sea. The shores of this sea were a limestone desert. The coast line was smooth...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden. Bd. 4Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden. Bd. 4Wer, wie der Herausgeber und Uebersetzer vorliegender merkwrdiger Aktenstcke, in den letzten Tagen des Septembers 1822 in Mainz war und in dem schnen Gasthof zu den drei Reichskronen logierte, wird gewi diese Tage nicht unter die...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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In our timeIn our timeEverybody was drunk. The whole battery was drunk going along the road in the dark. We were going to the Champagne. The lieutenant kept riding his horse out into the fields and saying to him, Im drunk, I tell you, mon vieux....
- $8.63 SGD
$211.12 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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