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Il Ricciardetto, vol. IIIl Ricciardetto, vol. II Il favore che ottenne dal pubblico la prima serie della nostra BIBLIOTECA DI CLASSICI, s da richiederne una seconda edizione gi sotto ai torchi, e gli incoraggiamenti che da ogni parte ne vennero al nostro Istituto, ci inducono a proseguire...
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Il Ricciardetto, vol. IIl Ricciardetto, vol. I Il favore che ottenne dal pubblico la prima serie della nostra BIBLIOTECA DI CLASSICI, s da richiederne una seconda edizione gi sotto ai torchi, e gli incoraggiamenti che da ogni parte ne vennero al nostro Istituto, ci inducono a proseguire...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Me: A Book of RemembranceMe: A Book of RemembranceThe writing of this book seems to me one of the most astounding literary feats I have ever known. It is one hundred thousand words long; it was started on Thanksgiving day and finished before New Year's. The actual writing...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Volume I., 1834-35The Southern Literary Messenger, Volume I., 1834-35In issuing the first number of the "SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER," the publisher hopes to be excused for inserting a few passages from the letters of several eminent literary men which he has had the pleasure to receive, approving...
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$211.89 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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An essay on the government of children, under three general heads, viz. health, manners, and educationAn essay on the government of children, under three general heads, viz. health, manners, and educationNothing is more evident, than that a Love of our Children is a great ruling Principle in human Nature; and that it makes a large Part of that Self-love...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Signs and WondersSigns & WondersI had been pondering the elements that go to the making of the human entity, and more particularly that new aspect of the theory of the etheric body which presents it as a visible, ponderable, tangible, highly organised, but almost incredibly tenuous,...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Tappan's Burro, and Other StoriesTappan's Burro, and Other StoriesTAPPAN gazed down upon the newly-born little burro with something of pity and consternation. It was not a vigorous offspring of the redoubtable Jennie, champion of all the numberless burros he had driven in his desert-prospecting years. He could not...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Portraits of the NinetiesPortraits of the NinetiesThe late Mr. Justin McCarthys vivid Portraits of the Sixties, the late Mr. George Russells admirable volume dealing with the men and women of the Seventies, and Mr. Horace Hutchinsons more recent Portraits of the Eighties form together an invaluable biographical...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Englishwoman in EgyptThe Englishwoman in Egypt - Letters from Cairo, Written During a Residence There in 1842, 3, & 4The desire of shortening the period of my separation from a beloved brother, was the first and strongest motive that induced me to think of accompanying him...
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Le littoral de la France, vol. 1: Côtes Normandes de Dunkerque au Mont Saint-MichelLe littoral de la France, vol. 1: Côtes Normandes de Dunkerque au Mont Saint-MichelNul pays, en Europe, n'est, au mme degr que la France, favoris par sa situation maritime. De la frontire belge la frontire espagnole; des Pyrnes-Orientales la frontire italienne, deux merveilleuses lignes...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 08 (of 12)The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 08 (of 12)The first edition (here reprinted) was published in 1819 in one 8vo. volume (343 pp.), with the following title-page:Lectures on the English Comic Writers. Delivered at the Surry Institution. By William Hazlitt. It is a...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Gaspards of Pine Croft: A Romance of the WindermereThe Gaspards of Pine Croft: A Romance of the WindermereOf all British Columbia valleys none has a finer sweep than the spacious Windermere. The valley rolls itself on both sides of the Columbia River in wide stretches of grass lands, varied with great reaches...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Don Álvaro, o, La fuerza del SinoDon Álvaro, o, La fuerza del SinoEste drama pertenece la Galera Dramtica, que comprende los teatros moderno, antiguo espaol y extranjero, y es propiedad en el todo de su editor D. Manuel Pedro Delgado, quien perseguir ante la ley, para que se le apliquen...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Elämäni muistojaElämäni muistoja 1. Johdanto. 2. Opetus alkaa. 3. Kotona ja ulkosalla. 4. Palvelijat kskijin. 5. Normaalikoulu. 6. Seseppona. 7. Erinisi opintoja. 8. Ensimminen matkani. 9. Runollisia harjoituksia. 10. Srikantha Babu. 11. Bengalin-opintomme pttyvt. 12. Professori. 13. Isni. 14. Ers matka isni seurassa. 15. Himalajan...
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$211.89 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Enkelten suojatit: Lastuja lapsista ja heidän kohtaloistaanEnkelten suojatit: Lastuja lapsista ja heidän kohtaloistaanHaluan tmmisess kotoisessa joululehdess, jota tuskin lukevat muut kuin minulle tutut ihmiset, viel uudestaan muistella joulua ja vhn muitakin pivi semmoisina kuin ne elin lapsuuteni ihanina hetkin Kierikkalan myllykolun partaalla. Olen sen jlkeen nhnyt hyvi pivi jos huonojakin,...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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- $8.66 SGD
$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Fors Clavigera (Volume 1 of 8)Fors Clavigera (Volume 1 of 8) - Letters to the workmen and labourers of Great BritainWe begin to-day another group of ten years, not in happy circumstances. Although, for the time, exempted from the direct calamities which have fallen on neighbouring states, believe me,...
- $8.66 SGD
$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Mary Wollstonecraft and the beginnings of female emancipation in France and EnglandMary Wollstonecraft and the beginnings of female emancipation in France and EnglandThere is something particularly fascinating about the study of the literature and philosophy of the eighteenth century, with its gradual evolution of lofty social ideals which the Revolution failed to realise. When the...
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$211.89 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Nacha RegulesNacha RegulesThe Centennial festivities had been going on since May. Thousands of people had flocked in from every corner of the country, from neighboring states and even from Europe. During these great days of a nation's coming of age, the crowd, in one enormous,...
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$128.42 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Essays in IdlenessEssays in IdlenessShe is sitting now on my desk, and I glance at her with deference, mutely begging permission to begin. But her back is turned to me, and expresses in every curve such fine and delicate disdain that I falter and lose courage...
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