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Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 42, May, 1851Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 42, May, 1851Bright, gladsome May-day!the fairest maiden in all the train of the merry "Queen of Seasons." May-day! what happy scenes this word recallsthe day of all days for childhood's pleasures! I see the little darlings tripping along the streets...
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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, No. 362, December 1845Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, No. 362, December 1845It might have been expected, that after the march into Bavaria had demonstrated the military genius of the Duke of Marlborough, and the battle of Blenheim had in so decisive a manner broken the enemy's power,...
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L'Illustration, No. 3237, 11 Mars 1905L'Illustration, No. 3237, 11 Mars 1905Une classe au Conservatoire. Il est neuf heures et demie du matin. Une dizaine d'auditeurs peine s'parpillent, dans la salle faiblement claire, parmi les siges rouges du parterre. Les musiciens s'installent. Ils sont l soixante-dix ou quatre-vingts jeunes gens...
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L'Illustration, No. 3238, 18 Mars 1905L'Illustration, No. 3238, 18 Mars 1905J'ai pass une soire extrmement intressante, cette semaine, voir des gens s'assommer coups de poing. Cela se passait aux Ternes, salle Wagram, et l'norme affluence de curieux qu'attirait si loin du centre de Paris ce spectacle trs spcial et...
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L'Illustration, No. 0004, 25 Mars 1843L'Illustration, No. 0004, 25 Mars 1843La France et l'le Tati. Histoire et description gographique de Tati. Vue de Tati; Portrait de la reine Pomar; Carte.--Plan de la Pointe--Pitre.--Courrier de Paris. Le Soleil, la Comte, le bal d'Arual et le bal de l'association dramatique.--Le bal...
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L'Illustration, No. 3235, 25 Février 1905L'Illustration, No. 3235, 25 Février 1905Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer nos lecteurs que l'Illustration publiera, aussitt aprs leur premire reprsentation: LE RVEIL, pice en trois actes de M. Paul Hervieu, en prparation la Comdie-Franaise; LE DERNIER AMOUR (titre provisoire), pice en quatre actes de M....
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McClure's Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, July, 1893McClure's Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, July, 1893My first recollection of Doctor Holmes is seeing him standing on a bench at a college dinner when I was a boy, in the year 1836. He was full of life and fun, and was deliveringI do...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 93. September 17, 1887Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 93. September 17, 1887Londoners who like but are weary of the attractions of Eastend-on-Mud, and want a change, can scarcely do better than spend twenty-four hours in that rising watering-place Teapot Bay. I say advisedly "rising," because the...
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L'Illustration, No. 3234, 18 Février 1905L'Illustration, No. 3234, 18 Février 1905Journal universel d'actualits illustres, chacun de ses numros contient--outre des dessins ou des photographies de choix sur tous les vnements notables--au moins un document rare, indit, sensationnel, qu'aucune autre publication ne saurait se procurer. C'est ainsi que nous avons...
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The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, August 1865The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, August 1865The see of Dromore, though founded by St. Colman, seems for several centuries to have comprised little more than the abbey of that great saint and its immediate territory. In the synod of Rathbreasil (a. d. 1118),...
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L'Illustration, No. 3233, 11 Février 1905L'Illustration, No. 3233, 11 Février 1905Les abonns fidles de l'Illustration seront heureux de retrouver dans leur journal la signature de l'auteur de Passion slave, de Haine d'amour, de Justice de femme, de A force d'aimer, quatre des romans les plus apprcis que contient notre...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 98, April 26 1890Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 98, April 26 1890Blethers. Another of Sir Poshbury's birthdays almost goneand my secret still untold! (Dodders.) I can't keep it up much longer ... Ha, here comes his Lordshiphe does look mortal bad, that he do! Miss Verbena...
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L'Illustration, No. 3232, 4 Février 1905L'Illustration, No. 3232, 4 Février 1905Lundi, trois heures. A l'Acadmie des sciences. De chaque ct du tableau noir, au long d'un grand mur nu, s'alignent deux banquettes o, serrs les uns contre les autres, de vieux messieurs somnolents, de jeunes hommes mine grave, la...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 93. August 6, 1887Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 93. August 6, 1887.Now that your own particular theatrical adviser and follower, Mr. Nibbs, has left London for a trip abroad, I venture to address you on matters dramatic. I am the more desirous of so doing because,...
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L'Illustration, No. 3231, 28 Janvier 1905L'Illustration, No. 3231, 28 Janvier 1905LA JOURNE DU 22 JANVIER A SAINT-PTERSBOURG La cavalerie de la garde chargeant, devant l'Amiraut, les manifestants qui se dirigeaient vers le Palais d'Hiver. Dessin de Georges Scott, d'aprs le croquis de notre envoy spcial, M. F. Natenska rentre,...
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The Arena, Volume 18, No. 93, August, 1897The Arena, Volume 18, No. 93, August, 1897This the age of evolution. The word is used by many men in many senses, and still oftener perhaps in no sense at all. By some it is spoken with a haunting dread as though it were...
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L'Illustration, No. 3245, 6 Mai 1905L'Illustration, No. 3245, 6 Mai 1905 La comtesse Tornielli. M. Loubet.Mme Loubet. Edouard VII.Le comte Tornielli. LE DINER A L'LYSE EN L'HONNEUR DU ROI D'ANGLETERRE Entre du roi, du prsident et du cortge des invits dans la grande salle des Ftes, o la table...
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Punch, or the London Charivari. Volume 93, September 10, 1887Punch, or the London Charivari. Volume 93, September 10, 1887The story which I have to tell is more than strange. It is so terrible, so incredible, so entirely contrary to all that any ordinary reader of the London Journal or the "penny dreadfuls" has...
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Język Polski, 1920, nr 3 (maj/czerwiec)Język Polski, 1920, nr 3 (maj/czerwiec) Czasopismo Jzyk polski ukazuje si 5 razy w cigu roku w zeszytach dwuarkuszowych.Cena pojedynczego zeszytu 9 m., z przesyk 9 20 m.Przedpata roczna 40 m., z przesyk pocztow 41 m., za granic 42 m. Od XVI w. normalny...
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