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The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 25The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 25Returning from Sydney at the end of October 1890, Stevenson and his wife at once took up their abode in the wooden four-roomed cottage, or rough barrack, as he calls it, which had been...
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Alexandre HerculanoAlexandre HerculanoUm paladino illuminado e moo, intemerato no ardor da juventude e na exaltao da crena que nem o martyrio lograria dominar ou perverter, sonhou a redempo da patria desolada pelas guerras, pela fome, pela oppresso de tyrannias vidas e corruptas, por hypocrisias sordidas...
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$348.00 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Books and AuthorsBooks and Authors - Curious Facts and Characteristic SketchesThis collection of anecdotes, illustrative sketches, and memorabilia generally, relating to the ever fresh and interesting subject of Books and Authors, is not presented as complete, nor even as containing all the choice material of its...
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$556.85 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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SultSult Spelling. In this first edition of Sult, old spelling rules were applied which look quite different from modern written Norwegian (bokml). In addition, the letters and where set as Aa and aa, respectively. Since many other Norwegian books printed at this time used...
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$210.91 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Home University Library of Modern Knowledge, No. 77Shelley, Godwin and Their CircleThe history of the French Revolution in England begins with a sermon and ends with a poem. Between that famous discourse by Dr. Richard Price on the love of our country, delivered in the first excitement that followed the fall...
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InfernoInferno Det var med en knsla av vild gldje jag tervnde frn Nordbanans station, sedan jag dr avlmnat min lilla hustru, vilken skulle fara till vrt barn, som insjuknat i fjrran land. Fullbordat var allts offret av mitt hjrta! Vra avskedsord: Nr ses vi...
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BunyanBunyan'I was of a low and inconsiderable generation, my father's house being of that rank that is meanest and most despised of all families in the land.' 'I never went to school, to Aristotle or Plato, but was brought up in my father's house...
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Les Contemporains, Quatrième SérieLes Contemporains, Quatrième Série - Etudes et Portraits LittérairesL'excuse de Stendhal, c'est que, bien rellement, il n'crivait son journal que pour lui et non point, comme ont fait tant d'autres, avec une arrire-pense de publication. Et si, quelque bonne volont qu'on apporte cette lecture,...
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$348.00 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Famous Scots Series, 15Sir Walter ScottTo the very probable remark that 'Another little book about Scott is not wanted,' I can at least reply that apparently it is, inasmuch as the publishers proposed this volume to me, not I to them. And I believe that, as a...
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Famous Scots Series, 10James BoswellThe literature of the Johnsonian period has assumed, in spite of the lexicographer's own dislike of that adjective, prodigious dimensions. After the critical labours of Malone, Murphy, Croker, J. B. Nichols, Macaulay, Carlyle, Rogers, Fitzgerald, Dr Hill and others, it may appear hazardous...
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Out-of-Doors in the Holy Land: Impressions of Travel in Body and SpiritOut-of-Doors in the Holy Land: Impressions of Travel in Body and SpiritThen, for a long time, in the hardening strain of early manhood, I was afraid to go to Palestine, lest the journey should prove a disenchantment, and some of my religious beliefs be...
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$348.00 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Hendrik Conscience, zijn persoon en zijn werkHendrik Conscience, zijn persoon en zijn werkAntwerpen was, binnen de oude muren, een vervallen schoone. Meer dan een eeuw was de Schelde gesloten, het gras groeide tusschen de steenen naast de donkere ruien, wanneer na den slag van Fleurus de stroom weer geopend werd...
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$348.00 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Letters to his wife Mary BorrowLetters to his wife Mary BorrowI arrived this day at Venice, and though I am exceedingly tired I hasten to write a line to inform you of my well-being. I am now making for home as fast as possible, and I have now nothing...
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A Son of the Middle BorderA Son of the Middle BorderIn the spring of 1898, after finishing my LIFE OF ULYSSES S. GRANT, I began to plan to go into the Klondike over the Telegraph Trail. One day in showing the maps of my route to William Dean Howells,...
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Letters to his mother, Ann BorrowLetters to his mother, Ann Borrow - and Other CorrespondentsI have been in some difficulties. I was selling so many Testaments that the Priests became alarmed, and prevailed on the government to p. 6put a stop to my selling any more. They were likewise...
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The Life of Cicero, Volume IIThe Life of Cicero, Volume II.Cicero's life for the next two years was made conspicuous by a series of speeches which were produced by his exile and his return. These are remarkable for the praise lavished on himself, and by the violence with which...
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$210.91 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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My Life: or the Adventures of Geo. ThompsonMy Life: or the Adventures of Geo. Thompson - Being the Auto-Biography of an Author. Written by Himself.It having become the fashion of distinguished novelists to write their own livesor, in other words, to blow their own trumpets,the author of these pages is induced,...
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The Student's Companion to Latin AuthorsThe Student's Companion to Latin Authors The object of this book is to give in a convenient form all the facts of importance relating to the lives and works of the principal Latin Authors, with full quotation of original authorities on all the chief...
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$210.91 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Les Contemporains, 6ème SérieLes Contemporains, 6ème Série - Études et Portraits LittérairesIl y a, dans une Revue illustre, un crivain que je respecte et que j'admire infiniment. Depuis quelque temps, il ne peut plus crire une page sans marquer son ddain et son antipathie pour ce qu'il...
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Mémoires de Marmontel (Volume 3 of 3)Mémoires de Marmontel (Volume 3 of 3) - Mémoires d'un père pour servir à l'Instruction de ses enfansBut de l'auteur en crivant ses Mmoires.Description de Bort et de ses environs.Souvenirs d'enfance.Premire ducation.Dfaut de mmoire.Portrait de la mre de Marmontel et des autres membres de...
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