Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
The ACT Workbook for Anger: Manage Emotions and Take Back Your Life with Acceptance and Commitment TherapyA much-needed, comprehensive program for managing anger in a world of triggers, trolls, and outrage.Everyone gets angry from time to time. Anger is a natural human emotion, but it can often boil over and wreak havoc in your personal and professional life. If you...
- $57.03 SGD
- $57.03 SGD
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Tattiche di conversazione: Manuale Di Comunicazione Efficace Per Principianti: Come Iniziare Una Conversazione, Compiacere, Argomentare e DifendeVorresti essere pi piacevole e carismatico? Avere sempre la risposta giusta al momento giusto?O semplicemente affrontare meglio le conversazioni difficili con il tuo partner o al lavoro?Questo un libro per imparare a fare amicizia ed eccellere nelle situazioni sociali. Si concentra su strategie e...
- $46.74 SGD
- $46.74 SGD
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Dark Psychology and Forbidden Manipulation: Discover Secret Techniques for Mental Domination and Emotional Blackmail Using Subliminal Persuasion, DarkDelve into the world of forbidden manipulation and master the art of your dark side!Are you tired of being manipulated and never being able to stand up for yourself? Do you want to explore the dark side of psychology and harness the secret strategies...
- $71.99 SGD
- $71.99 SGD
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Memória Fotográfica: Técnicas de Memória Básicas e Avançadas para Melhorar a Memória - Regras Mnemônicas e Estratégias para Melhorar a MemoVoc pega uma cesta e passa pelas portas de vidro deslizantes da mercearia. Uma vez l dentro, voc percebe que n o se lembra porque foi loja. Voc sabe que precisa do b sico, como p o e ovos, mas tamb m h outro...
- $37.77 SGD
- $37.77 SGD
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Another Way...Choosing to Change: Facilitator Guide - Women's EditionAnother Way...Choosing to Change: Facilitator Guide - Women's Edition provides facilitators with a strengths-based approach and research-based program for intervening with women who have used force against their intimate partners.The sessions address gender-specific treatment needs using evidence-based clinical interventions and adult learning principles. Drawing...
- $281.87 SGD
- $281.87 SGD
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Treating Pathological Narcissism with Transference-Focused PsychotherapyFilling a crucial gap in the clinical literature, this book provides a contemporary view of pathological narcissism and presents an innovative treatment approach. The preeminent authors explore the special challenges of treating patients--with narcissistic traits or narcissistic personality disorder--who retreat from reality into narcissistic...
- $160.78 SGD
- $160.78 SGD
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Thriving With ADHD Workbook: Guide to Stop Losing Focus, Impulse Control and Disorganization Through a Mind Process for a New LifeIf you want to know how to deal with your ADHD symptoms, then keep reading...What are the strategies that adult ADHD patients use to cope with their symptoms? If you want to know the answer to this question too, then I would say you...
- $38.10 SGD
- $38.10 SGD
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My name is Ben and I don't talk sometimesMy name is Ben and I don't talk sometimes is a story about a child's experience of selective mutism, in his words. Ben takes us on a journey of how he feels across situations - at his birthday party, with people he's unable to...
- $41.12 SGD
- $41.12 SGD
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The Power O F Mental Discipline: A Practical Guide to Controlling Your Thoughts, Increasing Your Willpower and Achieving More Positive Psychology, WeaIf you are willing to make your life more organized and move towards your goal easily, then keep reading.Just imagine if you could ever have a start-over in your life. Similar to the video games, you could just press one small button and "restart...
- $51.18 SGD
- $51.18 SGD
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Peeling Back The LayersPEELING BACK THE LAYERS is a miscellaneous collection of ideas which explore subjects in further detail. Larson employs the object lesson of an "onion", which if peeled back has multiple layers, each one different from the ones before. The book is an examination, an...
- $33.15 SGD
- $33.15 SGD
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The Deadline Effect: How to Work Like It's the Last Minute--Before the Last MinuteIn the tradition of Charles Duhigg's The Power of Habit, a wise and fascinating book that shows us how "we can make deadlines work for us instead of the other way around" (The Wall Street Journal). Perfectionists and procrastinators alike agree--it's natural to dread...
- $72.76 SGD
- $72.76 SGD
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Verbal BehaviorAt the age of 30, B. F. Skinner found himself at a dinner sitting next to Professor Alfred North Whitehead. Never one to lose an opportunity to promote behaviorism, Skinner expounded its main tenets to the distinguished philosopher. Whitehead acknowledged that science might account...
- $68.18 SGD
- $68.18 SGD
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Neurofeedback: The Non-Invasive AlternativeHelena Bester, one of Africa's few Board Certified Neurotherapists is regarded as one of the leading experts on ADHD and on neurofeedback in South Africa. She takes the reader on a journey through the origin, the development, the process, and the application of neurofeedback....
- $127.31 SGD
- $127.31 SGD
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Subjectivity and OthernessThe evolution of the concept of subjectivity in the works of Jacques Lacan.Countering the call by some "pro-Lacanians" for an end to the exegesis of Lacan's work--and the dismissal by "anti-Lacanians" of Lacan as impossibly impenetrable--Subjectivity and Otherness argues for Lacan as a "paradoxically...
- $73.08 SGD
- $73.08 SGD
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15-Minute Parenting the Teenage Years: Creative ways to stay connected with your teenagerParenting through the teenage years can be challenging and overwhelming. With over twenty years of clinical practice, psychotherapist and parenting expert Joanna Fortune has devised a simple and proven 15-Minute parenting model packed with practical, playful and creative communication techniques to strengthen your relationship...
- $35.59 SGD
- $35.59 SGD
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LGBTQI Workbook for CBTCognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular evidence-based interventions in the world, but little has been done to explore how it affects different groups of people, such as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) community. The LGBTQI Workbook for...
- $139.48 SGD
- $139.48 SGD
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Handbook of Medical Neuropsychology: Applications of Cognitive NeuroscienceThis ambitious and important second edition of the Handbook of Medical Neuropsychology takes an in-depth approach to the medical conditions and methods of neurorehabilitation. Comprehensive in scope and highly detailed in its coverage, the second edition, like the first, characterizes the effects of disease...
- $467.62 SGD
- $467.62 SGD
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La Muerte No Existe: Para Quienes Han Perdido a Un Ser QueridoCuando comenc a redactar este libro, ten a ya una buena parte de la informaci n porque, como les contar m s adelante, mi nico hijo se march del mundo f sico. Esto me motiv a querer saber m s, y anduve en una...
- $41.17 SGD
- $41.17 SGD
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The Grief Forest: A Book About What We Don't Talk AboutWhat if a gift lived inside grief? When Bunny's father dies, she captures her grief in a bubble the color of his soul. She carries this grief with her, afraid that if she lets it go, she will lose her daddy. Bunny's grief leads...
- $55.67 SGD
- $55.67 SGD
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Lemon Moms: A Guide to Understand and Survive Maternal NarcissismCould your mother be a narcissist?If you had a loving, kind, affectionate mother, that's wonderful! I'm truly happy for you. Many of us didn't, and for those with me in that group, I wrote "Lemon Moms, A Guide to Understand and Survive Maternal Narcissism."...
- $33.38 SGD
- $33.38 SGD
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