Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Empowering the Heart: Simple Steps to Restore Your Peace, Heal the Hurt and Share Your Gifts"Empowering the Heart" is a new philosophy of life based on the power of love and inner peace. In this book Dr. Babinet shares his personal journey of transformation as a modern-day shaman and reveals some unique keys to spiritual empowerment. He provides a...
- $34.80 SGD
- $34.80 SGD
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Contemporary Male Sexuality: Confronting Myths and Promoting ChangeThis accessible guide confronts myths and pressures surrounding men and sex, promoting a positive and healthy model of male sexuality that replaces traditional expectations. The chapters in this book engage with cultural assumptions about male sexuality, from harmful early messaging, to the importance of...
- $86.89 SGD
- $86.89 SGD
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Learning to Breathe Student Workbook: A Six-Week Mindfulness Program for AdolescentsA fully revised and updated second edition, including new research and skills in the areas of trauma and compassionDisruptive behavior in the classroom, poor academic performance, and out-of-control emotions: if you work with adolescents, you are well-aware of the challenges this age group presents,...
- $38.25 SGD
- $38.25 SGD
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The Economics of Meaning in Life: From Capitalist Life Syndrome to Meaning-Oriented EconomyThere is not such a thing as value-free economics. All economic theories prescribe a unique meaning in life. What meanings are hidden in economic theories? How can we live a meaningful life despite the meanings that economists and politicians promote? The Economics of Meaning...
- $81.14 SGD
- $81.14 SGD
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L'Anima Della Psicosintesi: I Sette Concetti Chiave"Kenneth S rensen fa l'ottimo lavoro di sintetizzare in un libro breve e ben studiato gli aspetti essenziali della psicosintesi, offrendo una panoramica che consentir al lettore di coglierne i temi principali nella teoria e nella pratica, cos come il suo sviluppo storico." Piero...
- $55.13 SGD
- $55.13 SGD
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Towards an EcopsychotherapyPsychotherapy invites us to tell the story of our human relationships; ecopsychotherapy expands this to include our earth story, the context or continuum in which our human relationships sit. Ecopsychotherapy is not simply a technique to be applied in therapy: it involves a change...
- $32.78 SGD
- $32.78 SGD
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Bolder: How to Age Better and Feel Better about AgeingA radical re-think of our approach to everything from education, healthcare and work, to design, relationships and politics. An essential and inspiring read for everyone interested in our collective future. A revolution in how we age is here. Yes, ageing is inevitable: one year...
- $35.00 SGD
- $35.00 SGD
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I Feel Too Much: A How-To Guide For The Beginner EmpathHas someone ever called you "too sensitive"? Have you recently discovered you are an empath? Do you feel everything? Are you often overwhelmed or permanently exhausted? Are you affected by the moods and emotions of other people? Leap into a journey of healing and...
- $34.91 SGD
- $34.91 SGD
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Chronic Junkie: A Story of Addiction, Despair, Unconditional Love, Hope, and TriumphTimothy Ryan had an ideal upbringing. He was born into a loving family, had many friends, grew up in a nice neighborhood, and received a good education. Still, none of that was enough to prevent him from falling into the clutches of addiction. What...
- $48.85 SGD
- $48.85 SGD
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The Flight Into the Unconscious: An Analysis of C. G. Jungʼs Psychology Project, Volume 5Psychological analysis usually sets its sights upon the patient or upon cultural phenomena such as myths, literature, or works of art. The essays in this volume, by contrast, have another addressee, another subject matter: psychology itself. Deeply informed by Jung's insight regarding the discipline's...
- $435.27 SGD
- $435.27 SGD
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Dark Psychology: Master Persuasion, Negotiation, and NLP and Unlock the Power of Understanding Manipulation, Deception, and Human BehavIf you have always wanted to learn more about the "Dark Triad" and how to safeguard yourself from manipulation, then keep reading...Are you unable to safeguard yourself from manipulation?Have you tried different solutions but none of them has proven to be effective?Do you want...
- $58.02 SGD
- $58.02 SGD
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Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Discover the Proven Power of DBT For Emotion Regulation, Panic & Worry, Anxiety, and Cognitive Dissonance: With MattheDiscover The Proven Powers of Dialectical Behavior Therapy For Emotion Regulation and A Return To Happiness Today Do you struggle with feelings and thoughts that life is not really worth living sometimes? Are you struggling with overwhelming feelings of fears and worries on a...
- $38.67 SGD
- $38.67 SGD
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Polymath: Master Multiple Disciplines, Learn New Skills, Think Flexibly, and Become an Extraordinary AutodidactExpertise pays; polymathy pays exponentially. Build a world-class skillset that will make you unique and irreplaceable.Polymath: a person of wide knowledge and learning. The art of becoming a polymath is really about maximizing your opportunities in life. Don't be the person with the hammer...
- $48.34 SGD
- $48.34 SGD
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The Mermaid and the Minotaur: The Classic Work of Feminist ThoughtOne of the most significant and enduring texts in psychology and gender studies, now with a new introduction by Gloria Steinem. Since its publication in 1976, Dorothy Dinnerstein's The Mermaid and the Minotaur has been recognized as one of the most significant contributions to...
- $42.86 SGD
- $42.86 SGD
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How to Analyze People: Analyzing the Narcissistic Mother, Energy Vampire and Manipulative People. 3 ManuscriptsFor as long as you can remember, you've always strived to be nice, honest, and helpful with everyone in your life. It's how you were raised, and it makes you feel good to treat people well. But then one day you noticed that not...
- $47.32 SGD
- $47.32 SGD
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Head and Heart: Yoga Therapy and Art Therapy Interventions for Mental HealthEnvisioned as a resource for yoga teachers and all mental health and health professionals, Head and Heart is intended for: all health professionals who focus on mental health and/or wellbeing and want to broaden their understanding of how yoga and creative art therapy interventions...
- $112.72 SGD
- $112.72 SGD
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Persuade, Don't Preach: Restoring Civility Across the Political DivideEndorsed by Richard Rohr: "This book is a helpful guide to how to understand people in such a way that you can talk to them more productively."As a society, we've become so polarized, we don't know how to talk to each other anymore. When...
- $25.14 SGD
- $25.14 SGD
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In the Know: Debunking 35 Myths about Human IntelligenceEmotional intelligence is an important trait for success at work. IQ tests are biased against minorities. Every child is gifted. Preschool makes children smarter. Western understandings of intelligence are inappropriate for other cultures. These are some of the statements about intelligence that are common...
- $50.26 SGD
- $50.26 SGD
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7 técnicas exitosas para resolver conflictos: Domina las técnicas de la comunicación verbal y asertiva en tus relaciones sociales. Aprende cómo mediarConvi rtete en un experto en resolver conflictos a trav s de m todos verbales y no violentos Alguna vez has estado tan enojado con alguien que le gritaste en su cara cosas terribles, solo para lastimarlo? O te lo han hecho a ti?...
- $58.02 SGD
- $58.02 SGD
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Cómo iniciar conversaciones casuales: Guía de consejos prácticos para superar la timidez y la ansiedad social de las relaciones personales. Mejora tusConvi rtete en un experto de las conversaciones casuales y da las mejores primeras impresiones De acuerdo a los resultados de recientes investigaciones sociol gicas una persona interact a aproximadamente, a lo largo de su vida, con 50,000 personas. Este n mero se incrementa...
- $58.02 SGD
- $58.02 SGD
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