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The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 5, May, 1887The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 5, May, 1887Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to The District Secretaries; letters for The American Missionary,...
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The New Century Standard Letter-WriterThe New Century Standard Letter-Writer - Business, Family and Social Correspondence, Love-Letters, Etiquette, Synonyms, Legal Forms, Etc.THE NEW CENTURY STANDARD LETTER-WRITER Business, Family and Social Correspondence Love-Letters, Etiquette, Synonyms Legal Forms, Etc. How to Address the President, Members of the Cabinet and other High...
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The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 2, February, 1887The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 2, February, 1887Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to the District Secretaries; letters for The American Missionary,...
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Raamatun tutkisteluja 4: Harmagedonin taisteluRaamatun tutkisteluja 4: Harmagedonin taistelu "Ja kuudes enkeli vuodatti maljansa isoon Eufratjokeen, ja sen vesi kuivui, ett tie valmistuisi idst tuleville kuninkaille. Ja min nin kolme saastaista henke Perkeleitten henki, jotka tekevt ihmeit; ja ne lhtevt koko maanpiirin kuningasten luo kokoamaan heidt sotaan Jumalan,...
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Raamatun tutkisteluja 3: Tulkoon valtakuntasiRaamatun tutkisteluja 3: Tulkoon valtakuntasi "Ja kaikkein taivaan kannen alla olevain valtakuntain kuninkuus, voima ja mahti annetaan korkeimman pyhlle kansalle; hnen valtakuntansa on oleva ikuinen valtakunta ja kaikki vallat tulevat palvelemaan ja tottelemaan hnt." Dan. 7: 27; Ilm. 5: 10. "Saattaa kaikille ilmeiseksi mit...
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Fra Tommaso Campanella, Vol. 1Fra Tommaso Campanella, Vol. 1 - la sua congiura, i suoi processi e la sua pazzia La congiura di fra Tommaso Campanella, il fatto pi cospicuo della vita del filosofo calabrese ed uno de' pi audaci disegni di riscossa nel Napoletano, continua pur troppo...
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The Junior Classics, Volume 3: Tales from Greece and RomeThe Junior Classics, Volume 3: Tales from Greece and RomeHomer, that king of story-tellers, traveller and well-loved school teacher, is supposed to have lived in Greece about three thousand years ago. Trained story-tellers or bards, with extraordinary memories, were not rare in that simple...
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The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 1, January, 1887The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 1, January, 1887Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to the District Secretaries; letters for The American Missionary,...
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The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 3 of 4The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 3 of 4 - The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and PhilosophyThe task of preparing this volume for the press has been a difficult and anxious one, and it is necessary to state clearly what has been done. The papers given...
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The Art of Being HappyThe Art of Being Happy - In a Series of Letters from a Father to His Children: with Observations and CommentsThere are about seventy Notes at the back of the book. These are referenced in the text by a numeric anchor eg [1] or...
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Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of ConsciousnessTime and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness , " , , ." PLOTINUS Henri Louis Bergson was born in Paris, October 18, 1859. He entered the cole normale in 1878, and was admitted agrg de philosophie in 1881 and...
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Silanus the ChristianSilanus the ChristianMany years have elapsed since the author was constrained (not by a priori considerations but by historical and critical evidence) to disbelieve in the miraculous element of the Bible. Yet he retained the belief of his childhood and youthrooted more firmly than...
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Good Form for All OccasionsGood Form for All Occasions - A Manual of Manners, Dress and Entertainment for Both Men and WomenCOOK BOOK OF LEFT-OVERS, by Clark and Rulon. 16mo net 1.00 MANNERS AND SOCIAL USAGES. Illd. Post 8vo 1.25 THE BABY, HIS CARE AND TRAINING, by Marianna...
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Four Phases of Morals: Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, UtilitarianismFour Phases of Morals: Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utilitarianism Dear Sir,As the substance of this book was originally delivered in the form of Lectures before the Royal Institution, London, I was naturally led, in giving my notes a more exact expression and a larger illustration,...
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The Philosophy of MysteryThe Philosophy of MysteryWe so intreateth this serious and terrible matter of Spirites, that now and then insertyng some strange stories of counterfeyts, doth both very lybely display their falsehood, and also not a little recreate his reader: and yet in the ende he...
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St. Patrick, the Father of a Sacred NationSt. Patrick, the Father of a Sacred NationAnd the Lord said to Abram: Go forth out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and out of thy fathers house; and come into the land which I shall show thee. And I will make thee...
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Universal Brotherhood, Volume XIII, No. 10, January 1899Universal Brotherhood, Volume XIII, No. 10, January 1899 - A Magazine Devoted to the Brotherhood of Humanity, the Theosophical Movement, Philosophy, Science and ArtUniversal Brotherhood AMAGAZINE Devoted To The BrtherhdofHumanity TheThesphicalMvement PhilsphyScienceAndArt FOUNDEDIN1886UNDERTHETITLEOF THEPATHBY WQJUDGE ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 56761...
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Anton Tchekhov, and Other EssaysAnton Tchekhov, and Other EssaysIt is not to be denied that Russian thought is chiefly manifested in the great Russian novelists. Tolstoi, Dostoevsky, and Tchekhov made explicit in their works conceptions of the world which yield nothing in definiteness to the philosophic schemes of...
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Raamatun tutkisteluja 2: Aika on lähestynytRaamatun tutkisteluja 2: Aika on lähestynyt "Herran kasvoilta koittavat virvoituksen ajat; ja hn lhett Jeesuksen Kristuksen, hnet oli taivaan pidettv kaiken ennalleenasettamisen aikoihin asti, joista Jumala ammoisista ajoista asti on puhunut kaikkien pyhien profeettainsa suun kautta." "Te, veljet, ette ole pimeydess, niin ett se...
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On Mr. Spencer's Data of EthicsOn Mr. Spencer's Data of EthicsThis volume completes the critical examination of Mr. Spencer's system of Philosophy already pursued through two previous volumes entitled respectively "On Mr. Spencer's Formula of Evolution," and "On Mr. Spencer's Unification of Knowledge." The entire task has been undertaken...
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