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Die InzestscheuDie Inzestscheu - Über einige Übereinstimmungen im Seelenleben der Wilden und der Neurotiker ISchreibweise und Interpunktion des Originaltextes wurden bernommen; lediglich offensichtliche Druckfehler wurden korrigiert. nderungen sind im Text so gekennzeichnet. Der Originaltext erscheint beim berfahren mit der Maus. Eine Liste der vorgenommenen nderungen...
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Totem und TabuTotem und Tabu - Einige Übereinstimmungen im Seelenleben der Wilden und der NeurotikerSchreibweise und Interpunktion des Originaltextes wurden bernommen; lediglich offensichtliche Druckfehler wurden korrigiert. nderungen sind im Text so gekennzeichnet. Der Originaltext erscheint beim berfahren mit der Maus. Eine Liste der vorgenommenen nderungen findet...
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The History of the Life and Adventures of Mr. Duncan CampellThe History of the Life and Adventures of Mr. Duncan Campell - A Gentlen, who, tho' Deaf and Dumb, Writes down any Stranger's name at first Sight; with their future Contingencies of FortuneOf all the writings delivered in an historical manner to the world,...
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The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, June 1865The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, June 1865 The interesting and very learned article which appeared in the last number of the Record 1 has contributed much to illustrate the life of the Blessed Thaddeus, and to make known to the Irish Church a...
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Religion And HealthReligion And Health Physicians are agreed that there is no entirely satisfactory definition for health. We all know quite well what we mean when we use the word, but it does not admit of such exact limitations as would make a scientific formulation of...
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Getting at the Inner Man, and, 50 Years on the Lecture PlatformGetting at the Inner Man, and, Fifty Years on the Lecture PlatformThat Conwell is not primarily a ministerthat he is a minister because he is a sincere Christian, but that he is first of all an Abou Ben Adhem, a man who loves his...
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Het boek der EtiquetteHet boek der EtiquetteOverduidelijke druk- en spelfouten in het origineel zijn gecorrigeerd; deze zijn voorzien van een dunne rode stippellijn, waarbij de Brontekst via een zwevende pop-up beschikbaar is. Variaties in spelling (met/zonder trema, met/zonder afbreekstreepje) zijn behouden. Een extra verduidelijking of vertaling is...
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$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Elements of MoralsElements of Morals - With Special Application of the Moral Law to the Duties of the Individual and of Society and the StateThe Elments de Morale, by M. Paul Janet, which we here present to the educational world, translated from the latest edition, is,...
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Gomer voor den sabbath meditatiën over en voor de sabbathGomer voor den sabbath; meditatiën over en voor de sabbathOverduidelijke druk- en spelfouten in het origineel zijn gecorrigeerd; deze zijn voorzien van een dunne rode stippellijn, waarbij de Brontekst via een zwevende pop-up beschikbaar is. Variaties in spelling zijn behouden: e/, en 1/I bij...
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Mystic Immanence, the Indwelling SpiritMystic Immanence, the Indwelling SpiritThe question, "Whose is this image and superscription?" is suggestive, first, of the deeper meaning of a harvest festival, and that is the recognition in public worship that the material universe is the visible thought of God. What is the...
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Body, Parentage and Character in History: Notes on the Tudor PeriodBody, Parentage and Character in History: Notes on the Tudor PeriodIn my little work on Character as Seen in Body and Parentage I have put forward not a system, but a number of conclusions touching the relationship which I believe to exist between certain...
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L'Abbé de l'Épée: sa vie, son apostolat, ses travaux, sa lutte et ses succèsL'Abbé de l'Épée: sa vie, son apostolat, ses travaux, sa lutte et ses succèsQuoy des mains? Nous requrons, nous promettons, appellons, congdions, menaons, prions, supplions, nions, refusons, interrogeons, admirons, nombrons, confessons, repentons, craignons, vergoignons, doutons, instruisons, commandons, incitons, encourageons, jurons, tmoignons, accusons, condamnons, absolvons,...
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William de Colchester, Abbot of WestminsterWilliam de Colchester, Abbot of Westminster Having had the honour of an invitation to deliver in May last a "Friday Evening Discourse" at the Royal Institution on the Archives of Westminster Abbey, I thought it best to confine what I could say within an...
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Heroes of IsraelHeroes of Israel - Text of the Hero Stories with Notes and Questions for Young StudentsIt is the purpose to present these Hero Studies in two books, one being the present volume which is intended as a textbook for the students, the other being...
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Biography of Reverend Hosea BallouBiography of Rev. Hosea BallouTo say that the author experiences a degree of diffidence in writing upon the theme and subject of these pages, would but inadequately express his true feelings on taking up the pen for this object. But he does it with...
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Memoir of Mary L. Ware, Wife of Henry Ware, JrMemoir of Mary L. Ware, Wife of Henry Ware, Jr.Mr. Pickard's Embarrassments.His Correspondence with Mary.Her Sympathy and Faith.Her Teacher's[Pg iv] Testimony to her Piety.She leaves Hingham.Her Grandfather's Death.Devotion to her Grandmother.Visit to Northampton.Her Self-distrust.Interest in Dr. Churning.Letters on his Preaching, and Interview with him.Correspondence...
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The Story of 57 CentsThe Story of Fifty-Seven CentsI shall write of a remarkable man, an interesting man, a man of power, of initiative, of will, of persistence; a man who plans vastly and who realizes his plans; a man who not only does things himself, but who,...
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The Hero in ManThe Hero in Man We who live in the great cities could not altogether avoid, even if we would, a certain association with the interests of our time. Wherever we go the minds of men are feverishly debating some new political measure or some...
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Spiritualism and the New PsychologySpiritualism and the New Psychology - An Explanation of Spiritualist Phenomena and Beliefs in Terms of Modern KnowledgeThe body of man is made up of an infinite number of cellsminute masses of living substancegrouped into organs subserving particular functions, and held together by skeletal...
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Praying for MoneyPraying for MoneyIT would be no more surprising for the discovery of a means of direct spirit communication with the spiritual life than it was to be convinced that Marconi had discovered a sure method of telegraphing and telephoning without wires. The discovery of...
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