Public Domain
A Magician Among the SpiritsA Magician Among the SpiritsGladly would I embrace Spiritualism if it could prove its claims, but I am not willing to be deluded by the fraudulent impositions of so-called psychics, or accept as sacred reality any of the evidence that has been placed before...
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$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The Billy Whiskers series. Vol. 24Billy Whiskers Out for FunMY dear Nannie, what do you say to our seeking the sunny South for the winter? I am getting too old to enjoy huddling up to the lee side of a strawstack to keep warm or sleeping in a drafty...
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$27.68 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Modern dancing and dancersModern dancing and dancersIt is not unlikely that when the art historian of the future comes to treat of the artistic activity of the first decade of the twentieth century, he will remark as one of its most notable accomplishments a renaissance of the...
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$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The Vegans Were CuriousThe Vegans Were CuriousThe little sun was almost a light-year out of his way, and he could have made it on to Sirius without stopping. But the thirst within him was strong. The delicious, yellow sun with its rich corona and tiny, tantalizing streamers...
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$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The AabThe AabThe cool Martian wind crept across the rust-red expanse of desert. Occasionally its soft touch stirred the thorny leaves of Devil's Eggsthe squat black plants which peppered the silent monotony. Here and there a wisp of sand spiraled upward into the bright, thin...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The Plymouth Express AffairThe Plymouth Express Affair The little gray cells, so often referred to by the great detective Hercule Poirot, certainly get in their fine-work in this intriguing mystery story by an exceptionally talented writer. Alec Simpson, R. N., stepped from the platform at Newton Abbot...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Blackie's Books for Young People, Catalogue - 1899Blackie's Books for Young People, Catalogue - 1899The story is one of Mr. Hentys best, and so cleverly is history interwoven with fiction that the boy who reads it will know as much about the Seven Years War as many an adult student of...
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$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Im-ígyen szóla ZarathustraIm-ígyen szóla ZarathustraMikoron Zarathustra harminc ves vala, odahagy hazjt s hazjnak tavt s a hegyekbe mne. Itt lvez lelkt s magnossgt s nem fradt bel tiz ll esztendeig. Vgezetre azonban elvltozk szvben, egy reggel hajnal hasadtval kelvn, szembella a napnak s im-gyen szlt meg:...
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$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Wonder Tales from TibetWonder Tales from TibetThe Siddhi-kur is a strange and mysterious creature! He is so old that we cannot even guess at his age, and he has traveled so many leagues from the land that originally produced him that we really do not know how...
- $8.65 SGD
$27.68 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The Minor Horrors of WarThe Minor Horrors of WarThe contents of this little book hardly justify its title. There are whole ranges of Minor Horrors of War left untouched in the following chapters. The minor poets, the pamphlets of the professors, the people who write to the papers...
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$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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ReputationReputationRiders dropped in at the little cantina and over their cups of tequila or warm beer would tell us of some new deviltry done by Jeff Tigard, the killer. And Felipes hands trembled as he drew the beer, while we laughed at him for...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Mimi Lynx: Eine NovelleMimi Lynx: Eine NovelleEinmal im Herbste, kurz vor Beginn des dritten Semesters, war er zu einem kleinen Souper geladen. Die Leute standen ihm fern. Er ging ohne Interesse hin, fast mit Bedauern. Wie immer kam er zu spt... Damals lernte Heinrich Mimi Lynx kennen....
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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On Strike, or, Where do the Girls come in?On Strike, or, Where do the Girls come in?Reginald Oofbourne was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. It is not necessary for the purpose of this work to say how his family acquired their wealth, but at the age of twenty-one...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Vengeance From the PastVengeance From the PastIt started during the program. The little noises were there but I didn't pay any attention to them, and I don't know now whether I thought they were the wind and the rain or maybe some realistic sound effects on tv....
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Meine Reise um die Welt. Erste AbteilungMeine Reise um die Welt. Erste AbteilungAbfahrt. Das Dampfboot, der Kapitn und die Mitreisenden. Der Nutzen bler Gewohnheiten. Geschichten vom Bumerang und auerordentlichem Gedchtnis. General Grant und Samuel Clemens. Eine Geschichte ohne Ende. Honolulu sonst und jetzt. Die Leprakranken auf Molokai. Gedanken beim Passieren...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Trouble Near the SunTrouble Near the SunThe Inner Planet Fleet's spacegoing salvage vessel Cerebus III leaped sidewise as though she was trying desperately to escape from some mythical monster of the spaceways. Inside the instrument filled control room the tiny group of ship's officers, gathered together by...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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8 Million Dollars From Mars!Eight Million Dollars From Mars!His poise was perfect as he crossed the concourse with the highly vaulted ceiling. He moved with purpose but not in haste, his arms swinging freely, eyes straight ahead. At his heels, the squat, robot luggage-carrier dutifully followed the "bone"...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Let Space Be Your CoffinLet Space Be Your CoffinBert thought savagely, I'm going to kill you, Miles Berendt. You've always lorded it over methought you were something extra special when we were kids. Now you've practically taken over the business I helped build. My businessthe best damned space...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Personal Experiences During the Chicago Fire, 1871Personal Experiences During the Chicago Fire, 1871As this is a purely personal narrative, names of other persons with whom the author came in contact from time to time during these experiences have been omitted as of no historical value to readers. On October 8th,...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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And All the Girls Were NudeAnd All the Girls Were NudeThe nature of this old man was such that nobody ever called him Nat, not even his closest working companions in the company's bookkeeping department. As long as any of them had ever known Nathanial Evergood there had never...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.30 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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